Friendship turned into a love story. #Riansh Episode 33

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The episode starts with dadi getting the rings to make Vansh and Riddhima exchange it.
Dadi: So let's start exchanging the rings before the auspicious time could be ended.
Chanchel: Let's start with Riddhima by making Vansh makes Riddhima wears her engagement ring.
Chanchel came to Vansh.
Then she gave him the ring that he will make Riddhima wears it.
Riddhima and Vansh were looking at each while they were smiling.
They were feeling very happy that they will make each one of them other's fiance.
Vansh was going to make Riddhima wears the ring when she has stopped him by getting up from her place.
Riddhima: No Mr. organizer I will not wear this ring that easy as you will not make me your fiance in that normal way at the end I'm Riddhima Singh Travidi and I will be Vansh Rai Singhania's wife. So the engagement must to be more funny and unique.
Vansh and everyone were surprised from Riddhima's attitude.
Riddhima: If you want to make me your fiance Vansh, you must to catch me first and then you could make me wear our engagement ring.
She was smiling while she was saying those words.
Vansh: So do you are challenging me would be Mrs. organizer?!
Riddhima: Yes Mr. organizer. Let's see if you will catch me to make me wear the ring or not.
After Riddhima has finished her words, she starts running.
Vansh takes his and Riddhima's rings with him and he puts the rings on his pocket.
Then he starts running after Riddhima.
Everyone was watching them while they were smiling.
Chanchel: Riddhima will never stop this kids attitude. I was sure that she will never miss this occasion without doing a child's action.
Kabir: Actually mom this is the thing that makes Riddhima very unique and special girl.
Ishani: Yes. The way that she is living with it her life is an inspirational way and I'm sure that this is one of the things that made Vansh bro fall in love for Riddhima.
Rudra: So let's see how Vansh will catch Riddhima.
Dadi raised her voice to make Vansh listen to her words.
Dadi: Vansh, don't forget the auspicious time as only 5 minutes left for the auspicious time to end. So you have to catch Riddhima and make her wear the ring very quickly.
Then Ishani and Kabir starts cheering and encouraging Vansh and Riddhima.
Kabir: Come on Vansh you can do it. Make Riddhima know the men's power.
Ishnai: Run fast Riddhima as you must to win this challenge and don't make Vansh bro catch you.
The challenge that Riddhima has given it to Vansh makes the celebration more funny and enjoyable.
It makes Vansh and Riddhima forget Aryan's presence and try to just focus on their engagement ceremony and how they could enjoy this ceremony together.
Vansh was still running after Riddhima.
Riddhima was smiling very much while she was running and not making Vansh catch her.
Riddhima( Smiling): Surrender Mr. organizer as you will not be able to catch me. Just give up and I will stop running and then I could feel pity on you and make you be my fiance, but after I got to be the winner.
Vansh: Vansh Rai Singhania doesn't give up or surrender sweetheart. I will catch you and I will be the winner of this challenge. Just wait and watch Riddhu.
Riddhima: Let's see Vansh.
They were keeping running after each other while they were smiling and enjoying their time.
Not the whole people who were in the house were happy seeing Vansh and Riddhima's happiness.
As Siya, Aryan, and Sejal were looking at them with an evil and disgusting way.
Siya takes Aryan to a far area without making Sejal notices them.
Aryan: What are you doing Siya?! We must never make anyone and especially Sejal to speculate that there is something that we are planning it together.
Siya: No one will notice us Aryan as everyone is waiting to see who will win this stupid challenge and how this nonsense engagement will occur. I just want to know from you what will be your plan as I don't know why you are keeping quiet and not trying another try to stop this stupid engagement and end this marriage before it could be completed.
Aryan: We still have a lot of changes to destroy with it this marriage as there are a lot of rituals will happen and then we could be able to take an advantage of each and every ritual that could make us destroy this marriage with it. Actually, you also mustn't forget the beneficial things that have happened today Siya. As now I'm in front of Vansh and Riddhima and I will never allow their happiness to last forever as you have seen how they got shocked and annoyed when they have seen me and of course you must never forget the gas vapor that has cause a lot of disaster at the beginning of the ceremony. Those all are success to us as at least we are not leaving them enjoy till the end. We are doing stuffs that disturb them a lot so even if this engagement will happen, but we still have succeeded in disturbing those love birds and make them super shocked and annoyed.
Siya: But look at them now.
Aryan and Siya looked at Vansh and Riddhima while they were running after each other and they are both laughing very much.
Siya: There isn't any shock or annoy appeared on their faces as just happiness and joy is the thing that appears on their faces.
Aryan: Don't judge the cover Siya as I'm sure that what Vansh and Riddhima are appearing isn't the truth. I'm sure that they are very afraid from my arrive especially Vansh. I'm sure that Vansh isn't feeling comfortable at all while seeing his would be wife's ex boyfriend in front of him and this is the thing that I will use it against Vansh to disturb him more and make him suffer a lot. Just wait Siya and I'm sure that you will enjoy a lot after what I will do.
