Friendship turned into a love story. #Riansh Episode 85

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The episode starts with Riddhima looking at Vansh deeply while she was smiling and being very happy after she has heard his words.

She has came closer to him.
Then she has putted her hand around his neck.

Riddhima: I was understanding what you were passing through it Vansh. I was able to understand your jealousy and anger as if I'm in your place and I have met any girl who gets to be that close to you, I will not stay quiet and I will kill you both.
She has looked at him in a confident way.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I could observe that Mrs. Rai Singhania is owing a very dangerous side that I wasn't aware about it!
Riddhima: Of course. There is still so many stuff that I will surprise you with it especially when it comes to the love of my life as I could turn to be the most evilest girl ever just to protect you my dearest husband.
Vansh has smiled from Riddhima's dangerous side.

Riddhima: I was sure that my Vansh will never do anything that could separate him from me. I was sure that your jealousy and anger will never ruin our love. You have proved to me Vansh that our love is very strong. You have made me more and more proud of our love Vansh. I know that you got hurt from me. I know that this hurt was because of me even if I wasn't meaning that, but this what has happened at the end. I promise you that I will cure all the pain and hurt that I have given it to you.
At that exact moment, Riddhima lays on her knees and she gets a ring from her purse.

Vansh has got surprised seeing Riddhima doing this behaviour.

Riddhima: You have always done this stuff to me and now it is my turn to do it in a way to please you with it Mr. organizer. I have bought you this ring in an apologizing way for what you have passed through it because of me. This ring will always make you remember that Riddhima is just for Vansh and she will always be for Vansh. This ring is written on it my name Vansh. So you could always have a strong prove of the owning of your Riddhima. I love you so much Vansh. I love you and I will keep loving you till the end of my life. So could you be able to forgive your wife and accept her apology?
Vansh was being overwhelmed from Riddhima's words.

He was being very happy while hearing Riddhima's words.
He gets on his knees like her.
Then he gets so close to her.

Vansh: This words are really enough to me sweetheart. It is enough to me to feel how much my sweetheart is loving me that much. I'm very overwhelmed from your love towards me Riddhu. I could never allow anyone or anything that could make me doubt our love. Even my jealousy will never be able to make me be angry on you sweetheart.
He has putted his finger on her face in a very romantic and loving way.

He was wanting to feel each and every detail of her.
He was wanting to keep sinking in her till the end of his life.
He was being very happy while being with Riddhima.
Riddhima and Vansh were feeling very relaxed and comfortable after they have cleared the misunderstanding that was between them.
They were staring at each other so deeply.

They were being so happy while sinking on each other's eyes.

Afterwards, Riddhima has seated at Vansh's lap to be very close to him.

She was surrounding him by her hands around his neck.

He was staring at her so much as well as she.

Riddhima: I'm so happy that now everything got to be fixed between both of us Vansh, but still I have to tell you the rest of the story that you didn't have known it so we co...
Before Riddhima could be able to finish her words, Vansh has putted his finger near his lips to stop her from talking.

Vansh: Shh! I don't want to hear anything about the past. I trust you so much sweetheart and I will not make that stupid man to make me question you or doubt you. I trust everything you say it Riddhima and I don't want anything that could put our relationship in the questioning frame. I could admit that what he has said has made me very angry and has made me want to know everything has happened at the past, but then when I got to be relaxed I have reached that the strong relationship that is between you and me doesn't need any questions and doubts.
Riddhima was smiling and being very happy from Vansh's trust and love.

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