Joshua and Desiree Say Goodbye

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It was just a regular Saturday at the house, Nicole and Jessica were in the room listening to music, Katrina was outside playing basketball with the boys. Today five months ago is when Desiree found out she was pregnant. Desiree was in the living room and Josh was with the boys. Desiree went upstairs to get something then went back downstairs but trips and falls down the stairs. Nicole and Jessica had the music loud but once they heard a crash, they looked at each other and ran out of the room to check. They found Desiree knocked out on the floor. They acted quickly. Jessica ran to Desiree and Nicole ran outside to grab Josh. Nicole went up to him and whispers in his ear "Come with me" They ran inside. Once he saw Desiree, he fell on his knees. "Desiree, Desiree, Desiree! Wake up! " Josh says. Jessica says "The ambulance is on the way."

"Nicole, go get Destiny. You guys are going with me and Jess to the hospital." Josh told Nicole as he walked outside. Nicole walked up to Destiny and said "Des, Desiree fell down and got knocked out. Josh wants you to go with us to the hospital." She ignores the weird looks from the others and went with Nicole. The ambulance took Desiree, while Josh, Jessica, Destiny, and Nicole are in the car following them. They were in the waiting room. Josh had his head in his elbows and Jessica rubbing his back. Destiny was thinking and hoping that Natalie and the baby were ok. Nicole was shaking her leg and she was on the point to cry. "Why haven't they said anything?" Jessica asked. "Family of Desiree Delgado?" A doctor said as he walked in. Josh stood up. "How's my wife and baby?" He asked. "Your wife sustained minor head injuries, but the baby didn't survive."

Both Josh and Destiny's heart stopped. "What?" Destiny said with tears in her eyes. "Yes," said the doctor. "May we see her?" Destiny asked. "Yes," said the doctor. Destiny ran and the other three after her. Destiny ran and hugged Desiree. "I'm so sorry Desi..... It's going to be ok."

"How can you say that?" Desiree said. Josh went to hug and cry with Desiree. "We lost the baby," said Desiree. "I know," Josh said. "It's all my fault" Desiree cried. "No, it's not," Josh said rubbing her back. "Yes it is, I should've been more careful."

"Are you going to alright?" Asked Jessica putting her hand on his shoulder. "I don't know Jess, I don't know." Said Josh. " It will be." Said Nicole. A nurse came into the room. "Hi, we have found out the gender of the baby. Do you want to know?" Asked the nurse. Josh and Desiree nodded. "It was a girl." Said the nurse. "Would you like to name her?" The nurse asked. "Desi?" Josh said. Desiree was thinking then looked at Nicole then whispered in Josh's ear. He smiled. "Nicole," he said. Nicole looked up and says "Yes"

"Desi and I were talking and we want you to pick the baby's name," Josh said. "What? Really?" Said Nicole. Desiree nodded. "How about Natasha Danielle Delgado." Said Nicole. "Perfect," said Josh. "Thank you," said the nurse as she walked out. "Can we have a few moments with Nikki?" Desiree asked. Jessica and Destiny nodded then left. Nicole sat between Josh and  Desiree and asked: "Why me?"

"Nikki, you're such a sweet girl, and you accepted me like a sister since we met." Said Desiree. The three hugged.

They walk back into the room. "Jess," Josh says. "Yes," Jessica says. "Thanks for helping me," Said Desiree as she squeezes Jessica's hand. "Anything for family," Said Jessica. "Now what?" Destiny asked. "We should probably call home and our parents." Said Josh. Nicole went to call Carlos, Destiny called Stephanie and Jessica called home. Nicole and Carlos:

C- How's Desiree?

N- She's ok, but she lost the baby

Destiny and Stephanie:

S- How's Josh and Desi?

D- They are fine, but Desiree lost the baby.

Jessica and the rest:

Jon- What happened? Are they ok?

Jess- They are fine, but Desiree lost the baby.

They sign the papers to release Desiree and they went to Josh's house. Jessica and Josh helped Desiree up the stairs. Desiree fell asleep.

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