Family Reunion with a run away

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Uncle Rick, Uncle Tony and the rest haven't seen the Delgado Family since Josh's wedding. Stephanie saw her sister and gave her a hug. "Rosa! I haven't seen you guys for a while!" Stephanie said laughing." Hey, Steph, how are you?" Rosa asked her older sister. "I'm great, thanks for coming, now, come the reunion is in the backyard." Said Stephanie. "Once you called and said you wanted to do a family reunion, we couldn't resist." Said Aunt Angie giving Stephanie a hug. They all went to the backyard. Once they got there, it was all hugs.

Everyone was having a good time. "Hey Carlos, want to have a basketball challenge?" Asked Uncle Rick. "Oh, you're on, but we need two other people. Jonathan, Nathan come here," said Carlos. Nathan was with dad and Jonathan with Uncle Rick. Two rounds went by, Uncle Rick won. "Oh well, your next time," said Carlos. "Food!!" yelled Aunt Rosa. They ran to the table to eat.

Stephanie sends Dan, Jess, and Nicole. "Hey, can I go with you guys?" asked Katrina. "Yeah," said Jess. "Can I come too?" asked Josh and Dan nod. Dan goes to the driver's seat. Josh gets in the front passenger seat. Katrina behind Josh, Jess in the middle and Nicole behind Dan. They were driving perfectly fine until a car out of control came close at the crossing "Lookout" shouted Jessica. Dan turned to see the car coming close. He quickly turned the car to try to miss but the car crashed into them. Dan was afraid to open his eyes. He could feel the pain in his head. He heard screaming. He could tell it was Jess. He opened his eyes to see the window screen smashed. He turned to see Josh knocked out. He turned to the back of the car, he saw Jess crying, Nicole was awake and moaning of pain and Katrina was knocked out and her nose was bleeding. "Girls, calm down, take a deep breath," Dan said as he reached out and held both girl's hands in one of his. The ambulance came to get them. They've been gone for 20 minutes, and the store was 10 minutes' drive away. Stephanie was worried then she got a call.

S- Hello?

Dr- Yes, is this the mother of Daniel, Joshua, Jessica, Katrina and Nicole Delgado?

S- Yes, why?

Dr.- I'm sorry but they have been in a car crash.

Stephanie hung up and started crying. "They were in a car crash!" Meanwhile at the hospital. "Are they going to be OK?" Ask Jessica. "We don't know sweetie, they might be in a coma." Answered the doctor. "Let me see your ankle." The doctor said as she looked at Jessica's ankle. "Do you think it's broken?" Jess asked nervously. "I don't know," Doctor said back. "It's a little swollen." At the house, everyone went crazy trying to figure out a way to get to the hospital. Everyone got in the cars. On the way to the hospital, Stephanie was crying. "Everything is going to be OK honey," Carlos said as he held her hand. They arrived and the doctor came out. "Well, we have good news and bad news." Said the doctor. "What's the bad news?" Asked dad. "That Joshua and Katrina are in a coma and we don't know when they will wake up."

"The good news?" Mom asked. "Good news is Jessica, Daniel and Nicole are awake, nothing broken." Said the doctor. Stephanie and Carlos went to the room. "Oh my, I'm glad you guys are OK." Said Stephanie. Nicole and Jessica nodded. Dan was just looking off the distance, says "It's my fault."

"What? It's not your fault."

"Yes, it is bad. If I would've turned in time, we wouldn't be here."

"It's not your fault, it's the fault of that drunk driver." Carlos leaves. Dan starts crying, Jessica and Nicole get up and hug him. The next day, Jonathan picked them up from the hospital. Dan takes the seat next to the driver. He looks to the distance, Jon touches his shoulder. "It's going to be OK," said Jon. They got home, greeted by everybody, they ate. Dan was very quiet, he couldn't talk. the whole day went by. Everyone goes to sleep at around 10 pm, but Dan stays up to do things before he runs away. He sits on his bed and starts thinking about who would be affected by this. His parents and his siblings but more to his sisters Jessica and Nicole. He wanted to run away because he caused too much danger to anyone. He doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore. Dan grabs a backpack, puts his black hoodie on and grabs snacks and water to put in his backpack. He goes to the girl's room quietly. He goes to Nicole first, sits next to her sleeping form and puts a letter on her nightstand. He keeps looking at Nicole and touches her bangs. She moved a little and tried to wake up, but Dan says "No, no, no stay asleep." Kisses her forehead and goes to Jess. Puts her letter on her nightstand, takes off his gold chain and puts around her neck. Kisses her forehead then to the boy's rooms. The last letter to Jonathan. He looks at each one of his little brothers.

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