Remus Lupin: Summer Love

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This is the right chapter!
I'm sorry! Again!

Summer was finally here and the Marauders had decided to have the craziest summer ever  Well, everyone except Moony because he was busy the whole summer. Exactly what the reason was was a little bit unclear, but the Marauders decided to let him have his privacy.

The rest of the Marauders had decided to spend their summer in Potter's lake house. The Potters had promised that if they make it on their own the boys would be able to have the lake house whenever they wanted to.

James saw this as an opportunity to help Sirius with his family situation. If they made it James would have the key and allow Sirius to live there, so that he can get away from the terrible family. They had been there for four weeks now. Almost every day they would call Moony and have a video chat with him (With the phone James had because he wanted to try some popular Muggle things for different reason *cough* Lily *Cough*)

They had been there for two weeks now and the place was a little bit messy (What else did we expect?), but still good enough. The boys took turns cooking dinner and most of the time they asked Remus how muggle money worked because there was only a muggle store nearby. They begged Remus to come over someday, but he was busy every time. He promised that he would come over one day.

"I'm bored," Sirius complained as he laid on the floor.

"Hi bored I'm James," James replied jokingly.

"Hahaha really funny," Sirius sat up and looked around. "Isn't there anything we can do?"

"We still haven't explored the whole city," Peter suggested.

"We were going to until a certain dog got tired," James pointed out.

"Let's try one more time," Sirius said. "I'll make it. If I'm allowed to be a dog this time. Humans are boring."

"Fine," James sighed. "But I'm not running after you if you decided to chase a cat."

"Yes!" Sirius cheered happily and ran to the door after turning to his animagus form. They walked for a while searching for something interesting. That's when they found a big fancy building.

"That's a mall" Peter squealed. "Remus told me about them. Let's go in!"

"What the heck is a mall suppose to be?" James asked.

"I don't really know. I think Remus said something about stores," Peter replied.

Sirius ran away just to come back in his human form.

"Come on. Let's explore this mall," Sirius said. "If it's something muggles like this is going to piss my mother off."

They walked in and looked around. They went into different stores, mostly candy stores too but typical muggle candy.

"This thing is amazing," Peter said as he ate the caramel popcorn.

"But it doesn't beat this," Sirius said as he ate the potato chips with James.

"Let's see what more they got!" James started to run and the others were after him. After a while, they sat on a bench while resting. That's when James spotted a jewellery shop.

"Just give me a second," James said and went in.

"I bet he's trying to find something to Lily," Sirius laughed.

Peter laughed as he looked at the stores nearby.
"Look there's a book café!"

"Remus would have dragged us in there if he were here," Sirius said.

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