Joshua and Desiree Adopt

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Josh and Desiree were sitting in their house, reliving the day when they lost the baby. "Babe, can we talk?" Desiree asked. "What's wrong?" Josh asked. "I have something to ask," Desiree says. "Sure, what is it?" Josh asked. "I think we should adopt a baby," Desiree says with a smile. "Are you sure?" Josh asked. "Yes," Desiree says. "Ok," Dan says. "I want to surprise your family thou," Desiree says. "Sure when?" Josh asked. "Today," Desirer says. "Ok, let's do it, but how are we going to tell them?"

"How about a special dinner? We'll go adopt, invite them for dinner, and we'll tell them."

"Godparent? Daniel" They say laughing. "He has to be with us when we adopt and help us with dinner," Desiree says. "Cool," Josh says. Josh texts Daniel. 'Get ready. I'm picking you up, but don't tell anyone.'

Back at Daniel's house, Daniel starts getting ready. "Where are you going?" Jessica asked. "I'm just going for a walk."

"Have fun on your walk." Daniel walks out to Josh's car. "Hi,"

"Hey bro"

"What is happening?" Daniel asked. "Adopting a baby today and we are thinking......"

"Thinking what?" Daniel asked. "We want you to be the godfather."

"Seriously?" Daniel says and Josh nodded. They went to a foster care building. They were looking at babies, but Desiree caught her eye on a two-month-old baby boy with black hair and brown eyes. "This one, Caleb Nathaniel"

"He's perfect," Josh says. "He looks like you, Josh," Desiree says. They decided to adopt him. "Welcome to your new home," Desiree says as they walk through the front door. Stephanie calls Daniel

S- Where are you?

D- Oh, I'm at Josh's house. Listen, Josh and Desi want to have a special dinner tonight at 7. They want everyone there.

S- What's it for?

N- It's a surprise, you'll see. Bye

"It's settled," Daniel says. Desiree started cooking, Josh cleaned the house a little and Daniel was playing with Caleb. "Baby, I'm your uncle Danny," Daniel says laughing. Josh sat next to Daniel. "Hey buddy" Caleb starts laughing. "Hey, he likes you," Daniel says. "Well of course he does, I'm his new dad," Josh says receiving a smack on his arm from Daniel. "That hurts," Josh says mocking the pain.

"Thank you for being with us today," Josh says. "No problem," Daniel says. "Looks who's there, mommy and tio (uncle)," Josh says as Desiree walking in. "How's my baby boy doing?" Desiree says taking Caleb. "Imagine who's going to be crazy once they see him," Desiree says. "Mom," say both Josh and Dan looking at each other and Desiree laughs. "Yeah probably, Alright Josh take the baby."

After that, Josh and Desiree get ready for the family. Desiree was doing her makeup when the doorbell rings. Josh goes downstairs, fixes the shirt and opens the door. "Come on in," Josh says. They all go inside. They start talking and laughing. After a while, they sat down to eat dinner. After dinner, they all go to the living room for dessert. After dessert, Josh stands in the middle, Desiree was behind him holding the baby. "Well guys, I want you to meet." Desiree stands out. "Caleb Nathaniel Delgado," Josh says smiling. Everyone is in shock. Stephanie goes up and hugs them. "Aww congratulations," She says. "Why was Daniel with you?" Katherine asked. "He's Caleb godfather," Desiree says. Stephanie takes Caleb and says to him "Hi baby I'm a grandma" He smiles. "Ok, now it's grandpa's turn," Carlos says taking him. He starts crying. "Titi Jessica to the rescue." She says taking Caleb. "Titi Trina is here," Katrina says. Then Nicole took Caleb. Caleb kept crying. "Come here," Daniel says taking Caleb from Nicole. "You people are scaring the baby."

"Can I hold him?" Katherine asked. Daniel gives Caleb to Katherine.

Josh was now holding Caleb. "You are going to learn a lot," Josh says. "Ok, Caleb needs to go to sleep," Desiree says taking Caleb from Josh. "What now? Since you guys are parents." Destiny says. "See what the future holds," Josh says. "It reminds me of how we adopted you guys," Stephanie says. "You guys, people still not believe you guys are adopted," Carlos says and everyone smiled. "Josh, if you need someone to babysit anytime. I'm always available." Jessica says. "Here," Katrina and Katherine say. "US too!!" says some of the others. "Yeah, but what will happen if he is not available," Josh says pointing at Daniel.

Cute chapter right? Who do you think is the good looking twin Daniel or Joshua?

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