They Really Crazy

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It was around 11:30 pm when Jonathan got a pillow thrown at him. He moaned and turned his body. The next he felt was a shoe on his back and he was ready to explode.

"OKAY DUDE WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!?!" Jonathan whispered yelled, so he doesn't want to wake anyone up in the house.

"Dude, relax I just came up with the idea since we are the older brothers of the house we can do whatever we want." Says Nathan.

Jonathan widens his eyes, gets up, puts a hand on Nathan's forehead and says "I'm sorry, but have you switched bodies with someone?"

"Nooooo," says Nathan.

"Then no, I'm not doing it." Says Jonathan.

"Come on, it's our college break, we're adults, and we might not get caught." Says Nathan.

Jonathan sighs and asks "What do you have in mind?"

"We run all the way to the garage and take the twin's motorcycles for a ride since  they left them here and put them back like they were not touched." Says Nathan.

They got to the garage, but Jonathan saw his watch and was 12:45 am.

"Alright dude, we have 6 hours to ride before dad wakes up because he is an early bird and he has to go to work." Says Jonathan. "Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever rule follower." Says Nathan. "You are really crazy." Says Jonathan. "You are too." Says Nathan.

They carefully open the garage door trying not to make any sounds, but once the door got on top, it made a giant crash/rolling noise.

Inside the house

Both parents woke up in their rooms and in their sleeping voices said: "What was that?"

Stephanie stirred and says "Just go back to sleep." Carlos went back to sleep.

In the girl's room, Nicole looked over at the others sleeping in their beds and just shakes her head and goes back to sleep.

Back in the garage

"Hopefully they didn't hear that." Says Nathan. "What if they did?" Asked Jonathan. "Then hopefully, they went back to sleep." Says Nathan. "My gosh, you are so crazy." Says Jonathan. "Shut up and move." Says Nathan.

Nathan went to the key holder and took the motorcycle keys and passed Dan's keys to Jonathan. Nathan took Josh's key and walked to the motorcycles which were next to Stephanie's car. "Alright, let's move," says Nathan. They pushed the motorcycles all the way to the end of the driveway and jumped on them. "I still don't think this is a good idea," says Jonathan. "Just relax and enjoy the ride," says Nathan.

They started the engines and Nathan says "Hey, since we live in Brooklyn, let's go to Bronx, Manhattan, or New Jersey"

"No way dude, not Bronx or Manhattan because Uncle Tony lives in Bronx and Uncle Rick in lives Manhattan and that's an hour ride. I don't want to get in trouble." Says Jonathan.

"Fine, New York City," says Nathan. They went off the driveway and ride the motorcycles for 25 minutes to New York City, so it was 2:30 am.

They went to ride the city for 2 hours and stopped for a hot dog. "Man, this is so much fun," says Nathan. "It's 4 am and it's crazy what we did," says Jonathan. "But, did you enjoy the ride?" asked Nathan. "Fine yes! But I'm leaving now and explaining what I did was wrong," says Jonathan. "Go ahead then, we're 20 and 18 years old, so they can't do anything to us," says Nathan.

"But mom and dad can since we live under their roof. Remember what happened with Nikki and Jess months ago? Nikki got drunk and Jess got in trouble for sleeping with Joe. Jess, still got grounded even though she was 20." says Jonathan.

"Whatever," says, Nathan

"You are acting like crazy," says Jonathan and he walked off to the motorcycle to start the engine and went off.

Jonathan got back to Brooklyn at 4:35 and went to the gas station to put gas because he doesn't want to irresponsible of anything. He arrives at Dan's house at 4:50 then parked Dan's motorcycle and started cleaning it up and as much as he can then puts the keys on the key holder. He closed the garage door, but from there he didn't know what to do, so he sat on the three-step staircase and slept.

8 am

Dan opened the door that leads to the garage and found a sleeping Jonathan in front of them on the steps.

"Jonathan!!" Dan yelled and Jonathan jumped and fell to the floor. "What are you doing here?" Asked Dan.

"I have to explain something to you, but first check what I have here." Says Jonathan getting up from the floor and cleaning his eyes from sleep.

Dan walked into the garage and checked till Dan yelled "My motorcycle!!! Who took it!?!?!"

Jonathan explains everything from Nathan coming up with the plan to him coming there. Dan was mad and shocked because it came from Nathan.

"He is really crazy." Says Daniel.

"He said that I was too, but I don't want to get into deep trouble with you or Josh and with our parents." Says Jonathan.

"Don't worry, you are off the hook with us. He is not especially with Josh." Says Daniel.

"Really?" Asked Jonathan.

"Yeah, he deserves it not you. We'll talk to mom and dad to see what they will do with you." Says Dan.

"Thanks." Says Jonathan

"No problem," says Dan.

"Breakfast anyone?" Asked Jessica as she stood at the doorway.

"Oh yeah, I'm starving." Says Jonathan and Dan laugh as the two boys walked into the house.

10 am New Jersey

There was a doorbell rang and Desiree grabs the door. It was Uncle Tony with Nathan. "Where's Josh? Because I found him riding Bronx in a motorcycle that I know that is not his." Says Uncle Tony.

"He left for work a while ago and I see that Jonathan explained everything. Josh told me that if Nathan came back while he was at work to just make Nathan put it back in the garage and clean real good." Says Desiree.

"You heard her, go and do it." Says Uncle Tony.

"Oh, by the way, Jonathan is getting off the hook, but not you." Says Desiree.

"What!?!?!" Says Nathan.

"Yup, your parents are waiting for you at home." Says Desiree.

Nathan puts the motorcycle and the keys in the garage. He starts cleaning up the motorcycle like he never touched it.

Back at the door, "Did anyone's influence enter into him?" Asked Uncle Tony. "I don't know." Says Desiree.

A little after he was done, Uncle Tony took him home and dropped him off. As Nathan was about to the door, Stephanie opens it and says "Ay Mijo,(my son) what have you done?"

Nathan walks in and sees Carlos sitting one of the loveseats and says "sit" pointing at the couch.

"We know what you and Jonathan did, but you are more trouble than him. For the rest of your college break and if you want to go out for some reason take your siblings with you. Oh, you have a curfew too, be home by 10 pm." Says Carlos.

"What!?!!" Yelled Nathan.

"Hey, there is no argument with the punishment." Says Carlos.

"But what does Jonathan have?" Asked Nathan.

"The same thing as you, but only a week because he did the right thing and said the truth to your brothers. In fact, we have talked with Daniel and we have allowed Jonathan to move in with Daniel and to get his motorcycle license. You, sir, have to wait until you're 21 or moved out of the house." Says Stephanie.

Nathan groaned and went upstairs and says "So much for being a grown-up."

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