chapter 15

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When Ada came to, she was surrounded by darkness.

Her neck hurt like a bitch. But she couldn't feel her other injuries. They must have healed already. Someone must have given her blood.

Whoever had deprived Ada of her overdue revenge was going to regret it when she got out.

She got up from where she was sprawled on the hard floor and looked around, squinting her eyes in hopes of seeing something. With her sharp vampire vision she made out the shadow of a door.

Ada yanked the handle down fierecely but it of course didn't budge. She hissed in anger when her hand burnt like she was holding hot coal. Swearing loudly, she pulled it back, kicking the door with her foot.

Her father had put her somewhere with a silver door. Just when she thought he couldn't get any worse, he surprised her. Ada must have really scared the shit out of him. That gave her new strength. Let him be the scared one for once.

Taking off her tank top, she warapped it around her palm and tried the handle again, but the son of a bitch stayed locked. She tried it a few more times to no avail.

With fear and desperation gnawing at her, she tried to punch her way through the door. She could only feel small dents where her fist had colided with the hard surface.

It was too tick, and Ada too weak. She needed more blood. Without her life source, her super vampire strength wasn't worth shit. She had only managed to bruise, and bloody her knuckles.

Ada fell down on her hands and knees and started searching the floor for something useful. She felt every squere inch of it and came up with nothing.

Enraged, she got up and started kicking the walls and the door. Ada couldn't even feel the pain and the burns anymore. She was feeling claustrophobic. She couln't breathe.

How long had she been here?A day, a week? How much longer was Father going to keep her here? Why was she even alive after trying to kill him?

He was an idiot if he thought he could make her behave by locking her in here.

Was Mom alright? What about Nora? Had he imprisoned them as well? Nora hadn't been there when it had happened or had she? Could she have been the one who had broken her neck?

Ada started banging on the door with her fists. "Mom?Nora? Ben? Anyone?" She kept shouting until her throat felt raw.

Maybe Father had ordered a witch or warlock to altere everyones minds with some spell so they couldn't even remember her.

Ada slid down the door, and put her face in her hands.

Time passed.
No one came.

Ada's days were an uneventful cycle of waking up, and felling back into unconsciousness, until she would wake up from nightmares, covered in cold sweat, and shaking.

Father was always there, killing someone. Sometimes it was Mom, sometimes Nora, sometimes James. But never Ada. She was made to watch what her disobedience had caused.

Sometimes Ada would touch her chapped lips, and think about James. She hoped he was alive.

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