Mom And Dad's Vacation

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Stephanie looked at Carlos in the eye and said: "Carlos, I want a vacation"

"What? Why?"

"All the kids are growing up and we're still young." Carlos sighs and says "I was going to save this for your birthday but why don't we go to Mexico."

"Ok, thank you very much." Said Stephanie. "Do we need to tell the kids?" Asked Carlos." Yes, but not the reason why we're going." Said Stephanie." Ok" said Carlos. Carlos calls Josh to come over. Josh comes in "What's up?" Carlos says "Bring everyone down to the living room, family meeting."

"Ok," Five minutes later all of the kids are in the living room. "Ok guys" Carlos starts "Your mother and I have decided to take a small vacation."

"Why?" Asked Alex. "Because we need to relax and want to have alone time." Said Stephanie. "Ok, so we have to spill where you are staying, Jessica, Katherine, Katrina, and Alex are going to stay at Josh's house. Nicole, Destiny, Nathan, and Jonathan stay home and Dan's in charge." Said Carlos. "Do you have to go?" Stephanie hugged her and said, "Don't worry, it will only 10 days."

"Ok, everyone meetings over, back to bed." Stephanie and Carlos get up at 3 are to go to the airport, Dan drops them off. "Alright, see you later son." Said, dad. "Bye honey, remember Nikki and Jess are still grounded, so don't let them think that they're free." Said, mom. "Ok mom, I will tell Josh that since he has Jess in his house, I only have Nikki." Said Dan. Stephanie and Carlos a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The whole plane ride, Stephanie gets worried about the kids."Are you sure the kids are OK." Carlos kisses her and says "They're OK and stop worrying, we're on vacation remember?"

"Ok, Hopefully, Josh and Dan have it under control." Said Carlos. They sign into the hotel when they got to the room, they saw candles. "Ready?" Said Carlos and Stephanie nods. They made the night special "I love you" said Stephanie. "I love you too." Said Carlos. They took a shower and went to sleep. Back at the house, everything is going well.

Back at home, Destiny cooks lunch and gets a call from Stephanie.


S-Hi, is everything ok at the house?

D-Yes Mami, everything is ok at home

S- Ok we'll be home in two days, ok?

D-Ok mom, bye

Destiny and Nicole set the table. Everyone eats "Mom called," said Destiny. "What she says?" Asked Jon. "If everything is ok and that she will be back home in 2 days." Said Destiny. They finished eating and went to do their own thing. Meanwhile, at Josh's house, Jess is helping Desiree cook while the boys set the table."When's mom and dad getting home?" asked Josh.

"Two more days."

"Ok," said Katherine. They ate dinner and cleaned up. They went to do their own things. Two days later, Stephanie and Carlos came back, everyone was at home, they were busy talking in the living room.

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