Lily Evans: Daisies

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Requested by @4ngelkitty

Hope you enjoy it!

(There will be a Part 2, don't worry)


"Oi Evans!"

The voice of James Potter could be heard in the entire great hall. Everyone had expected this, it was the first day of a year after all, and he did this every year. Some people enjoyed it, others didn't, Lily Evans certainly didn't.

For James, it was a big gesture, but everyone soon realised that he wasn't that creative when it comes to romantic stuff. You could literally predict the steps of his plan, it was always the same steps.

1) A love letter of some kind (last years there were butterflies flying out of it).

2) Flowers, everywhere you fucking went you would see flowers. Or more specifically, Lilies. Even if it was beautiful sometimes (the year he made lilies rain from the roof), some people were allergic to the plant.

3) Sweets, Sweets and poems. Usually a ridiculously awful poem (at least that's what you heard) but poems.

4) The last step, Jame declaring his undying love for Lily while playing a cheesy love song. He often just took everyone's attention in the great hall, while standing on the Gryffindor table to hold his speech.

The worst part was that Lily seemed to have gotten used to it, or even started to enjoy it. It was not the same glares, as usual, it was not the same cursing under her breath and glaring at the boy with the messy hair. Instead, her eyes softened and you could see the smile play on her lips, a smile she actively tried to hide.

You could feel Dorcas nudge you from out of nowhere, taking your attention to the ginger girl and the dark-haired boy. Dorcas' eyes reflected her pity for you, and she was the only one to understand me because she was in the same situation.

You gave her a sad smile before returning back to my food, only throwing small glances at the Gryffindor table whenever you heard her laugh. Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon, those two would be the death of me and Dorcas.

As usual, Lily Evans rejected him, but James was so used to it by now that he just laughed and shrugged it off.

Class starts tomorrow so you had the entire day off with Dorcas. You headed to the Black lake to enjoy the late September sun. People around you were laughing and talking, but you and Dorcas just sat on the grass and made flower crowns out of Daisies.

"Mind if we join?" A voice said behind you.

You turned around to see a trio with Lily, Marlene and Mary. You could feel your heart beat faster and see in the corner of your eyes how Dorcas steadier herself a little. You almost forgot to answer their questions, but somehow managed to blurt out a yes.

They all joined you, and for some reason, Lily took the spot next to you. Even if it had been summer, Lily's skin was as fair as usual. The small freckles on her face and her intense green eyes seemed more being than ever and you couldn't help but shiver when her eyes suddenly met yours and a smile grew on her face.

"Can I braid flowers into your hair?" You suddenly said out loud, without even thinking first.

But it only seemed to brighten Lily's mood, because she squealed and gladly accepted before taking the place in front of you so that you could start doing her hair.

"How have your summer been Y/n?" Lily asked you, trying to start a conversation while you worked.

"It's been good," You answered as you placed the first flower in her red hair. "Just a little bit of exploring and a lot of sleeping."

Lily giggled as a response.

"So what did you explore?" You could hear the curiosity in her voice, almost as if she really wanted a conversation with you. But she was probably just interested in nature.

"Some forests and beaches nearby," You allowed yourself to smile at the memories of the places. "I found this beautiful waterfall in the woods, quite hidden to be honest but it was the search was worth it. Green trees were surrounding the area and there was a grass field where you could have a picnic while listening to the sound of the waterfall or swimming in the clear blue lake."

When you stopped talking you realised that this must be the most boring thing Lily had heard. Who would want to listen to anyone describing a little place in the forest?

"It sounds wonderful," Lily said in a dreamy voice. "You have to take me there someday."

"Of course," You responded. "Just tell me when."

"As soon as possible," Lily laughed. "Before the autumn greets us with its cold winds."

You didn't say anything to that. You just smiled and continued braiding flowers into her hair. After that, you asked her about her summer and she sat there and talked like the most adorable person ever. She seemed so happy as she told you about her favourite summer memories.

"Done!" You said as you placed the last flower in.

"Thank you!" She said as she faced you.

"You haven't even seen them yet," You laughed at her excitement.

"Doesn't matter," She smiled. "You've done it so I believe that it's perfect."

You laughed again.

"Well not yet," You said as you suddenly stood up.

You hadn't realised how close to her you'd been, but you could not back down now. Instead, you took the flower crown you's created earlier and placed it on her head. You might have remained there a half-second longer than necessary before taking a step back to inspect her. You swore that your heart stopped beating when you saw her. Even if you were extremely proud of her hair and the crown, but you couldn't help but think that she didn't need any of them, she just needed to be Lily, and it was enough to take your breathe away.

"Now it's perfect," You said with a smile trying to hide the obvious pain you felt, knowing that she would never be yours.

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