Fire and moves out

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"Come on guys, we got to go!" Carlos yelled from the bottom of the stairs. It was Sunday night and the entire family was going out to dinner. Something smelled burnt, Destiny checked the attic apartment but nothing is wrong. They left, 3 hours later, they came back. They see a window with fire inside. "Call the fire department!" Yelled Stephanie. "Everyone stay calm." Said Carlos as he called. The fire truck came and the firefighters took out the fire. After that, the family walks in. "Everyone starts checking things." Said, Stephanie

Everything is ok, Jonathan and Nathan check the boy's room, bathroom, and playroom. Everything is ok, Destiny and  Jessica checked the attic apartment Destiny screams. Everyone ran upstairs, Destiny starts crying. Jonathan goes over to her and hugs her. She hides her face in his neck. "Please don't cry." He whispers while rubbing her back. He lets go and helps Carlos look through all the burned stuff. "Most of the clothing survived," Carlos said. Everyone helped to bring down all the things that survived.

It was 2 am when they finished. They were tired but no place for the girls. It was late to go to a hotel. They decided to call one of the twins to see which one can help them at this hour. They called Josh, but he didn't answer. "Try calling Dan, he goes to work at 5:30," Destiny said. Jessica called him. After a few seconds, he picked up.

Dan (sleepy voice)- Hello?

Jessica- Hey Dan it's me, Jess. Listen, we have a small problem and we need your help.

Dan - Sure, what's wrong?

Jess- There was a fire and we need a place to stay.

Dan- Is everyone ok?

Jess- Yeah it was just the attic. We just need a place to stay.

Dan- You girls can stay here.

Jess- Thanks, see you in a bit.

Dan- No problem

They hang up.

They head over to Dan's house with the boys sleeping bags. They knock on the door. Dan opens the door. "Hi, come in." Said Dan. "Thank you for your help." Said Jessica. "You're welcome." Said Dan. Dan notices that Destiny and the rest of the girls are sleepy. "The guest room is upstairs, second door on your right." Said Dan. "Thanks again for your help." Said Jessica. "Again, no problem and now, go to bed. It's about to be 4 am." Said Dan.

They settle the sleeping beds on the floor. Jessica and Nicole settled into the bed and Destiny, Katherine and Katrina got comfy in the sleeping bags.

"Tomorrow, we look for a new home," Jessica says to Destiny. "Don't you mean today?" Destiny says. Jessica chuckles. "You know what I mean. Now sleep, we are going to be busy tomorrow. Love you, sis." Said Jessica. "Love you too sis." They slept for six hours. They woke up

At 10 am, Destiny went downstairs to find breakfast. She found Daniel in the kitchen. "Good morning Destiny." Said, Daniel. "Good morning Daniel." Said, Daniel. "Starting to look for a house today." Said Destiny. "Why? You and Jessica can move in with me." Said, Daniel. "Thanks, Dan, that would be great." Said Destiny. They sit down to eat breakfast after they go get ready to leave to tell the news to their parents.

Days later, the girls are helping Destiny and Jessica pack. "I can't believe, how quick you guys moved out meaning Josh, Danny, and you guys." Said Nicole as she puts clothes in a box. "I know, me either." Said Destiny. "When are you guys moving in?" Asked Nicole. "Tomorrow," Said Destiny. "That was fast." Said Katherine. "Well, I wanted to be quick." Said Destiny.

The next day, Stephanie gave Destiny a hug and said "My baby is growing up. I'm going to miss you."

"But mom, I live in the same city and with Daniel." Said Destiny. "I know but it's just not the same. I'm not going to see you every day, anymore, love you." Said Stephanie. "Love you too, ma." Said Destiny. They went off. All the boys were helping moving stuff from the moving truck to the house. "It's gonna be weird not seeing you every day, girls." Said Nicole. "I know Nikki but you can come over anytime you want." Said Destiny. Destiny hugs everyone. "Bye guys"

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