chapter 42

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It was snowing.

James couldn't wait to drag his siblings out, and play with them in the snow. Maybe they could even build a snowman.

"Jack, Vivi, where are you?" He called out to his brother and sister, dropping his school backpack on the floor.

No one answered. James called their names again. He started to panic when there was no response.

"Guys?" He walked further into the house.

"Here Jamie. I'm here." Jack came out of their room, looking sad, and tired.

"I thought you'd left." James looked at his feet, feeling ashamed for his childlish behavior.

"I would never leave you Jamie. You know that. I was just listening to music on my headphones, and didn't hear you." Jack hugged his brother, and ruffled his hair.

"Do you promise?" James looked up at him with big green eyes.

"Haven't I promised you before?" He said with a faint smile.

"Promise me again."

"I promise I will never leave you little brother. Never, ever, ever." That eased the worry in James's heart. He withdrew from Jack. "How was school? What did you learn today?"

He scrunched up his nose. "Nothing. It sucked like always."

"Oh come on, you must have learnt something." Jack fished out a cigarette and reached for the lighter on the counter.

James snatched it up, and hid it behind his back. He felt a little guilty. He knew Jack didn't like it when he did that, but James didn't like it when he smoked. It had an awful smell, and was a nasty habit.

James didn't want his brother to die. He didn't know what he would do without him, or Vivi. He just wanted them to be happy. But Mom, and Dad kept asking Jack, and Vivi to join them on hunts for monsters, and that made them sad.

That's why Jack smoked, or Vivi became distant somedays. James hated his parents for that, for not being there, for making things worse.

"They did teach us something actually. Smoking sucks."

Jack sighed, running a hand through his tired face. "Jamie please, not now..."

"Why not? You always say you're quitting, but you never do. What if you get lung cancer, and die? I don't wanna lose you Jackie. Vivi doesn't either..."

"I'm not gonna get cancer kiddo. I know my smoking upsets you, and I'm sorry, but I can't quit today..."

"Why not? What happened?" James was worried.

"Nothing." Jack tried to brush it off.


"Jamie please..." He reached for the lighter.

James stepped back. "Tell me what happened first." He demanded stubbornly.

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