Girls Go Bad Part 2

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It's Saturday morning, one week after Jessica's pregnancy scares. It's 7 am Nicole and Katrina are eating breakfast in the kitchen. Everyone else is still sleeping. "So Nikki are you ready for the party tonight with David?"

"Yeah, I'm really excited." Stephanie walks in and says "Good morning girls."

"Good morning mom," Nicole says "Hey mom, I'm going out with David after his game." Stephanie says "That's fine but I want you back home before 12 am." Nicole says "Thanks, mom" It's 5:30 pm and Nicole is getting ready for the game. "Hey, Kat could you help me pick out an outfit?"

"Sure" Katrina picks black skinny jeans, red V-neck with a red button-down plaid shirt and red and black Jordan's. Nicole's hair is in a ponytail. The doorbell rings. Nicole runs down to open the door. Standing in the doorway is David. "Hey," says David. "Hey," she says with a smile on her face. "So are you ready to go to the game?" Nicole looks at David and says "Yeah let's go. You don't want to be late." It was a college basketball game. The game was good. David's team won. Nicole says "Congrats" They got to David's car and drove to the after-party. At the party, Nicole and David are having a great time dancing and celebrating. When no one was looking at one of David's friends pours a bottle of vodka into the punch bowl. "Hey David, can you get me a cup?" David pours one for him and Nikki. Nicole and David drink the whole cup. "WOAH!! Let's go dance some more." Said Nicole. They danced to 'We can't stop' by Miley Cyrus. Then it was 11:45 pm. "Don't I need you to get you home?" Asked David. Nicole looks at him and says "Crap I told mom I'd be home at midnight." She starts laughing. "Nicole, I think you're drunk. Come on let's go home." David grabs her by the arm and takes her to the car. By the time they get home, it's 12:45 am. Stephanie is sitting at the kitchen table. David tries to sneak Nicole in but Stephanie hears him. "Hello David"

"Hi Stephanie," said, David. Mom sees that Nicole is acting weird. "What's wrong with her?" Asked mom. "Nothing she's just tired." Said, David. "Alright, she is going to sleep on the couch for tonight." Said Stephanie. David puts Nicole on the couch and leaves. Stephanie goes to bed. It's 3 am and Nicole is throwing up in the bathroom. Destiny wakes up. "Nikki, are you ok?" Nicole doesn't answer. "I'm coming in." She walks and sees her sitting on the floor next to the toilet. Destiny bends down to Nicole. "What happened?" Asked Destiny. "At the party, I might have gotten drunk." Said Nicole. "What?" Said Destiny. Nicole nods. "Alright take a shower and go back to sleep." Nicole looks at her and says. "Don't tell mom."

"Don't worry, I won't." Nicole takes a shower and puts on sweatpants and a black T-shirt. She goes back to the couch and sleeps. It's 8:45 am when the whole family is up. Nicole is still sleeping."Why is she sleeping on the couch." Asked Nathan."She came home late last night." Said Stephanie. Destiny goes to the couch."Are you feeling any better?" Stephanie turns "What's wrong with Nicole?" Destiny looks at her. "Uh, I was just checking that uh, Nikki was ok." Nicole gets dressed and eats breakfast. Nicole's phone vibrates. It's a text from David.

D- Hey, are you ok with what happened last night?

N-Yeah I'm fine

D-Did anybody finds out?

N-Just Destiny but she won't tell anyone.

Nicole finished the text. Destiny brings Nicole upstairs to talk to her. How did you get drunk?"

"Someone poured vodka into the punch bowl." Stephanie was on the other side of the door listening. Stephanie pushes the door open. "You what?" Said Stephanie. "Mom, I can explain." Said Nicole. "No need to explain." Said Stephanie. Carlos gets home from his overnight shift. Stephanie, Nicole, and Destiny are sitting in the living room. Carlos walks in. "What's going on?" Stephanie looks at him and says "Nicole has something she has to tell you."

"Um, I got drunk at David's after-party." Said Nicole nervously. "YOU WHAT?!?! That's it. You're grounded. Give me all of your stuff even license and car keys. For a month, you are grounded. Don't even talk to David." Said Carlos. Nicole gave everything in a backpack. Destiny hugs Nicole and says "I'm sorry," Nicole says "It's ok" Nicole goes to the girl's room and finds Jessica sitting upside down on the bed. "Got grounded just like me." Said Jessica. Nicole sits upside down next to Jessica. "Yup," said Nicole." Well, we can be miserable together."

"Did Destiny get in trouble?" Asked Jessica. "Nope cause you know, they can't do anything to her." Said Nicole. "Can't believe I'm 20 and still get grounded." Said Jessica. "Well, their roof, their rules." Said Nicole.

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