Nathan's And Destiny's High School Graduation

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It was Tuesday morning, everyone was getting ready for school. "You graduate today," Nicole says to Destiny and Nathan. Nicole, Katherine, Alex, and Katrina left for school and Destiny and Nathan left to city hall for graduation practice. When they get there, some of the girls were giving Destiny dirty looks, but she just smiled because she knew she finally made it with her brother. Nathan was greeted by all his friends and so was Destiny. The people in charge were making sure everyone was in the right place with their partners. Destiny whispers to Nate that she can't wait, he smiles and says "I know" They grabbed the tickets for the whole family and went home since graduation started at 6 pm and it was only 10 am. Stephanie was doing Destiny's hair in the girl's room. "I can't believe it, my daughter and son are graduating already." 

"Aww, thanks." Destiny had on a simple navy blue dress with a black belt and black wedges. Nathan had on a white shirt with a blue tie and black dress pants. They put on their black cap and gown. They took a couple of pictures. "Look at mama, is she pretty." Jessica hugs Nathan and Destiny and says "Can't believe, you two are graduating." With that, they left in separate cars. Carlos, Stephanie, Nathan, Katrina, Jordyn, and Destiny in the first one. The second one was Josh, Desiree, Dustin, Alex, Katherine. The third one was Dan, Jessica, Nicole, Natalie, and Jon. They arrived at the city hall. After calling lots of people, they called Destiny. She got up and the family cheered and took pictures then after a few more people, they called Nathan, again the family cheered and took pictures. After the ceremony "Congratulations the Brooklyn High graduates of 2014." Everyone cheered. Once everyone was outside, Destiny and Nathan hugged their friends for one last time, they took pictures too. They got home to see mom prepared a late-night dinner for them with all of their favorites. "Well Nathan, we finally made it," Destiny said as she hugged Nathan. "It's going to feel weird not seeing seniors around the school." Said Nicole. There were 2 weeks left of school. Destiny says "It's going to be weird not being at school with you guys." 

"Yup," said Alex.

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