Remus Lupin: Monster

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Y/n and Remus Lupin had been together for a while now. But yesterday you had a fight and today you decided that it was time to talk with him. But you couldn't find him anywhere.

Later that evening you sat at the window in Y/h/h (Your Hogwarts House) common room as the moon shined bright when you suddenly saw James and your brother Sirius Black sneak into the woods. You decided to go after them, hoping that you'd find Remus. So you took your coat and sneaked out.

You went into the woods and walked towards the direction that they headed when you suddenly heard a sound. Thinking that it was your brother and his friends you followed the sound. But suddenly you stopped. You knew that they were just behind the bushes but you got a strange feeling. Something wasn't right.

You sneaked up and looked between the leaves and what you saw there was horrifying. A werewolf who just completed his transformation stood just some meters away from you.

You backed slowly hoping that it wouldn't notice you when you accidentally stepped on a stick. A loud crack was heard in the silent woods and the werewolf turned towards you. Knowing that you wouldn't be able to outrun it you took your wand and prepared a spell.

Suddenly it jumped towards you, trying to attack you. But before you could react a large black dog pushed the werewolf out of your way. You watched the fight trying to figure out a spell that wouldn't hurt the dog. Suddenly it looked up right into your eyes as it begged you to leave.

You took a step back and then turned around to run. But you accidentally ran into someone.

"Y/n?" James said. "What are you doing out here?"

"We have to go in" You said. "There's a werewolf in this woods. Where is the others?"

"They've already walked in" James said as he looked around worried. "We should also go in"

You did and when you were safe enough you sank down on a bench.

"How are you?" James asked.

"I never want to see a werewolf again" You muttered. "I've changed my mind about them. They are horrifying!"

"Not all werewolves" James said.

"Perhaps" You said. "But I never gonna forget this night. Ever"

"Go and get some sleep" James said. "You'll feel better"

You nodded and did as he said. Even if you had hard to sleep and dreamt nightmares about werewolves all night.


The next day your first instinct was to find Remus and talk to him. And you wasn't the only one with that thought because when you saw each other you both said one thing.

"Can we talk?" You said unison.

Remus dragging you away to a more private place and when he had made sure that you were alone you started to talk.

"Remus. I'm so sorry. That fight yesterday was nothing and I.." You started but he interrupted you.

"We can't go on"

"What?" You asked confused.

"Us. This. I can't continue" Remus said.

"Remus please don't break up with me because of an argument" You begged as you felt how the tears started to stick in your eyes.

"It's not only that. It isn't right" Remus said. "We aren't meant to be"

"I beg you Remus" You begged as tears started to roll down your cheeks. "I need you"

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