Jessica's Pregnancy Scares

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It's Saturday morning three weeks after the wedding, Stephanie and Carlos let Jonathan have Joshua's old room since he and Desiree live in New Jersey.

Nicole wakes up to go to the bathroom. She knocks on the door. "Jess, are you in there?" She hears her crying. "Jess, I'm coming in!" She opens the door and sees Jessica crying on the floor. "Oh my god, are you ok?" Jessica hands her a positive pregnancy test. Nicole hugs Jessica. Nicole moves her hand through Jessica's hair. Jonathan passes by then he turned back. "What's wrong with Jess?" Nicole and Jessica looked at each other. Nicole pulls Jonathan in the bathroom. She slams the door. "Jess might be pregnant," said Nicole. "What?" said Jon. "Shhh!! Don't tell mom and dad."

"Ok, I won't," said Jon. Nicole checks if anyone is in the hall. They sneak out of the bathroom, They ran upstairs in the girl's room, but both parents are at work. "Jess, you should go to the doctor." Jessica closes the bedroom door and says "First let me call Joseph."

Joe- Hello?

Jess- We need to talk

Joe- What's wrong?

Jess- Remember what happened about three weeks ago

Joe- Yeah. Why?

Jess-Joe, I think I'm pregnant

Joe- Oh my gosh

They hang up. 30 minutes later the doorbell rings. Dan opens the door and looks at Joe's face. "Hi?" said Dan. "Hi. Where's Jess?" Joe asked. Nicole runs downstairs. "Hi, Joe upstairs." Joe runs upstairs. Dan grabs Nicole's shoulder. "What is going on?" "Uh, I don't know and I guess they need to talk or something." Nicole goes upstairs with Joe and Jess, they are talking and Jess walks over to him and says "I thought you used protection."

"I guess it didn't work and we have to tell your parents."

"No, not until we find out if I'm really pregnant." Jess takes the test. Jess waits for the result. Jess comes out of the bathroom. "It's negative, I'm not pregnant." Joe goes and gives her a hug. "Thank goodness! We're not ready to be parents." The rest of the day continues as usual. Stephanie comes home and starts doing chores. When she goes to clean the bathroom, she finds the pregnancy test. "Girls get in here this second!" Katrina comes in with a confused look. "What's wrong?" Stephanie holds up the pregnancy test and says "Who's is this?" Nicole and Jessica looked at each other. "Mom, I can explain," said Jess. "Alright, when your father gets here. Who else knows?" Nicole steps up. "Me, Jon and Joe," said Nicole. "What and you didn't tell us," said Katherine. "When did you 'do it'?" Mom asked. "3 weeks ago. Nikki knows that too," said Jessica. "What does she know that we don't?" asked Destiny. Carlos gets home and Stephanie, Jess, Jon, and Nicole are waiting for him in the living room. "What's going on?" he asked. Stephanie holds up the pregnancy test and says "Jessica lied to us about what she was doing with Joseph." Carlos said "What?! You're grounded. Give me all of your electronic devices, your car keys, and your license. You will not have contact with Joe for a month." Jess says "But dad!! I'm not pregnant!!"

"It doesn't matter give them to me now." said dad. Jess runs upstairs. "As for the two of you," said Stephanie. "Grounded for a week. No TV, phone or games."

"Why are we getting grounded?" asked Nicole. "Because you didn't tell us." Jessica runs downstairs with a backpack in her hand. She hands the backpack to Stephanie. "Here is everything," said Jess. Stephanie looks at her and says "You guys could've waited." Jess looks at her and says "I know we just got caught up in the moment and I'm sorry" She gave a hug to the parents. Jess goes upstairs to find Jon and Nicole. "Hey, guys I'm sorry for putting you in this trouble." Nicole goes up to her and says "It's ok"

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