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Carlos and Stephanie had a surprise for their kids. The kids waited in the living room for their parents and their surprise.

15 minutes, Carlos and Stephanie came in with two girls with dark hair. "Hey guys, meet your two sisters, Katherine Serena Delgado and Katrina Ashley Delgado." Says Carlos. "Dad, mom, you adopted you more kids?" Josh asks. "Yes,  there are your sisters." Says Stephanie. Josh shakes his head in disappointment.

"Well, He is Joshua, but you can call him Josh and I'm Daniel, but you can call me Dan. We're twins and we were adopted like you girls." Says Daniel.

"I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess." Says Jessica. "I'm Jonathan, I was also adopted," says Jonathan. "I'm Destiny, I was adopted." Says Destiny. "I'm Nathan, but you can call Nate and I was adopted with Jonathan." Says Nathan. "I'm Nicole, but you can call me Nikki." Says Nicole. "I'm Alexander, but you can call me Alex." Says Alex.

"Wow, I have a lot of siblings!" Says Katrina and Katherine just nod. "Well, girls all of you will move to the attic which is big." Says Carlos. "No wonder why so much causes this of moving our beds and stuff." Says Nicole.

"So what about their old room?" Jonathan asks. "Well, your father and I were thinking about giving to one of the twins." Says Stephanie. "Perfect! Goodbye Joshua!" Says Daniel. "What?! You're kicking me out!" Yelled Joshua and Daniel nods. "That's settled." Says Stephanie.

The boys started Josh's things to the girl's old room. Thank goodness the walls were green so he didn't have to worry and the girls were setting Katherine and Katrina up in their room living area.

"So we have bunk beds and one extra bed. How are we going to settle this?" Nicole asks. "Well we can do.." says Destiny.

The girls settled that Jessica and Destiny have one bunk bed. Jessica on top and Destiny on the bottom.

The other bunk bed would be Katrina and Nicole. Katrina on top and Nicole on the bottom, so that left Katherine with the extra bed by the window.

Destiny and Jessica went with Stephanie to buy Katrina and Katherine things. Nicole stayed and showed them the house and by the time girls got back, it was time for dinner and Katrina and Katherine figuring out where to sit till.

"I want to sit next to Alex!" Says Katrina and everyone smiles. Katherine was shy and didn't know what to do, so Jessica says "Katherine, sit next to me." Katherine smiles and sits to Jessica. Everyone was talking to each other and Katherine was shy and just smiled at her new family and ate her food.

By 9:30 pm and everyone was in bed, it was raining and thunder start going hard, Katherine started dancing and try to wake up the girls but they didn't. Katherine starts crying and saying "I don't know what to do." Katherine takes her blanket and goes to the downstairs into the hallway and sees the bathroom light on. Daniel comes out and Katherine runs to him. Daniel yawns and says "Thunderstorm" Katherine nods. Daniel says "Let's go to my room."

In Daniel's room, Daniel was going to sleep on his couch and Katherine on his bed, but she wanted him by her side all the time, so they made space on the bed for the both of them. "What's wrong?" He asks. "The thunder woke me up and it reminds me of the bad foster care." Daniel gives Katherine a kiss on the forehead. "Now, you're part of a family who will always love and care for you."

Nicole wakes up, notices that Katherine's bed is empty, the door's open and she calls Daniel.

D- Hello?

N- Have you seen Kat?

D- Yeah, she's with me in my room.

N- Can I come downstairs?

D- Sure

They hung up and Nicole come down from the girl's room and once she got downstairs, they all sat on Daniel's bed to comfort Katherine through the thunder till it was just raining. After that Nicole gets up and stretches says "Well we are going back to bed it's 1:30 am." Katherine shouts "NO!!!," Nicole says "Why? The thunder is over and it's really late." Katherine says "The storm is still going on and you guys will help me through the storm." Daniel and Nicole looked at each other to understand what their sister just said then shrugged their shoulders.

Daniel says "Ummm..OK...... Nikki and I will sing to you." Nicole says "Let's lay down to start." They lay down and start singing to her. Katherine was in between Daniel and Nicole. Daniel's arms around Katherine whole for comfort and his chin on top of her head. Katherine finally falls asleep with Daniel still holding her. Daniel and Nicole got comfy and slept.

The next morning the group woke up and It's Monday that meant school and work. On the way down the stairs, Nicole finds the rest of the family there first. "Why is everyone looking at me?" Asked Nicole. Carlos says "Hey girls look what we have." Carlos turns on the TV screen and shows the picture from last night. Nicole shakes her head  and says "Wow, that's kind of embarrassing" Stephanie says "Awwww look so cute sleeping and holding their sister." The picture shows that Dan's arms on Katherine's waist and Nicole's on top of his. That's when Daniel goes down and sees the TV screen. "Take that off," Daniel says. Daniel chases Carlos around, who had the remote control around the house. Desiree shows up and sees the screen and says "Aww that's cute!" Daniel stops chasing Carlos as he sees his brother's girlfriend. "Hi Desiree, liking the screen?" Asked Carlos. Desiree says "Both of you look so cute in the picture."

Nicole gets an alert on her phone about cancellations.

Nicole goes to everyone and says "School and college classes have been canceled." Everyone is happy.

Katherine comes down rubbing her eyes. Nicole says "Good news girl, the school has been canceled." Katherine smiles and says "I'll go get the game room ready." Boys go to the game room and all the girls to the girl's room.

Author's note: Aww siblings to the rescue, did you love what they did for Katherine?

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