A New Brother Part 2

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As Kevin was downstairs with Jonathan. Nathan and Alex were in their rooms emptying out the storage closet they had in the rooms.

"Kevin is going to have one of the closets and beds." Says Nathan.

Alex in His room

"Since we got rid of Daniel's bed, but there are some things." Says Alex looking in the closet.

"There, I'm done, but what bed comforter should I give him." Says Nathan.

"Look at this one," says Nathan pulling out a cover with a New York Yankees Logo. "Nice," says Jessica walking in. "Ok, go get Kevin," says Nathan.

Jessica runs downstairs to get Kevin, "Kevin, come with me, we have a surprise for you." Says Jessica. "Already?" Says Kevin. They run upstairs with Stephanie behind them and go to Nathan's room. "I already made your bed." Says Nathan as they enter the room.

"Your bed is across from mine in that corner and closet next to it." Says Nathan pointing to the bed

"Thank you." Says Kevin.

"Wow, it's nice what you are doing for him already." Says Stephanie.

"Thanks, mom," says Stephanie and she leaves.

"So, what are we going to do tomorrow?" Asked her.

"We're going shopping to full up your closet." Says Nathan.

Next-Day Sunday

Destiny arrived home. They wake up to breakfast that Stephanie cooked and she asked everyone "So what you are guys doing today?"

"We're going shopping with the whole crew."

Daniel gets there "Hey guys" Everyone leave.

Stephanie and Caleb stayed inside the house.

At the mall

Jessica bumps into Emma. "Ugh, it's you." Said Emma. "I saw your picture of the new bro, good thing that he doesn't look like you."

Jessica tries to go up to her but Jonathan holds her back. "Whatever," Jessica says and walks away. They went to Macy. They bought Kevin outfits and shoes.

After the mall

"Alright let's go play some FOOTBALL!!!" Yelled Jonathan. They split into teams

Team 1

Team 2

They play for three hours. Stephanie goes outside "Guys, I made lunch." They go inside and eat. They make a mess, but they cleaned it up. They played video games.

They are joking around and laughing. They are having a great time together.
"It was a lot of fun."

The boys go to the kitchen and Daniel asked "Bro, you had fun today?" Looking at Kevin.

Kevin looks at Nicole shy and Nicole says "Don't be shy."

"Yeah, I did." Says Kevin.

Next-Day Monday

The girls wake up and eat breakfast.
"What are we doing today?" Asked Kevin as he walked in.

"Today, we are going to Josh's house and you are going to meet Caleb, our nephew." Says Nicole.

Nicole and Kevin got into Nicole's car and drove to Josh's house. "This is where they live?" Asked Kevin. "Yup," says Nicole. "Wow," say, Kevin. They got out of the car.

They got to the door before they even knock on the door, Josh opens it. "Hey guys," He says.

"Hey," says both Kevin and Nicole.

"Come on in, Caleb is in the living room with Desiree." Says Josh.

They walk in the living room and Kevin sees Caleb and says "He is cute."

"Alright, we got to go. We have classes to attend and work after. Bye." Says Desiree getting up and grabbing her backpack then hugging her in-laws.

"Caleb is with his aunt and uncle, so I have him in good hands." Says Desiree grabbing her backpack and leaving.

Later the week Friday

Kevin has officially become a Delgado and he has learned a lot about his siblings, but there is still more to come.

The end

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Thank you for reading, this will be the last chapter of the book. I enjoy writing it ❤😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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