At that moment, Sejal has came to Aryan and Siya.
Sejal: Aryan baby what are you doing here?
Aryan: Nothing my love I was just talking with Siya as I was thanking her for supporting us in front of the whole VR family. I can admit that she is loving you so much and caring very much about you Sejal.
Sejal: Yes Aryan I'm 100% sure of Siya's love towards me.
Siya: I will always support you my cousin.
Siya to herself: My support will lead you all to hell. Just wait fool girl.
Sejal: Anyway, I just hope that this stupid ceremony could end quickly so the 3 of us could have a meeting together to know how we could stop this marriage and disturb this stupid Riddhima. But this disturbance will be just for Riddhima, nothing will happen to my brother Vansh. Riddhima is just the one who must suffer a lot and we must never make her succeed in being a member of VR family. I'm sure that both of you will help me because I know that you are both just thinking about my happiness. I'm sure Aryan, if that Riddhima wasn't with Vansh and making him against you, you and Vansh could have formed a great friendship. We must just get rid of that Riddhima and everything will be fine.
Aryan: Don't worry my lovely Sejal. Everything will happen the way you want. That's why I have came here to just support you my love.
Sejal hugs Aryan.
Sejal: Thank you so much Aryan. You are the best boyfriend ever.
Aryan and Siya were smiling secretly as they became sure that Sejal will always support them and she will never be convinced from anyone's words other than them.
At the same time, Vansh was still running after Riddhima.
Then he got succeeded in catching her by lifting her.
Vansh(Smiling): I won the challenge sweetheart. I told you that I can't surrender.
Regardless that Riddhima lost the challenge, but she was happy that Vansh has succeeded in catching her.
Riddhima: Even if you have won and I have lost, but the success is still mine. Actually, my huge success is that I'm with you now Mr. organizer.
Vansh was smiling very much.
He kissed Riddhima in her forehead while he was still lifting her.
Vansh: So let's exchange the rings now as just a couple of minutes left for the auspicious time to end.
Riddhima: Leave me so we could do that.
Vansh: No sweetheart I will not leave you. We will exchange the rings while I'm lifting you.
Riddhima: What?!
Vansh: Yes. As I'm the one who has won the challenge so what I will say must happen.
Riddhima( Smiling): Regardless that is a weird thing and it isn't usually happening, but I have liked it. I was dreaming and wishing that our engagement will be very special and you really have fulfilled this dream.
Vansh: So can you get the rings from my pocket? As you can observe I will can't get them while I'm holding you.
Riddhima gets the rings from Vansh's pocket.
Vansh: Hold me very well as I will leave a hand to make you wear the ring.
Riddhima holds Vansh very hard.
Then Vansh made her wear the engagement ring while he was lifting her.
Everyone claps after Vansh made Riddhima wear the ring.
Then Riddhima makes Vansh wear his engagement ring.
Everyone was clapping after the engagement has done.
Vansh and Riddhima were smiling and feeling very happy after making each one of them wear the ring that is written on it the name of the other.
Vansh and Riddhima were happy that they have made their engagement in a very special way.
Ishani: I'm super admired with the special and the unique way that you both have exchanged the engagement rings with it.
Ragini: I have taken to them a lovely pictures while they were both exchanging rings. So Vansh and Riddbima please come to see the pictures as you both were looking so cute together.
Vansh lefts Riddhima so they could watch the pictures.
They start watching the pictures while they were smiling and looking at each other.
Afterwards, Riddhima went to the kitchen to drink water.
While she was getting out from the kitchen, Aryan has came and stopped her.
Aryan: I can notice how you are very happy as if Vansh is the first man in your life. So where was that girl who was saying that he is just her best friend? As I'm observing that your best friend is going to be your husband now! So how this has happened darling?! Where was the huge love that you were owing it to me Riddhima?
Riddhima wasn't replying to Aryan's words.
She was just wanting to leave from the kitchen as she wasn't wanting to talk with him.
Aryan was forbidding her from leaving the kitchen by standing around her.
Aryan: You will not leave from here without answering my questions. Don't pretend as if I'm stranger to you as I'm sure that the love that you were owing it to me will never vanish that easy. Riddhima you must to admit that you are still loving me and you would never forget me as I'm sure that Aryan Oberoi will never be forgotten from any girl's memory.
