Meeting Alex's Girlfriend

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The family was having their weekly meeting about what would happen during the week. Stephanie was almost done. "Does anyone have anything to say?" She said as she looked around."I have a girlfriend." Said Alex with a smile on his face. "You what?" Said Katherine. Jessica and Nicole say at the same time "Aww, Alex is in love." Nicole asked, "What's her name?"

"Rachel Davis is in the same grade and age as me." Said Alex. "Yay buddy, you have a girlfriend." Said Jon." What's wrong Trina?" Asked Dan.

"Seriously? Of all the people in our school, you're dating her?"

"What's wrong with Rachel?" Asked Stephanie. "She's one of those stuck up girls who used to make fun of me." "USED TO is the keyword here. Actually, Rachel is very cool to hang out with," said Nicole. "What?! You hang out with her!!" said Katrina walks upstairs into the girl's room. Stephanie goes over to Alex and says "Honey, you should invite her over for dinner, so we can meet her." Alex nods and goes upstairs to find Katrina in her room. "Can we talk?" asked Alex as he continued "Look, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, just give her a chance please, she's coming tomorrow for dinner."

"fine, I'll try to play nice." Alex hugged her. "Thanks, sis"

The next day, everyone was getting ready for dinner. At around 6 pm, the doorbell rang, Alex went to open the door. "Please try to be nice and give her a chance," Stephanie told Katrina and she puts a fake smile on her face. "Hey babe," said Rachel. "Hi beautiful," said Alex as they kissed. "Hey Nikki, hi Kat," said Rachel. "Hey, Shel," they said. "I want you to meet my parents." said Alex. "Hello Rachel, I'm Alex's mom, Stephanie." said mom. "I'm Alex's dad, Carlos," said Carlos. "Hi, nice to meet you." said Rachel then she goes over to Katrina and says "Hi Katrina"


"Alright, here is the rest of the family, this is Joshua with his wife Desiree, his twin brother Daniel, Jessica, Jonathan, Nathan." said Alex. "Hi nice to meet you guys." Everyone sits down in the kitchen to eat dinner. "Wow, this is really good."

"Thank you" Katrina gives Rachel a dirty look. Rachel doesn't notice it. "Rachel, what kind of things you like to do?" Asked Jessica. "I love to dance and I'm a straight-A student." Says Rachel. Katrina can't hold it in, Josh noticed and whispers "Go to your room." Katrina stands up. "Excuse me." She goes upstairs. "Is Katrina OK?" asked Rachel. "Oh yeah, she's fine," said Josh. Rachel shrugs "Hey since you love to dance, wanna play Just Dance?" asked Jessica. "Sure," said Rachel. They go to the game room while Josh and Nicole go to the girl's room. "What's wrong with you today?" asked Josh. "I can't stand her." said Katrina "Just let her be, give her a chance, that's the past," said Nicole. "Alex to be happy?" asked Josh. "Yes," said Katrina. "Accept her," said Josh. They leave the room and go back downstairs. "I'm going to see if Katrina wants to play," said Rachel as she went upstairs and to the girl's room. "Hey, Trina" Katrina turned around "What do you want?"

"Look, I'm sorry for making fun of you, I love Alex and I want us to be friends. Will you forgive me?" Katrina stands up and says "Ok, I forgive you." They go and play. They had a great time, Rachel had to leave soon. She gives a kiss to Alex and says bye then leaves.

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