chapter 2

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Matthew Noszka, American actor, as Ben   



Ada locked herself in her room, and dropped on the window seat, head in her hands.

She had screwed things up again. Ada had never been as good an actress as her mother, and sister. She felt suffocated in this cold, empty place.

"What's wrong?"

Ada's head shot up. "What the hell are you doing here?" she glared at Ben who was standing in the threshold with a stupid smile on his face.

"Just wanted to check up on you..."

"Well you have, now get out of my room, and if you pick my lock one more time, I'll rip off your arm." Ada stared right at him, mouth a straight line.

His smile wavered a bit. "I'm sorry. Nora said you probably had another argumant with your mother, and I just wanted to make sure you were Ok..."

"I don't know what you two are up to, but you better get out of here before I lose my temper, again."

Ben walked towards the window seat, and sat down beside her. "She's just worried about you, so am I."

"Bullshit." Ada snorted.

He stretched out his hand to touch her face, but Ada cought it in midair. "Get out of here while your balls are still intact, and go back to your girlfriend."

The insufferable smile was back. "I don't want to go back to Nora. I want to stay here with you." He leaned closer.

Ada scrunched up her nose. "you're drunk."

"Maybe a little." He tried to touch her again.

She got up to her feet, enranged. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're dating my sister."

"It s not like that..." Ben stood up as well, coming towards her.

"I don't believe you." Ada fisted her fingers to rearange his face. She might not love her sister any more, but she wouldn't betray her like this.

"I don't want Nora right now. I want you..."

"Get out of here."

He held up his hands. "Nora and I, we're not exclusive. I promise you. She won't care."

"I'm her sister, of course she'll care."

"She won't ..."

"You don't know that..."

"I do. She mentioned it before."

"And why the hell would you two talk about something like that?" Ada asked suspiciously.

He shrugged casually. "We talk about a lot of things."

"Right." Ada rolled her eyes.

He chuckled. "You're adorable."

"I m saying this for the last time, fuck off."

Ben sighed. "Come on Ada ,don't leave me hanging like this."

"Even if Nora is Ok with this, It would be weird..."

"Look, I know, but I swear, she won' t mind. I mean I really like Nora but I've wanted you too, for a long time, but I'v never had the nerve to tell you ..."

Ada stared at him, trying to see through his facade. He seemed sincere enough. His eyes were wanting, but not mocking. Maybe he really was telling the truth. Maybe she should just let go.

"Come on, why are you always so cautious? Live a little. Why won't you let me make you happy?"

"Arragont son of a bitch." Ada snorted.

He flashed her another smile. "It'll be just tonight. What do you say?"

"If I find out you've lied to me." Ada said as she grabbed his lapels. "I will cut off your balls, make a peperoni pizza with them, and make you eat it. "

Ben's smile didn't waver. "That's really hot."

"It won't be when you're bleeding to death."

"I'm not lying." He wasn't smiling anymore.

Ada pulled him towards herself, and crashed her lips to his, trying to shut off her mind. Live in the moment. Just live. Ben responded immediately, Pinning Ada to the wall, hands roamed her body, ripping off her dress.

His hot lips moved to her neck. She moaned, digging her nails in his back. He kissed ferociously, urgently. Ada kissed him trying not to think about the nagging fact that this was her sister's boyfriend.

Ben walked them towards her bed. Ada helped him out of his clothe, and had the good sence not to ruin them. His skin was hot beneath her touch. Ada straddled him. He captured her lips again, pulling her towards him then flipped them over, and ripped off her bra.

For that, she had to kick his ass. But later.

Ben planted open mouthed kisses on her bare skin. She closed her eyes, forgetting his face, pretending he was someone else.

A Hunger to Share ( Book One )Where stories live. Discover now