Joshua's and Desiree's wedding

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As weeks passed, Josh wanted nothing but to marry Desiree, so he proposed after the accident and wedding plans were fast. Josh was quick on something though, he and Desiree were going to live in New Jersey after the honeymoon.

Wedding day

It's Friday morning and everyone is busy, the girls are doing their hair and Carlos is helping the boys getting ready. The doorbell rings, "Who would that be?" asked Carlos opening the door. He gets a surprise when he sees his brother Tony and his brother-in-law, Rick.

"Hola," said Tony. "Hi my goodness, I haven't seen you, people, in years, come in. Everybody comes downstairs!!"

"Do you remember the kid's names?"
"Daniel, Joshua, Jonathan, Nathan, Jessica, Destiny, Nicole, and Alex." He mistakes Josh and Dan. "I'm Josh. That's Dan," said Josh. "Man!!" said Rick. Aunt Rosa sees Katrina and Katherine. "Goodness, I haven't seen you." Stephanie says "They're the new addition to the family Katrina and Katherine." Carmen screams "Jessica!!" Jessica yells "Carmen!!" They hugged. "I missed you so much!!" said Carmen. "Me too!!" said Jessica. "Crazy funky junky hat song," said Carmen. Nicole says "It's going to be like this all weekend." Aunt Angie goes to the girls and gives them a hug. "You guys have grown up so much."

"Before I forget, everyone this is Emily and she is 7 years old," said Aunt Rosa. "Hi," said Emily. "Hi Emily nice to meet you," said Jessica and Josh grabs an idea and calls Desiree.

D- Hey what's up?

J- Remember how you wanted a flower girl?

D- Yeah why?

J- My aunts came with their families. My little cousin Emily.

D- That's great. I'll see you in a few.

Everyone is getting ready, the girls have light blue dresses with silver flats. Their hair was in curls. Jess, Katherine, and Nicole had a blue flower. Destiny, Katrina, and Jordyn had a white flower. Emily had a white simple dress and a white flower headband. The wedding begins everyone walks down the aisle while 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift plays. It's a beautiful day at the beach and when Emily gets to the front 'A thousand years' by Christina Perri starts playing and Desiree starts to walk down the aisle. Josh is amazed at how beautiful she looks. Desiree had a simple yet elegant dress,  she had a small tiara on her head. Carmen started taking pictures and Josh was about to cry but he calmed down. He took her hand once she got there. They smiled at each other and the priest started "Dear friends and family we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Joshua David Delgado and Desiree Santana." Stephanie and Mrs. Santana start to cry. The priest finally says "You may now kiss the bride." Josh and Desiree kiss. 'A thousand years' starts playing again and everyone walks back down the aisle. Carmen took pictures of everyone on the beach. After that Stephanie went up to Josh and says "Mi Bebe (My baby) got married." Pitching his cheeks. "Ok mom stop," said Josh. "Sorry," said Stephanie. Everyone went to wet their feet in the ocean then came food and cake and Desiree kisses him. They cut the cake and the best man says some words, "Desiree, you've got quite the husband here. Josh takes good care of my sister." They laughed and hugged him. It was time for them to leave for the airport. They said their goodbyes and went in the limo. As the limo leaves, Desiree laughs and says "I can't wait to be in Hawaii."

"Me either." The family is at the beach for another 3 hours then they got home. Dan enters his room smiling to himself. "Finally, he is out of the house." As he laid on the bed. Josh and Desiree just got to the hotel and Josh turns to Desiree and says "Do you want to go down to the beach or stay up here?" Desiree says "Stay here, finally, we are married and I love you."

"Love you too," said Josh. Then they go to "sleep." The next morning Josh wakes up and sees Desiree next to him. "Good morning beautiful." He kisses the top of her head. "Good morning my love." They go down to the beach for breakfast.

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