Friendship turned into a love story. #Riansh Episode 35

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The episode starts with Vansh still staring at Riddhima while she was sleeping.
She was sleeping on his arms as if she is his young daughter.
After some time, Riddhima has waked up.
Riddhima: Good morning Mr. organizer.
Vansh: Good morning sweetheart.
Riddhima: Impressive! I can observe that my fiance was staring at me very much while I was sleeping! Please stop that as I got very shy.
Riddhima has gotten out from Vansh's lap and she was going to leave.
Vansh has stopped her from leaving by holding her hand and grabbing her towards him.
Vansh: It is my right my fiance to stare at you. Actually, it is not my fault at all that I'm staring at you so much as you are the one who is very beautiful especially while sleeping. So if I didn't stare at you, of course I will be a very idiot guy. And you definitely know that Vansh Rai Singhania isn't an idiot at all so I will always stare at you and I will can't stop that whatever are circumstances.
Riddhima was smiling while she was listening to Vansh's words.
He makes her closer to him.
Then he starts kissing her in her both cheeks.
Riddhima was very shy while Vansh was kissing her cheeks, but she was happy from inside being that close to him.
Vansh was being very close to Riddhima and he was going to kiss her as his lips were very close to Riddhima's lips.
Riddhima got very shy.
She was going to escape from him due to her shyness, but before she could do that Kabir has came to the balcony in that moment and he has helped Riddhima to escape from that shying situation.
Kabir has entered to the balcony while Vansh was going very close to kiss Riddhima.
Kabir was looking at them while he was smiling.
He decided to get them out from this lovely moment.
He dropped a ball to make a huge sound so it could wake up Vansh and Riddhima.
Riddhima and Vansh got distracted after they have heard the ball's sound.
They suddenly has looked at the reason of that sound.
Then they have found Kabir in front of them and he was smiling very much.
Kabir(smiling): I can observe that you are both very hasty and you both want to skip a lot of rituals to reach to the last ritual in your marriage, but sorry guys as what you both want it will not happen. You both must wait until you both could get married. Nothing will happen between you both before marriage so be patient guys.
He was keeping laughing at them.
Then he comes near them and he holds Riddhima's hand.
Kabir: Sorry Vansh I must now to take your fiance from you so she could be ready for the music ceremony of your both marriage.
Vansh was holding Riddhima's hand very tightly to not make her leave him.
Kabir: Come on Vansh I will not take her from you forever as she will just leave you for a short time so she could be ready for your both music ceremony.
Riddhima was looking at Vansh and she was smiling.
Riddhima: Don't worry my fiance as I will come to you very soon during our music ceremony. Be ready Mr. organizer as I'm sure that you will get mad after seeing my look.
She winked at him while she was walking with Kabir to their way to leave the balcony.
Before Riddhima could leave the balcony, she sent to Vansh a flying kiss.
Riddhima raised her voice to make Vansh hears her while Kabir was taking her.
Riddhima: I love you Vansh.
Vansh has raised his voice to make Riddhima hears him.
Vansh: I love you way more sweetheart. Don't worry I will come to you fast and I will not make Kabir take you from me for a long time and about you Kabir I will not leave you for taking my fiance from me!
Kabir was laughing while listening to Vansh's words when he was with Riddhima in the hale of the house.
Afterwards, Vansh was contacting with his men to make them start his plan to forbid Aryan from coming to VR mansion during the music ceremony and to make him pass through a part of the punishment that Vansh has prepared it to him so he could know how he has done a huge mistake by messing with Vansh Rai Singhania.
After he has finished his call with his men, he was smiling.
Vansh to himself: Now nothing will forbids Riddhima and I from being together and celebrating our marriage rituals happily. I will be always ready for anything you will do Aryan and I will always be one step ahead from you idiot. That's why your plans will never be succeeded and I will be the one who will win that battle and I will win my love. I'm sure that very soon Angre will get me all the proofs that could make me expose you and get rid of you Aryan.
At that moment, Aryan was getting out from his house while having a phone call with Siya.
Siya: Where are you Aryan? You must to come very early so we could disturb Vansh and Riddhima from the beginning of the ceremony. I'm sure that Vansh will never be able to live peacefully every time he will see you on it. You have to increase the doubts and the jealousy that you have created it inside him yesterday. We must to make him stop this marriage by himself very soon.
Aryan: Don't worry Siya as I have entered my car now and I will reach to VR mansion very soon and by my arrive Vansh and Riddhima's happiness will vanish.
They were both smiling while they were sure that what they will do during this ceremony will disturb Vansh and Riddhima with it.
While Aryan was still talking with Siya, he got surprised with a lot of people who start throwing tomatoes and eggs on Aryan's car.
Aryan was shocked from the people's behavior.
He wasn't understanding the reason behind their huge anger.
Siya: What is going on Aryan? What is that noise?
Aryan: There is an insane people who are throwing tomatoes and eggs on my car. I will get out to see what is happening.
When Aryan gets our from his car, the people start throwing tomatoes and eggs on Aryan.
A man( Being very angry): This is the stupid man who has done a very immoral stuff from a year and a half. This is Aryan Oberoi who was under bars and we thought that we have gotten rid of him, but he takes his freedom and he is normally walking on the streets without any shame!
Another angry man: We must to punish that man with the way that we prefer it to not make him mess with any girl once again.
They start throwing more tomatoes and eggs on Aryan.
They have insulted him very much.
A man has came and made Aryan fall on the ground and he starts hitting him.
They have beaten Aryan very hardly.
Aryan's body guards were coming to rescue him.
When the people have noticed them, they have decided to leave after they became sure that Aryan got very hurt and he has gotten a huge punishment.
Before they all could leave, one of them came near Aryan.
A man: This is just a small punishment from the side of Vansh Rai Singhania and the side of a lot of citizens who were wanting to punish you in that way, but they weren't able to do that. Just Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania is the one who has supported us to punish you in that way cheap guy. So it is better for you to stay in your limits otherwise you will take hard punishment than that one as this is just the trailer of what is prepared to you idiot.
The man has said those words and then he and all the people who were with him have left before Aryan's guards could catch them.

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