Friendship turned into a love story. #Riansh Episode 11

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The episode starts with Vansh looking at his picture with Riddhima that was putted beside his bed.

Vansh to himself: Since the first day that I have met you on it Riddhima and I have been fallen for you. Because of your special and admiring way I didn't have the control on myself to not love you and fall for you. Since the previous 2 years and I'm secretly loving you, but I wasn't able to make you or make anyone notice my love towards you. I wasn't wanting to destroy your relationship because I was seeing how you are loving your boyfriend so much. I was very careful to not make anyone observe my love towards you and I start to be satisfied to be near you just as best friends. I was satisfied to see your happiness even if it will not be with me. When Ishani was saying to me that I have feelings towards you Riddhima, I was rejecting that in front of her to not make her notice how I already know that. I wasn't wanting anything that can cause problems in our friendship. I wasn't wanting you to think that because I love you I could take you from your boyfriend.

He starts to be very emotional and his eyes was very red.

Vansh to himself: I wasn't needing to take you forcefully. I wasn't wanting to make anything from that Aryan has said it to you. I have observed from your eyes that you want to listen to my words. I have observed from your eyes that you are trusting me very much, but that Aryan is succeeding very much to have the control on you.

He was looking at his bleeding hand and the anger was very noticed on his face.

Vansh to himself: This wound will always make me remember how this stupid Aryan has succeeded in causing problems in our friendship Riddhima, but I promise you that I will not make him succeed in what he wants as I will not give up and I will expose him in front of you. I will do my best to get my best friend back to me. I don't know if one day you will notice my feelings towards you or not Riddhima, but I will always love you and I will always care about you. I will always be in your life as your great best friend. This Aryan can't take this right from me, he can't destroy my friendship with you Riddhima.

At that time, Ishani has entered Vansh's room to know what he has done with Riddhima.

She got shocked when she has seen the room in a bad state.

She also got shocked when she has seen Vansh's hand is bleeding.

Ishani: Vansh, you are bleeding. Please sit as I must to cure your aid.

She makes him sit on the chair and she cures his wound.

She has observed from his reaction that nothing has gone well between him and Riddhima.

Ishani: What has happened Vansh between you and Riddhima?

Vansh: Nothing has gone well at all because of that stupid Aryan.

Vansh starts telling Ishani what has happened between him and Riddhima.

He has told her how Aryan has interfered while he was telling Riddhima his truth.

He has told her how Aryan has controlled Riddhima and he was taking the advantage that there wasn't a proof that support his words against Aryan.

Ishani: That stupid Aryan will not be saved from our hands! He isn't just faked his feeling towards Riddhima, but he also has said a fake words about you. You must to do something very quickly Vansh bro. You can't leave Riddhima with that Aryan, you can't merely leave your best friend.

Vansh: I will not leave Riddhima, but at the same time we will can't return like before until I could expose that Aryan in front of her.

Ishani: So what you will do?

At that moment, Riddhima was heart broken and she was crying on her room.

Then Kabir has entered her room and he got shocked when he found her in that state.

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