The Fight

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Katherine, Katrina, and Nicole are on their way to their lockers when they see Amber and her little crew. "Trina, just ignore them." Says Nicole. "I can't." Says Katrina."Oh look, Nicole, Katherine, and Katrina." Amber says with a smirk on her face. "What do you want?" Katrina asks "Just tell your slut of a sister Destiny I said hi."

"What did you call her!?" yells Katrina. "Just ignore her," says Nicole. "No, I'm tired of her making fun of us!" Katrina runs after Amber and the crew. Katrina and Amber start punching each other and pulling hair. Amber gets hit in the face a few times. By that time it drew a crowd in the hallway.

Alex ran through the crowd and found Nicole and says "I knew she was going to end up in a fight somehow." Nicole says "That leads to one choice.... pulling them apart." Nicole and Alex nod at each other then ran into the scene to try to pull Katrina but they got punched. The hallway was full, cell phones are recording. Destiny and Nathan try to go through the crowd. There is blood on the floor. Alex and Nicole are trying to stop the fight. Katrina punches Amber in the eye and she throws Katrina against the wall and all you hear is a loud crack. With her good hand, she punches Amber in the stomach. Just then the principal comes and sees them. He sees that Katrina's wrist is broken and sees that both of them are covered in bruises and blood "Someone call 911!!" The ambulance comes to school. Takes Katrina and Amber to the hospital.

Once they get to the hospital they are treated quickly. Stephanie and Carlos up at the hospital. They get to Katrina's room and Amber was in another room. "What are we gonna do?" Stephanie asks "I don't know." They get a call from the principle and Carlos says "We have a meeting with your principal, Katrina."

"I know, you Should have seen the look on his face when he saw it was me fighting." Says Katrina

They got home, Nathan, Alex, Katherine, Destiny, and Nicole are on the laptop seeing the fight again and reading the comments. "Hey guys," said Katrina. They said Hi without looking at her. "Hello guys I'm talking," said Katrina. "Well sorry I'm busy watching the fight between a senior and freshmen." said Nicole past." Yeah, we try to break the fight and now we have office detention for doing that. Thanks, Trina." said Trina really mad. "We're going to be the joke of the school thanks to you!!" Yelled Nathan and Destiny that they go upstairs. The rest stay downstairs and process the scenes that just happened. "What's up with Nikki and Alex?" asked Jessica. "They're mad because I got into a fight with Amber. They tried to break it up and now they got office detention." Katrina explained. "YOU DID WHAT!?" Jessica yelled.

Daniel comes down the stairs and sees Katrina. Daniel asked in a concerning  voice "Oh my gosh, Trina what happened to you?"

"Trina got into a fight." Jessica tells her "What! Why?" Said, Daniel. Katrina says "Do you want to know what happened? She was making fun of Destiny. I'm sick and tired of her bossing us, so I jacked her up."

"I know you try to protect her but you can't still do that and does Destiny know?" Asks Daniel and Katrina shake her head. "Go upstairs and talk with her." Says Jessica.

Katrina goes upstairs and to the girl's door but it's locked. Katrina shakes her pockets for her room key but she can't find them and leans against the wall "This darn keys I keep losing them." Josh and Jon walked by and Katrina has a sad face. Jon asks "What's wrong?" Jordyn says "I want to talk to the group but the door is locked."

"I'll open it." Said Josh. "How do you have a key to the girl's room?" Asked Katrina "Mom and dad gave us this key because if any of you girls got scared during the night this was our  easy access." Says Josh. "No wonder." Says Katrina and she walks in and the group sees her. "Guy, can we talk?" They still look pissed. "Guys, I'm sorry, what I did was really stupid. You shouldn't have gotten in trouble. Will you please forgive me?" The group looked at each other than at Katrina. They said, "We forgive you." Katrina says "I promise no more fights." Carlos and Stephanie only called Katrina to the living room. Downstairs she sees Stephanie and Carlos "We talked and decided on your punishment you can't leave the back yard for the next month and no laptop."  Stephanie tells her. "What! No dates?" Carlos says "We talked to the principle and you are suspended for a month. When Jessica drops the rest of your siblings off, they will bring you your work. You will stay at home while we are working." Katrina says "I got it." Parents walked away and Katrina says "I'm going to be soo bored for the whole month." Alex said "Remember those days be had phones? I miss those days."

"Well I can't shoot hoops, I can't leave the house, No laptop, so want to make mini pizza?" Katrina asks Alex "Sure why not." They make mini pizza they eat. Katherine shows up. "Hey, guys want to play tag in the house or hide and seek?"

"Sure why not Kat want to be the first to sign my cast!" Katrina asked. "Yes of course!" Katherine doodles all over the cast. Alex says "Let's play hide and seek its much for Trina." Katherine "ok"

Author's note: Can you believe what Katrina did?

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