Blizzard/ Nicole's sickness

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(December 2013)

The house looks dark, everyone runs to the windows and see the blizzard. School and college got canceled and everyone is stuck at home. Stephanie wants to make breakfast, so she starts making it. She sees that Alex and Nicole are pale, she goes over to them and says "Are you guys Ok?"

Alex says "It's the blizzard, we're the most prone to sickness since you got a cold when you were gonna have us." Stephanie says "Since you guys are sick. You are going back to your rooms and I have one of your siblings bring you breakfast." They go back to their rooms. Alex is reading a book and Nicole gets a text from Desiree saying that she's coming over. Nicole texts

'no stay home and don't you see outside and I'm sick.'

Jessica comes into the girl's room and says" Hey, I brought you breakfast." Nicole. A little bit later Stephanie comes in the girl's room and says "Thanks for watching Nikki Jess, you can go now." Jess says "I think I'll stay here and keep her company." Stephanie says "Ok, I came to check your temperature." She goes and checks, Nicole has a high fever and she started coughing. Nicole runs to the bathroom and starts throwing up. Nicole washes hands and mouth goes back to her bed. Stephanie said," Breath in and out." Stephanie says "Ok I'm going to check your father about Alex. So go to sleep." Nicole says" Yes mom" But Nicole has lost her voice to. So they go to sleep. It's 12 and Carlos comes in the girl's room and says" I brought you some soup." Nicole started to eat. Nicole looks worst then Alex.

The news comes and says the roads are closed until 12 tomorrow. Stephanie shakes her head and says "Looks like we have to wait until tomorrow." Carlos and the boys come to the house. Daniel says "Esta few fuera (It's ugly outside)." The boys take off their jackets. Carlos says "How's Nikki and Alex?" Mom says "All of them have high temperature and Nikki still can't even speak. I want to take them to the hospital but the roads are closed until tomorrow at 12." It's 5 when the family has dinner. Stephanie says "Jess and Nate can you bring dinner to your sisters and brother." Both of them say "Yes mom" They get upstairs. Nate goes to Alex and says "Well mom wants to take you to the hospital to tomorrow Ok. Also, the school has canceled the whole week so no worry." Alex is finished eating. Nate says "Get better," Alex says "Thanks" Jess enters the girl's room and says "Hi girl feeling any better?" Nicole shakes her head. Jessica brings her the food and says "Alright school is closed for a week and mom is taking you to the hospital tomorrow." Nathan and Jessica go back downstairs. Stephanie asks "Anything new?" They shake their heads. It's 10 pm, Stephanie says "Time for bed, but one person in the sick kid's room. Jonathan with Alex. Jessica with the girls. Nathan grabs a sleeping in there. Destiny can sleep in the guest room. They get ready for bed.

The next day.

Everybody is up. Jess, Destiny, and Stephanie are making breakfast. Carlos has to get ready for work. Josh and Dan take breakfast to the sick kids. They come back down. Stephanie asks "How are they?" Josh says" Alex look a lot better just give him medicine that's it." Stephanie nods and says "And Nikki?" Dan says "Um she is still sick she keeps sneezing and coughing and her voice is still gone." Stephanie looks at the clock it's 12. Mom says "Well let's take Nikki to the hospital. Dan and Destiny come with me. The rest stay inside the house. Me oido (do you hear me)." Destiny helps Nicole get ready. Nicole felt weak to walk. So Daniel helped her down the stairs to the car. Once they get to the hospital, the doctor checks her. When she is done checking Nicole, she goes over to Stephanie, Destiny, and Dan and says "Nicole is going to need to get her tonsils out. We can do it this afternoon." Stephanie thinks and says "Let me call the family first to see what they think." The doctor leaves. Stephanie says "I call Dad. Dan call Josh to have him on speaker with the kids." Carlos picks up the phone and asks "How's Nikki?" Stephanie says "She's not getting better, they need to take her tonsils out." Carlos says "Wow, I'll be there in 30 minutes." Dan explains the same thing to the rest at home. Nicole is shaking off nerves. Destiny grabs her hand and says "Relax Nikki it's going to be fine" Dad gets there and hugs his daughter.

The doctor comes in and says "Ok everyone, you can go wait in the waiting room. I need to bring Nicole to the operating room." Stephanie and Carlos give her a kiss on her forehead and leave. Destiny and Daniel give her a big hug. The doctor puts Nicole into a deep sleep and gets started. It took about 40 minutes for the surgery. The doctor comes out and says "Nicole is doing well now. She did a fine job. Now I want her to not to talk for 2 more days. She needs to recover." When they bring Nicole back to the room. "Okay Nicole you can't eat any solid food for 2 weeks." the doctor leaves.

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