Nicole's seizure

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Katherine, Nicole, and Destiny are the only ones home. Destiny is getting lunch ready and Kat and Nikki are arguing. "I told you to stay out of my laptop," Katherine yells at Nicole. "I needed to finish a report since my laptop is getting fixed." Katherine looks at her and says "Whatever, I'm going to see if lunch is ready." She leaves the room. When she comes back Nicole is having a seizure. "Oh my god!! Destiny! Nikki is having a seizure!" Destiny gently rushes in "OH MY GOSH!! OK stay calm." She said. Destiny grabs her phone to call 911. But they don't answer all. Nicole stops seizing. "What is going on?" she asked. "You had a seizure," said Destiny. "The ambulance is not picking up."

"Kat, calls somebody please." said Destiny "OK" Nicole tried to fall asleep. But Destiny says "Stay awake." Kat called the parents they won't pick up. Katherine grabs the phone. "I'm trying 911 again."

Operator- 911 what's your emergency?

Katherine-My sister just had a seizure

O- Is she still seizing?

K- No but she's really dizzy

O- OK what's your address?

K- 108 Pine Street

O- OK the ambulance is on its way

The ambulance comes and they put Nicole on the ambulance. Destiny and Katherine text the rest of the family and Desiree to meet at the hospital because of Nicole and they get there. They quickly attend her and they put a machine to monitor her heart. Right there Nicole falls asleep.

At the hospital, Destiny noticed that Katherine is really anxious. "Kat, are you OK?"

"Not really, Nikki and I were fighting before she had the seizure. I feel like this is all my fault." Katherine starts crying. Destiny hugs her and says "It's not your fault and you know she has a medical condition." That's when the boys run in the room. "What happened to her?" asked Nathan. "She had a seizure," said Destiny. "She's asleep now." Said Katherine. They all look at Nicole's sleeping body. Stephanie and Carlos run in. "What happened to her?" asked mom. Katherine says "It's my fault that this happened to her." She starts crying. Jess hugs her and says "It's not your fault." The doctor walks in. Katherine looks at her and says "How's my sister doing?" the doctor looks at them and says "She just had a small seizure nothing serious, she'll be fine, but I just want to keep her overnight just to make sure she doesn't have lots of seizure activity in the brain." Nicole wakes up and sees her family. She feels weak but she sits up. "Hi everyone" Stephanie grabs her into a hug and squeezes her. "You scared me, honey," Stephanie said. "I know Ma." The doctor took the parents to her office. She explained the things Nicole has to be careful with like no swimming unless, with adult supervision, she has to be careful with the activities she plays. After all that, the parents came back to the room. "Can I have a moment with Kat, please?" asked Nicole. Everyone left the room. Kat goes over to Nicole. "Nikki I'm so sorry, I feel like this is all my fault. I shouldn't have gotten over a stupid laptop and please forgive me."

"I forgive you," said Nicole. They hug it out and Katherine left the room. Nicole started crying. "Why does happen to me?" She covered her face with her hands. "I don't want to deal with this now, now that my life is difficult," she said. "I can't take it anymore." She throws her phone on the floor. Buried her face in her knees. Jess and Dan pecked through the door. They look at each other. "Should we go in?" asked Dan. "Yes," They walked in quietly and shuts the door so no one can come in and Nicole doesn't notice. Jessica and Dan go to each side of Nicole. Jess rubs her back and says "It's going to be fine." Nicole still hiding her face answers "No it's not." Dan hugs her and says "Yes it is, look the doctor was talking with mom and dad. There's a medication that can help with the seizures. It's going to be easy to deal with."

"I know that Dan," Nicole said putting her head on his shoulder. "Now look at me and smile," said Jess. Nicole shakes her head no. "Come on you can do this," said Dan. "No," said Nicole "Yes," said Jess. "OK fine" Nicole looks up and gives them a shy smile. "There we go," said Jess. Dan grabs Nicole's phone and says "Lucky it's not cracked." He checks it. "Oh look a message from Jon. 'What kind of ice cream you want?' That's easy you want vanilla." Nicole nods and asks "How do you know?"

"Cause your, my sister." He answered. 10 minutes later Jon comes in with ice cream. "Thanks, Jon," said Nicole. "Your welcome, everyone is leaving and Dan stays with you," said Jon. "Bye," he said. "Bye sweetie," said Jessica and gave her a hug. Katherine goes over to her and says "I'll see you at home sis, Love you." Nicole hugs her and says "I love you too." They leave, the nurse checked on her and the nurse is done. Dan and Nicole watch TV until Nicole yawns. "Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. Good night. Love you." Dan said and kisses her forehead. "Good night, love you too," Nicole says. Dan watches Nicole fall asleep and he goes to sleep himself. At around 1:30 am, Nicole wakes up feeling dizzy and starts seizing again. Two nurses run in and Dan wakes up. The nurses give her medicine. The nurses leave. Dan calls Stephanie.

Stephanie in a sleepy voice-Hello?(then loud) Dan, what's wrong?

D- She started seizing again. But this time worse.

M- I'm going to wake up the girls we are on the way.

Nicole starts crying, Dan hugs her and she burns her face in his shoulder. "Shhh, it's going to be OK and I got you. Don't cry, mama." Nicole goes to deep slumber on him. 20 minutes later, Stephanie, Kat, and Jess show up. They see that Nicole is asleep on Dan. "How is she?" asked mom. "Now she took the medication so she's fine. Nikki, Nikki wakes up. Look who's here." said Dan. Kat and Jess give a tight hug. "Feel better sis," said Katherine and Nicole nods. The girls leave, Dan was about to get off the bed and Nicole grabs his hand. "Please stay here," she said. Dan laid down and hugged her. They fell asleep. The next morning they sign the paper and went home. Nicole is on bed rest for a couple of days.

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