Joshua and Desiree's Scariest Day

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As Joshua and Desiree walk in the house. "What part did you NOT understand!!" Yelled Desiree. Josh faced away from her. "Did you hear what I just said!?!?" she asked. "Time out," said Josh. "Exactly," said Desiree. "Exactly what?" asked Josh. "Ever since we got together you started treating me like a little girl and making my decisions for me." Said Desiree taking a deep breath. "I'm tired of acting in front of people." Josh says "I don't do that." She replied. "YES, you do." Josh crosses his arms and says "You are so difficult."

"Am I Joshua. What about you?" Said Desiree. "Excuse me?" Said Josh. "Yup just what I need for a boyfriend." Said Desiree. Desiree walked out and started crying then she ran. Someone else was listening to the fight. As Desiree walked outside, Someone walked behind her. She turns around to see who it was and BAM! Darkness. When she wakes up, she realizes that she is in an abandoned house across the street. Then she hears a voice. "Hello, Desiree remember me?" Desiree looks at her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend Ashley. "I bet you do cause you're the one who stole my boyfriend!"

"I didn't steal your boyfriend. You cheated on him!"

"So that doesn't mean you can steal him." Said Ashley. "He saw you kissing another guy at the mall. YOU CHEATED on him." Said Desiree. "I took you so I can have him back. I'm going to beat you."

Meanwhile back at the house.

Josh is in his bed crying and no one knows why. Expected the one who listened to the argument which was Nicole saw everything happen. She goes into the room and sits down on the bed next to him. Josh lifts his head and looks at her. "What are you doing here Nikki?"

"I heard you guys fighting I saw when she walked out the door and I think you should know that after she left Ashley hurt with something her and dragged her away."

"Oh god, we have to find her!" He ran with the guys behind him. They see the house from outside. The windows were dark and they couldn't see through. They walked around. The back door was open. Jon and Dan on one side. Josh and Nate on the other. When they reach the living room, Josh and Nate see Ashley hitting Desiree, who is tied to a chair. Josh walks in and says "Ashley what the hell are you doing?" She turns around nervous. "Nothing!!" Said Ashley. "Nothing!! That was something." Said Josh. "What is wrong with you?" He asked. "Why are you are dating her?" Asked Ashley. "Because I love her and she treats me right." He said. "I don't care if you love her and I'm not letting her go!" Josh goes over to Nate and says "Call dad and tell him the situation." When Ashley try to run but Dan caught her in time. Pushed her on the floor."You can't stop me." Said Ashley. She got up and kicked him. He falls back in pain. Jon runs and tackles her and punches him too. Meanwhile, Josh tries to untie Desiree and Desiree gets up but falls "Ow!!" Desiree yelled. Josh runs to Desiree. He helps her get up. "I'm sorry, you were right, I am treating you like a little girl. Will you forgive me?" Desiree hugs him and says "Of course I'll forgive you. I'm sorry too, you were only trying to protect me." While they hugged it out, Carlos and his crew arrive. Carlos arrested Ashley and puts her in the police car. Jess, Kat and Nikki ran to the guys "Are you guys ok?" Asked Jess. "Yeah but Dan and Desi are injured." Said Josh. "In that case lets go to the hospital cause Desi looks like she's about to faint." Said Nicole. They get to the hospital. Ashley kicked Dan in the leg and she broke it. Desiree lost some blood because the ropes she tied up with made a lot of cuts in her arms. Josh goes to Desiree's room and brings her a small teddy bear and a pink rose. "I love you so much I'm really sorry." Said Josh. "Josh calm down. I'm fine, I forgive you and I love you too." Said Desiree and they kissed. They hear awwww's from the door which came from the girls. Jess took a picture and the couple blushed.

In Dan's room

Josh knocks the door and asks "May I come in." Dan nodded. "Thanks for helping me find Desi." Said Josh. "That's what bros are for." Said Dan. They hugged and Stephanie comes in. She goes over to Josh and says "I talked to your father, she's going to jail for three years and this isn't the first time she's done this." Josh looks at her and says "I can't believe she would do something like this."

"She's crazy," said Dan. "I know, I must have been blind for dating a mental crazy girl," said Josh. "Yeah one thing Ashley's parents say sorry for her," said Stephanie. "Wow," said Josh. The doctor sends Dan home. Desiree has to stay overnight.

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