Daniel and Nicole's Accident

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Nicole checked her Twitter, she sees something that she can't believe. She sees the video of Dan and what he did last night, he was drunk and having a bit 'too much fun'. Nicole whispers "What?" Right there Dan passes by her. "Hey, Nikki, what's up?" She turns around and looks at Dan. "What were you thinking?!"

"What are you talking about?" She shows him the video. "I can explain!" said Dan. "Yeah to mom, dad," said Nicole. "No you wouldn't", said Dan. "You were! You have to tell them."

"Dan?" said Katherine as she walked into the room. "Kat, don't tell anyone." Dan goes downstairs. In the kitchen, Stephanie was cooking. Dan fake smiles to keep cool, Nicole walks in the kitchen. "I have something to say," said Nicole. "What?" asked Stephanie. "Sorry, but Dan got drunk and had a bit of too much fun," said Nicole. Dan looks so pist at Nicole. He grabs her by the arm and takes her to his room. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL! What you do, you talked!!" yelled Dan. Nicole starts to have tears. "Oh, don't you cry, it's your fault. Next time listen to your older brother," said Dan as he smacks her in the face, right there, Nicole got dizzy and the room was spinning for her.

She started having a seizure, Dan freaks out, so he shuts the door and locks it. She stopped seizing and she fell asleep after that. Dan has a nervous look on his face. "Daniel, get down here," Stephanie calls him to the kitchen. He sits down in front of her. "Are you serious?"

"Look, mom, I was drunk, ok." "That makes it even worse! You know you can't handle alcohol."

"I know and I'm sorry," said Dan. "We can't do much with you. No motorcycle and curfew before 12 are rare," said Carlos. "Whatever" He goes upstairs to see how Nicole is. She's passed out on his bed, so he makes it look like she fell asleep. Jessica walks in on him. "What are you doing?"

"Oh uh, I was fixing the blanket, it fell off." Jessica refused, comes in and shuts the door. "No! You tell me what you did to our sister," said Jessica. "Ugh, fine, I smacked her and she got a seizure and please don't tell anyone," said Dan. "What the hell! Why did you do that?!"

"She told mom about what happened at the party we went to yesterday." Jessica looks confused. "What are you talking about?" Dan sighs. "I got drunk and something else." Jessica smacks her forehead. "Dude, you know what you get when your drunk," said Jessica. "Said I was sorry," said Dan. "Now, go, I'll take care of Nicole," said Jessica. Dan leaves, a few minutes later, Nicole wakes up. "You had a seizure, are you ok?" Nicole sits up. "Don't feel well, I swear I'm not going to talk to him ever again."

He gets home, Nicole is sitting on the couch. Dan tries to talk to her but she says "Don't even talk to me." said Nicole. Dan goes upstairs to his room. "Why am I stupid," said Dan and cries himself to sleep. Nicole, on the other hand, got up and went to the bathroom to throw up. "Can't believe my own brother did this to me," said Nicole cleaning a tear off her face. She went back to bed and slept. The next morning, it was quiet between Dan and Nicole. "Nikki, are you feeling ok, you don't look so good at all," Stephanie said while she drank her coffee. "Not really, I kind of had a seizure yesterday, and I'm not feeling good."

"Oh my god, why didn't you tell me?"

"I did not want to go to the hospital," said Nicole as she starts coughing. "Did anyone see you?" Nicole looks at Dan then shakes her head. "Ok, get dressed, I'm taking you to the hospital, you don't look good at all." Everyone gets up from the table. Katrina says "I'm going with you guys" Stephanie forced Dan to go with them since he didn't want to. At the hospital, Nicole is in a room waiting for the doctor, Dan is out walking around the hospital and Nicole is pist. "I don't want to be here." The doctor walks in. "She is perfectly fine, she just has a fever."

"So can I go home?"

"Yes, just get plenty of rest." Dan comes in the room and they get home, "Nikki, want a small snack?" Asked Jon. Nicole nods, right there Desiree comes in. "I heard what happened. Where is he?" Nicole points to the stairs. "Thank you," said Desiree running upstairs. Josh sits next to Nicole. "How are you feeling?" Asked Josh. "Horrible," said, Nicole. Desiree enters Dan's room, "I thought you stopped drinking." Dan takes off his earphones. "Heard?" She nodded. "And saw. What were you thinking?"

"I don't know."

"Lucky I'm not killing you." Said Desiree. Josh and Desiree leave at around 9. As soon they left, Stephanie tells Nicole to go to sleep.

It was Friday,

"I'm going to cut down on alcohol." Everyone is happy. After, Dan sees that Nikki is not in the living room anymore. So he went for a search, he found her on the patio looking at the stars. "Hey, sis, I'm sorry" Dan gives her a tight hug. It took a few seconds for Nicole to hug him back. "I'm really sorry."

"I forgive you" He gives her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you," said Dan. "I love you too." Said Nicole. Jessica passed by then stopped to see this scene. "Awww, you two made up," She said as she hugged them.

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