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As a usual Christmas morning,
Everyone gets up and goes to the living room still in PJs. Stephanie, Destiny, and Jessica start making breakfast and the rest of the family are on the couches and talk. Nicole says "Well, Merry Christmas everybody."

"Yeah, Merry Christmas." Says Jonathan. "I better get something good this year." Says Josh laughing. Stephanie comes out of the kitchen and says"Ok before we open the presents we need to eat breakfast first." Everyone goes to the dining room table and found a seat. Stephanie and Carlos were at both ends of the table, the left side of the table was Nathan, Daniel, Joshua, Alex, and Jonathan. The right side of the table was Jessica, Destiny, and Nicole. "This year the morning Christmas prayer would lead Joshua." Says Carlos. Josh nodded, everyone grabbed hands, closed their eyes and Josh starts praying. "Thank you, Lord, for another Christmas together. Thank you for the food we're about to eat and the presents we're about to get. Let us enjoy this day. Amen."

"Amen," says Everyone. Everyone is enjoying the time talking and laughing at last year's Christmas. Dad stands up and says "Well family we are enjoying Christmas together so Feliz Navidad family." Everyone says "Feliz Navidad." After everyone finished cleaned. They sat around the Christmas tree. Stephanie and Carlos start passing out the gifts. The first gift was everyone got $50 in cash. And other 3 gifts



New York Giants beanie




- Sneakers





- Gold earrings


Blue Dress





Leather jacket



- Tablet

basketball shorts





Purple dress




-Black heels







Black jeans


Nathan says "Alright since we got our gifts. Now it's time for mom's and dad's gift. So, mom and dad, we have split into two teams. One team has mom and the other team has a dad."

Team 1- Mom.

Nathan- Jacket

Daniel- Perfume

Nicole- Necklace

Jessica- Scarf

Team 2- Dad

Jonathan- Blue tie

Destiny- cologne

Alex- coffee mug

Josh- recliner

After they were all done. Nicole, Destiny, and Jessica go upstairs and get ready for their night out with their family friend Desiree. While the guys got ready for theirs with their friend Joseph.

Jess is in her blue dress, Destiny is in her purple dress and both Nicole and Jordyn wear their new shoes, but Jordyn is wearing black skinny jeans and a redshirt. Nicole is wearing a pink and black dress. The guys left in one car and the girls left in the other car.

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