Girls Go Bad Part 1

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It's Saturday morning, Jessica tells Stephanie. "Mom, I'm going to be with Joseph today so I won't be back until later." Stephanie said, "Alright honey, just be careful."

The doorbell rings Destiny gets the door and it was Joe. Destiny says ''Jess, Joe's here!!'' Jess comes downstairs. Destiny says "Have fun" They left.

Meanwhile at Joe's House.......

It's 4:30 and Jessica wakes up next to Joe. "Joe, wake up!" Joe wakes up "What's wrong?"

"Joe did we, you know?" Joe looks at her and says "Yeah why?"

"Did you use protection?"

"Of course, I did. Now go get ready, I told your parents you'll be home for dinner."

Jessica gets home and Stephanie notices different from Jess while eating dinner. After everyone went to their bedrooms and Carlos came home. "Jessica come downstairs we need talk!!!" said Stephanie. Jessica goes downstairs and nervous "What's wrong?" Stephanie looks at her and says "You said you and Joseph were going out, not that you were going to his house until the wedding! Go upstairs and this better not happen again." As Jessica walks up the stairs she thinks 'Thank God she doesn't know what happened' Nicole walks in and asked: "What was that all about?" Jessica says "For being at Joe's house." Jessica starts crying. "What's wrong?" Nicole asked. "We did it." Whispered Jessica. "What?" Whispered Nicole.

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