Alex running away

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(December 2013)

The kids are calm then they hear a crash and yelling. Destiny says "Its Nathan and Alex." when she is near the door. Nicole came running to put her ear on the door. Nathan is yelling Alex saying "What the heck is wrong with you! That was a collectible glass figure... The rarest 1 in the country."

Alex says "Dude, I am sorry! Just calm down."

Nate says"No look at what you did. Man, little kids. You're worthless you can't stay still." The girls behind the door gasp. Alex runs out goes to Stephanie and Carlos asks "Can I stay in the guest room?" Stephanie nods. Alex gets into the room and locks it. It's been a few hours and he hasn't come out so Jessica goes check on him. Jessica knocks on the door and says "Bebo, are you alright? Come on, open up the door." he doesn't answer. Destiny says " Jess, I have a bobby pin... Trust me these things open any door." When the girls successful open up the door and found that he's not there. Jessica runs down the stairs yelling "MOM!! ALEX ISN'T IN THE ROOM AND THE WINDOW IS OPENED!!" Everyone runs to the room and freaks out. Stephanie says " Your father is going to freak out when he gets home." Everyone is sitting in the room. Stephanie says "Why would he run away?" all the girls looking Nathan with a death glare or 'Tell her or I will kill you' type of face. Nathan begs them to not say it now. Nicole notices a paper at the foot of the bed and grabs it. "Hey, you guys it's a letter from Alex." She starts reading it 'I don't feel wanted but I don't want anyone to feel guilty. I love you guys all. I just need time to think... Love Alex.' Jessica starts to cry. Stephanie also starts to cry. Josh says
"I'm calling dad so he and the police start searching.

"Who wants to search for Alex?" Everyone except for Nathan goes "Me" Josh says "Alright so Nathan and mom stay home. The rest make teams and split." Jonathan says "Jess, Daniel and I are going to check the woods near the school... His favorite hiding place is there." Josh says "Ok Nicole, Destiny and I are going to drive to his friend's houses." They split into Daniel's and Josh's cars. Dan, Jess, and Jon get out of the car. They have flashlights. Daniel says "Okay I go to one side and you guys go to the other." Jess says "Alright but is safe." Daniel nods and starts walking. Almost an hour later Jess gets a call from Josh.

Jess: Have you heard anything from Alex?

Josh: We have been to all of his friend's house and we haven't found him.

Jess: Okay Josh we'll call you is anything

She hangs up and keeps searching. Jonathan says "Do you hear that. It sounds like someone crying."

Daniel walks up and says "Is that Alex?" Jonathan flashes the light near the noise and sees a shadow. "BEBO!!" says Jessica. "Bro, what's wrong?" said Daniel. "Nothing," said Alex. "Nothing!! Alex, you ran away for a reason and it's 1:30 am." Said Jonathan. "If I told you why you would care you're older than me." Said Alex. "Bebo, we are family. We will go at any time to find you." Said Jessica. Jessica gives him a blanket. Then a car was seen. Josh, Nicole, and Destiny ran out. "We found you!!" Yelled Destiny.

They all went over and give him a hug. Then Destiny asks "Why did you run away?" Alex says "Well I just felt worthless and thought that you guys wouldn't need me and you guys would be happier without me." Josh says "Come on, buddy you know that you don't need to feel like that. Come on let's go home. And on the way why don't we get some McDonalds." Jessica adds in "Don't you ever say that, every sibling in this family is important to each and one of us." Jessica puts her arms around Alex. "That's true, you are important like each and one of us." Says Nicole as she puts her arm around Destiny. Alex, Destiny, and Josh in his car.Nicole, Jessica, and Daniel in his car. They all go to McDonald's. The guys order the food and ate.

While they are eating, Josh contacted Stephanie, Carlos and Nate to come and they came right away. Nate ran quickly to Alex and hugs him and says "I'm sorry buddy, what I said was way out of line. I overreacted, can you please forgive me?" Alex says "Of course I'm sorry for breaking your glass figure." Nate says "It's ok" Stephanie and Stephanie come in and give him a tight hug. Stephanie says "Mi bebé I missed you." Alex said, "I missed you too mom." Carlos looks at the clock and says "Wow it's 4:30 AM come on let's go home and sleep." Jessica starts yawning and says "Yeah but thank goodness we are on winter break." They get home and about ready to go to bed.

The parents and girls were already in their rooms. The older twins Josh and Dan were in the younger boys' room still.  They sat on Jonathan's bed while Jonathan sat next to Alex on his bed. "Well, boys you seem you had an interesting day." Says Jonathan. "Yup, but we promised on the way home, we won't fight like that ever again," says Alex smiling at Nathan. "Yup," says Nathan.

"While we thought you were stuck in the room. Mom thought it would be a good idea to get something for the boys while the girls have a custom made silver bracelet." Says Josh

"So she got us a custom made dog tags each with our names on it." Says Daniel.

"So, here's yours." Says Nathan handing one to Alex.

Alexander Manuel Delgado

August 5


"Nice," says Alex. "Well, guys it's about to be 6 am and we need some sleep." Says Josh. Dan and Josh got up and left.

"Nate, one more thing." Says Alex. "Yeah?" Says Nathan. "Love you, bro." Says Alex. "Love you too." Says Nathan.

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