A New Brother

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"Honey, a new year." Says Stephanie to Carlos. "Yes, my love." Says Carlos kissing Stephanie.

"I have a gift for you." Says Stephanie getting out of bed. "Is it breakfast?" Asked Carlos. "No, something even better." Says Stephanie giving him a bunch of papers.

Carlos looks at the papers and says "Stephanie, these are adoption papers."

"I know," says Stephanie.

"Another baby?" Asked Carlos

"Not exactly, another son. I was looking at him for months now, he's 17 and Hispanic. he has a similar story like Josh and Dan's. Both parents abandon him at a young age and think about it, a chance to give him love before he turns 18." Says Stephanie.

"I don't know about it." Says Carlos. "Please think about it." Says Stephanie.

"Just give me time." Says Carlos. Stephanie and Carlos get ready for the day and agreed not to tell the kids.

Stephanie and Carlos went downstairs to find the kids made breakfast for them. "Hey." Says Nathan.

"Hey," says Carlos. Everyone sat down, prayed and started eating breakfast.

"Where's your siblings that don't live in this house?" Asked Stephanie.

"Wow hurtful, well they have lives you know." Says Katrina. "Trina!" Says Stephanie. "Mom, you realize Trina is a teenager right?" Says Alex. "Right," says Stephanie. 

"So?" Asked Nicole and the kids looked at each other confused.

Later That Day 

Stephanie let the kids go do their things like:

Alex went to Josh's house just hanging out with Daniel.

Nicole, Nathan, Katrina, and Katherine went to Daniel's house just to have a movie marathon with their older sister which they haven't done one in a while.

Stephanie convinces Carlos to go to the orphanage to see the 17-year-old Hispanic boy. It was a 10-minute drive to the place and they got out of the car. "I don't know Stephanie, this place looks kind of creepy." Says Carlos.

"Come on, Carlos let's go in." Says Stephanie. They walk in and into the office.

"Hello, welcome Stephanie it's nice to see you and this must be your husband Carlos." Says Mrs. Lachance, the one charge of the orphanage.

"Hello," says Carlos

"So Stephanie from the three boys you looked at-" Mrs. Lachance gets interrupted by Carlos.

"You looked at three boys?!" Says Carlos.

"Honey, calm down and I was only going to choose one." Says Stephanie.

"Ok good." Says Carlos looking away.

"Sorry about my husband." Says Stephanie.

"That's ok and who do you choose?" Asked Mrs. Lachance.

"Kevin Daniel"

"Interesting, good luck with him is all I can say. Here are the papers and I'll go get him." Says Mrs. Lachance.

"Good luck? That kid must be horrible." Says Carlos.

"Carlos!" Says Stephanie as she passes him the papers for him to sign his parts of the paper.

Mrs. Lachance comes in with Kevin who was quiet. "Hi Kevin, these are your new foster parents Stephanie and Carlos."


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