Sirius Black: Toxic Desire Part 3

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The Slytherin party was wild, it was everything, which was also expected by the ambitious house, they had really overdone themselves. Everyone was celebrating the Quidditch players, so Regulus was in the middle of the attention, but you noticed that his attention wasn't fully on the crowd. No, the second you had stepped in, his eyes automatically seemed to search you while scanning the room.

There were mainly Slytherins in the room, but you saw a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs as well, and a Gryffindor here and there was spotted amongst the crowd, at least more Gryffindors than Slytherins at a Gryffindor party.

The room already smelled of sweat and alcohol,  there was a table in the corner with liquids for people, and while you lost Regulus in the crowd, you headed for that table and poured yourself a drink.

"Alcohol free?" A voice behind you said and you turned to meet the familiar face of the younger Black sibling and then looked at the drink in your hand.

"I don't know which is and which isn't," You had to shout over the crowd.  "But this one had a pretty colour."

"It tastes good as well," Regulus said. "I'm gonna give the credit to some Slytherins for really knowing how to make a drink."

You chuckled and took a sip, and he was absolutely right, the sweet taste spread in your mouth and you immediately took another sip just for the sweetness.

"So how does it feel, oh great quidditch champion Regulus?" You asked him and a beautiful smile appeared on his face, while his eyes glistered with something similar to happiness.

"Like I wish that our first date wasn't in a party where we barely can talk to each other," Regulus grinned.

"Date?" You saw his grin falter when you questioned the statement.

"Oh, I, I thought, back there," He stuttered embarrassed and you saw the red creep up on his checks while he avoided your eyes.

"No, no," You interrupted him and felt how your hand brushed over his. "I like the sound of that, being on a date with you."

Relief flashed before his eyes and his beautiful smile returned to his lips, making your heart melt as you saw the sparkle in his eyes.

"But I have to agree, this is an awful date if we're going to talk like this," You teased and he nudged you on the side.

"We could sneak out," Regulus suggested. "Get some fresh air and a break from all the noise."

"Regulus Black!" You exclaimed in horror. "This is a party to celebrate you and your teammates, and you're bailing? Don't you think they would notice?"

He chuckled and you continued.

"Besides, it is past curfew, we are definitely going to break some rules sneaking out," You pointed out.

"My mates can manage themselves, and when it comes to that curfew, I know some passages that is never guarded and the route that Filch has." Regulus shrugged.

"Oh dear, I am dating a criminal," You gasped dramatically and Regulus rolled his eyes, but his smile was as wide as ever. "My life choices is going to be the death of me someday."

"You know that it was just a suggestion, right?" Regulus raised his brow but you had already taken his hand and started dragging him towards the exit.

"You are such a bad influence, Regulus," You shouted over your shoulder as you pushed past the crowd, not letting go of his hand. "I can't believe you are forcing me to do this!"

You could hear his laughter behind you and it sent shivers down you spine. The short walk towards the exit took a little longer than usual, people on the way would congratulate Regulus and tell him how great he was, and he would show his appreciation.

Once your were on the other side of the door, and the opening to Slytherin closed behind you, silence rang in your ears. It was such as relief, to be able to hear yourself breathing again and Regulus seemed to be thinking the same.

"You look lovely by the way," Regulus said a little to loud, but you were both adjusting to the silence.

"Why thank you," You said as you studied him.

His hair and clothes were a mess from all the hugs and congratulations, and the warmth from the room had made him sweaty. You thought of how much this sight reminded you of Sirius Black, but at the same time it didn't, because Regulus somehow still managed to look as elegant as his name.

"Done staring?" Regulus chuckled and a blush crept up on your face.

"Let's go," You said hurriedly. "We should be moving."

Regulus took the lead, without letting go of your hand for the same reason you hadn't let go of his. You both sneaked through the castle, and was almost caught by a ghost, only Regulus knowledge of a secret way saved you both. Small giggles escaped your mouth as he pressed you against the wall, still carefully looking out for Nearly Headless Nick.

"Why are you giggling?" Regulus whispered quietly.

"Your ears are read," You pointed out and watched as they became even redder. "It's becoming worse."

It came out as a quiet squeal and Regulus eyes narrowed.

"Laughing at me are we?" A smirk appeared on his face and your giggling got stuck in your throat when he moved his lips close to your ears. "But now you're just as red."

You opened your mouth to speak, but said nothing. Not until the teasing glimpse in his disappeared and soften, while his smirk turned into the most beautiful smile.

"I do not understand how Sirius does that with a straight face," Regulus chuckled slightly and looked at you. "But your reaction was indeed priceless."

"Hmph," You sighed frustrated.

"What is it now?" Sweet Regulus raise a brow in concern.

"I preferred it when you were the flustered one, Mr Black," You answered and your heart skipped a beat when he laughed again.

"Nah, you are way prettier with your cheeks red," He teased and you nudged his side slightly.

You both stayed like that, close to each other, bodies pressed even when you both knew that the ghost was long gone. You just stayed like that, staring into each other's eyes, waiting for something to happen.

Perhaps you eyes were deceiving you, but it seemed like he leaned in, Regulus Black leaned in just for a moment, but then waited for your consent, searching for any possible sign that you were uncomfortable, but you weren't, you just wanted to close the little gap between you, and you were about to, when Regulus suddenly jerked away and something grabbed your hand and started dragging you away.

You just managed to see Regulus surprised face as he lay on the floor and watched you disappear. It took you some time before you realised what you had to do and pulled away your hand from the person running. You saw nobody at first, but then, as if a blanket had slid of a ghost, the guilty one appeared.

"What the f*ck?" You exclaimed in surprise and anger.

"That's not how you thank your life saviour," Sirius replied with a smirk.

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