Friendship turned into a love story. #Riansh Episode 63

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The episode starts with Vansh explaining to Siya how Rudra was a part of his plan and he was joining with them to expose and fool Siya.
He was looking at Siya in a very irritating way.

Vansh: What you doesn't know it idiot that even your dad was knowing your truth or to be more accurate, he was doubting you so much.
Rudra: And all my doubts got more increased along with being a little bit confirmed when I have talked with Vansh.
Vansh: Actually, at the beginning I wasn't wanting to tell Rudra uncle anything from what I have known about you idiot without having a proof because I know that at the end he is a father and he will never be able to accept that his only daughter could do a very cheap thing like that.
Rudra: But due to my insisting, Vansh has told me your truth and he has included me in his plan so I could see your real face by my own self.
Flashback shows Vansh and Rudra being talking together.

Vansh was still silent and he wasn't wanting to tell the truth to Rudra.
Rudra: Vansh, please say anything. Your silence makes me know only one thing which is that you already know what I have gone to tell you. Please Vansh tell me what you know. I really can't bear that pain and confusion that is inside me. Tell me and I will promise you that I will accept what you will say whatever it will be and I will not do any hasty behaviour. Please Vansh beta tell me everything. I really can't be more confused like that.
Rudra starts to be teary.
So Vansh has came near him to support him.
Vansh: Please uncle relax and calm down as actually what you will know will not be easy on you so please try to be chilled. Look Rudra uncle, I will tell you everything, but you have to control yourself uncle as I don't want to regret that I will tell you those stuff.
Rudra: I promise you beta that I will control myself and I will accept what you will say, but please tell me everything now.
Vansh starts telling Rudra everything he has known it.
He has told him every bad deed Siya has done it.
Rudra was being very angry while hearing Vansh's words.

He was very emotional and heartbroken.
Rudra( being angry and teary at the same time): How Siya could do that Vansh?! How she could merely kill her grandma?! How she isn't regretting on anything she has done?! I can't imagine that all my doubts got right!! I can't imagine that my daughter could be that evil and cheap.
Vansh was supporting Rudra very much.
Vansh: Please relax uncle. You have to be very strong and don't make anything make you that weak. I know that this isn't easy on you at all and at the same time I know that you will not be 100% sure of what I'm saying until you could reach to a proof against her. Actually, I have already started collecting proofs against her and I'm moving on my plan so we could make her admit everything she has done by her own self. I need you to be with me uncle so you could witness everything is happening from the beginning and you could hear your daughter while confessing about each and every crime she has done it.
Rudra has gotten strong.
Then he has looked at Vansh in a very tough and brave way.
Rudra: I'm with you Vansh and I will do anything to get my own daughter's truth out and make her take the punishment that she deserves it. So just tell me what you want me to do in your plan?
Vansh: I will tell you. *Flashback ends*
Rudra: Do you think Siya that what I have came to tell you about it was just a normal stuff?! No dear, it was just a part of Vansh's plan. Which is making me you mad and hesitated so we could easily attack you and make you admit everything you have done.
Flashback shows Rudra has called Vansh after he has gotten out from Siya's room.
Rudra: Everything has happened the way you have planned it my shield. I have said and done exactly like you have told me to say and do. I have seen the fear and scare on her eyes. I'm sure that what you will do next will finish her completely.
Vansh: Great! Perfect uncle. So you just be sure to not make anyone of the family members at the hale of the house so we could do our plan easily.
Rudra: Don't worry Vansh. I will control everything and I will make the rest of the family members with me so they could observe everything will happen without making Siya notices them. *Flashback ends*
At that moment, The rest of the family members have came to the hale of the house.
They were all shocked and they weren't able to believe what they have heard and have seen.
Vansh: Now, your whole truth has came out Siya. Each and every member in the family has known your evil motive and cheap deeds. So don't you think for a second that you will be able to get out from that trap. As you have gotten trapped on Vansh Rai Singhania's trap that you will not be able to get out from it in just one condition which is death.
Siya was shocked and she wasn't understanding how everything got flipped on her.
Siya was trying to still have that image of the strong and get that fearless girl.
Siya: Your words will not fear me Vansh. I would never be afraid from you and I will never regret about anything I have done it to destroy you with it. I will always own to you so much hate that none will be able to change it and I don't care about anything you will do as I wo...
Before Siya could be able to complete her words, a very hard slap has gotten on her face from Rudra.

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