Riddhima: What nonsense you are saying?! Why I could still remember an idiot like you?! I have totally forgotten you stupid Aryan and the thing that could proves that to you that I'm now getting married to the one who really deserves me. I'm now getting married to a man who just his finger is better and greatest than a tracy person like you. Actually, I will always thank God that he has protected me from a cheap man like you. I will always thank God that he has exposed your real face in front of me idiot and he has made me observed the true love that was always beside me, but I wasn't noticing him and this true love will always be Vansh and not any other person. So don't think that you could take any place in my life idiot so how you could imagine that I could still be loving a cheap and stupid guy like you? Actually, I'm sure that what I was feeling towards you was never the true love as my true love is just Vansh. So your presence is useless to me Aryan. I'm sure that you are doing the same thing that you have done it with me with Sejal, but I promise you stupid Aryan that I will not allow you to play with the feelings of Vansh's sister. I promise you that your real face will be exposed in front of Sejal very soon and this time your punishment will be very tough and hard that you will not be able to tolerate it at all.
Aryan was listening to her words and he was smiling.
Riddhima was going to leave when he has stopped her by holding her hands.

Riddhima got shocked seeing Aryan holding her hands.
At that moment, Vansh has came to the kitchen to search about Riddhima.
Then he has seen Aryan and Riddhima at the kitchen.
Vansh got very angry seeing Aryan holding Riddhima's hand and being close to her.
Vansh to himself: How dare this idiot to hold my Riddhima's hands?! I will not leave him.
He enters the kitchen with a very angry movement.
He comes near them and he separates Aryan's hands from Riddhima's hands.
Then he comes between Aryan and Riddhima by making Riddhima at his back.
He immediately without giving Aryan any chance to do anything, he punched Aryan a hard punch on his face.
This punch was a very hard punish that because of how it is hard it made Aryan fall on the floor.
Vansh: This is the punishment for touching my fiance and my everything.
Aryan's nose start to bleed because of Vansh's punch.
Vansh comes near him and he makes him gets up by holding the bottom of Aryan's shirt.
Vansh: Don't you dare to just be near Riddhima once again as you will not be satisfied at all for what I will do with you next time. I'm just tolerating you for Sejal's sake, but don't think that your presence in my life will last for a long time as very soon I will expose you in front of Sejal and I will prove that you are the one who is behind trying to destroy my business.
Aryan makes Vansh away from him by removing Vansh's hands from his shirt.
Then he starts removing the blood that was on his nose.
Aryan( Smiling a grin smile): Chill bro. Why you are very angry like that?! Don't forget that I'm your fiance's first love and of course you know that first love will not be forgotten even if there is a new love. First love will always win Vansh.
Vansh got angry from Aryan's words.
So he hits Aryan on his head by Vansh's head.
Everyone has came at that moment.
Sejal runs to Aryan after seeing him bleeding that much.
Vansh: I can't tolerate that guy more and if I will tolerate him just for you Sejal so you must to make him know his limits and don't even think to be near my Riddhima and if he will not stay on his limits so he could get out from that house as I really can't tolerate him. Get out from VR mansion now Aryan.
Sejal: But I...
Vansh: You have told us that you will leave from here if we didn't made him be with you during my marriage rituals and now the first ritual got finished as the engagement party got ended. So please make that idiot leave from here now.
Sejal has taken Aryan who was very hurt, but he was looking at Vansh in a challenging way.
Argan: First love Vansh don't forget that.
Everyone has left the kitchen except Vansh and Riddhima who were still standing there and being very angry from what Aryan has said and done.
Riddhima comes near Vansh.
Then she had putted her hands around his neck.
Afterwards, she has kissed him in his forehead.
Riddhima: I know that this idiot's words have made you very angry, but please you have to know that his words are just nonsense and about putting his hands on my hands it wasn't by m...
Vansh has putted his finger on Riddhima's lips to forbid from completing her words.
Vansh: You don't have to say anything Riddhima as I trust you so much. Actually, I trust you more than I trust my own self. So you don't have to justify anything has happened as I know that this stupid Aryan holds your hands forcefully and I'm sure that if I didn't came you would have slapped him a very hard slap for touching you. So don't imagine that words said by a cheap man like Aryan will make me misunderstands you sweetheart. I trust you and trust our love so much and nothing could destroy this trust.
Riddhima: Your trust is very precious to me Vansh and I promise you that I will never break this trust. Just chill now and don't make that stupid Aryan disturbs you as you don't look that attractive when you become that angry so can you please smile for my sake my handsome fiance?
Vansh smiles for Riddhima's try to get him out of the mood.
Then Riddhima joined him in smiling.
Riddhima(winking at him): That's my boy.
She kissed him in his cheek to make him chill and be more relaxed.
Then they hugged each other very tightly.
Vansh was trying to chill and forget what Aryan has said, but Aryan's words weren't able to get out from his brain.
Vansh to himself: I must hurry up in exposing Aryan in front of Sejal so I could get rid of him forever. I must to do that very quickly before he could succeed in causing any problems in my marriage with Riddhima. I will never allow that idiot to separate me from you Riddhima whatever are the circumstances.
Precap: "I'm sorry Vansh, but he is my first love and I will can't forget my feeling that I was owing it to him" Riddhima has said those words and she left Vansh while holding Aryan's hand.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Please don't forget your votes and comments on the episode. 

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