James Potter: Childhood Friend Part Two

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How did Childhood friend that started to hate each other get friends again?

Don't ask Y/n because she doesn't have a damn clue. James just changed his behaviour and poof, he was automatically better. It started off small, smiles in the hallway that soon became greetings. No one would understand why James Potter suddenly started to greet a gang of Slytherins.

But he did and at first, your group was suspicious, they suspected a prank. When nothing happened they came up with theories of why James was doing that, maybe he got caught bullying people and had to be nice or he would get expelled. The theories were wild and not even logical. After a while, they got used to it. Some, which were You and Narcissa, greeted them back while others, like your brother, just nodded or ignored him.

People all around Hogwarts was confused, what the heck happened to the leader of the Marauder? Sirius wondered that the most. James even stopped bullying Slytherins, it was a promise he made to you last time you talked.

Today you had potions, a class you had with the Gryffindor and with them James Potter.

"Today," Slughorn said. "You are going to work in pairs and since I feel a little bit dangerous today it has to be a Slytherin with a Gryffindor."

A lot of complains were heard all through the classroom.

"Hey Prongs. Let's refu..." When Sirius turned around he saw that James was already gone. He was standing by your table, asking you to be his partner. He turned to Remus and begged him for an explanation.

Remus just shrugged and went up to Narcissa, he had heard that she was a great witch and thought that it was better to pair up with a good Slytherin while they were still free.

"Good day," James greeted. "Would you do me the honour to be my partner?"

"I would love to," You replied. "Only if you don't judge my potions skills."

James laughed.

"No promises," He said.

Mr Slughorn went up to them and gave them a paper with ingredients but there was no name of the potion.

"Why is there no name, Professor?" You asked.

"You are going to figure it out when you're done," Slughorn said. "You've all been given different potions so no cheating."

You groaned as Slughorn walked away. You could hear James chuckle in the background.

"Come on now snake," James teased. "Let's figure out what this is."

You started working. You nearly destroyed everything by reading the instructions wrong but James saved you and made sure that you did it right. He was kind and helpful, as the James you remembered him being when you were younger.

"I think we're done," James said.

You looked at the potion. It smelled lovely. You recognised the familiar scent of your home and your favourite flowers. It changed to your favourite season and then a familiar scent of cinnamon.

"Amortiea," You said. "The love potion."

"Correct," Slughorn said as he walked by. "Tell me Ms Y/l/n. What do you smell?"

"My home, my favourite flower and a slight bit of cinnamon," You answered.

"Indeed interesting," Slughorn said. "Good job. It's a fine potion you've made."

Then he walked away when you turned to James. His eyes were somewhere else. You followed the look and saw that he was staring at the mudblood Lily Evans.

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