Part 104

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" sisi wake up..."
I slowly opened my eyes to Lethu dimple face,
Her: hay "
I smiled but felt a sharp pain on my neck, I frowned and Lethu laughed
Her: that what you get for sleeping in a chair "

We must have dozed off and slept in the waiting room area, waiting for Dr to tell us the status of my father's condition.

I know our father is not Lethu's favorite person but she came here to support me and I'm so grateful that I'm not doing this alone now.

Me: what time is it?"
Her: it's morning  ..."
Me: Mtungwa unjani?"
Her: Dr said he is stable for now..."
Me: I need to see him"
Her: you will, but how about you go take a bath change and answer that constant ringing phone of yours"
Me: but LT? ... "
Her: The  Dr's are taking care of Mtungwa let me do that for you ok "
Me: you will call me if there is any change ?"
Her: off cause now go rest a bit "

I stood up and stretched my body, my muscled flexed with few bones popping and cracking
Me: thank you for being here "
Her: he is my father too"
She rolled her eyes and I laughed hugging her

I jumped in the car and drove to my house, I wanted to take a long bath and change of clothes before I headed to Becky house, after jumping out of the shower I wiped the steam off the mirror there was a writing " Be an opener of doors"
I read through it few times not sure  what it means, suddenly I saw a passage or hallway with the door banging  shutting and opening, and there was one door that did not open in the center it was an old broken door with fading color

"Be an opener of doors" it was written in what looks like blood, I move close to it and just when I was about to touch the nob my phone ringed, I jumped a bit alarmed by my ringing phone, when I looked at the mirror again the vision was gone

" Ms. Khumalo ... it's me "
Me: Ian, I know it's you what's up ?"
Him: you saved my number? Wow "
Me: Ian can you get to the point "
Her: oh yes mam, I'm sorry just that I got carried away there  ."
Me: Ian !!"
He cleared his throat " I'm calling chacking up on Mngadi I have not heard from him for over 24 hours now is everything ok ?"
Me: does he report to you ?"
Him: no mam but he's my friend and. .."
Me: so what does your social calls have to do with me ?"
Him: nothing ... I just want to know if he is safe "

I bite my lip, to think of it Sfiso has not called me the whole of yesterday..last time we spoke he told me, him and Cebo are going to meet Cebo mom, that was yesterday morning
" mam are you still there," Ian said in my ear
Me: I will ask him to call you back "

I dropped the call and dialed Sfiso number and it did not go through I dialed Cebo number and it still did not go through, I made my way to my laptop and punch in the case file the last update I received from Sfiso was him tracing a man called Duma Phakathi,
I looked at his contact details and thought for a while, I then decided to dial his number it rang but it was not answered
" Duma Phakathi this is Crime scene investigators Mbali Khumalo if you get this message please return my call  "

I went through my laundry bucket and I found one of Sfiso's jacket I held it in my hands and all I heard was a beeping sound and Dr speaking.
Ooh shit, he is in hospital, I felt his shallow breathing and his slow beating heart.
Me: oh my God what happened "

My phone started ringing again, Jesus can't I get just two seconds to think,
" Thami !"
Him: get here now "
Me: "what's going on? "
Him: dude I don't know that's why I say you need to see this "
Me: Sure I'm coming "

I jumped into my clothes and all-star tekkes and made my way out,
I'm biting my lip trying to register what happening, damn it a lot is happening in my life that I'm struggling to apprehend now, to be honest in stressed, and exhausted

" what's wrong"
Him: is this normal "
I looked at Ziqubu shaking and he suddenly sits up straight and then he goes back to his resting position again
Thami: what's wrong with him?"
Me: muscle reflex ..."
Him: is he waking up ?"
Me: no, you see a reflex is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus. The reflex is an automatic response to a stimulus that does not receive or need conscious thought as it occurs through a reflex arc. Reflex arcs act on an impulse before that impulse reaches the brain..."

Him: I don't know what you said but it sounds like you said No he is not waking up tell me How long does it take for them to wake up? "
" not this long,"  I said inwardly
I looked at Becky face it was pale she even has dry lips...there definitely something wrong

" I need to make a phone call "
I took my phone and stepped outside and tried calling Mvelo but it did not go through, I dialed mom number but It was also not available,
Me: damn it!"
I dialed Nkonzo
Him: hay Angel "
Me: I need your help "
Him: I'm about to walk in sermon right now, can I get back to you later "
Me: sure "
Him: later "
He dropped the call, I held my head in frustration

" I'm sorry to be another barrier of bad news "
I looked behind me and saw Thami biting his lip
Him: I have exhausted the leave days I need to return to PMB today "
Me: what ?"
Him: I'm sorry Mbali I need to be in training for the new season ..."

I breathe out loud defeated,
Me: Sure it's fine ...thanks for everything"
Him: don't mention it "We bro hugged and he made me promise to keep him posted of any changes.

He left the house and I just slouched on the couch, I held my face and listened to my throbbing headache I'm at the stage where I'm so fed up and angry with everything, I just feel like crying.  I know deep down that I need to kick start my life but it is so stressful and hard that I feel like every day is a constant battle and that nothing will ever change. I've lost interest in a lot of the things I use to do, and now all that's flooding my brain is negative thoughts. Deep down this is killing me emotionally day by day, almost to the fact where I feel like dying.  I just feel like every time I make an effort to do something it always turns out wrong, I feel emotionally exhausted. I'm completely lost with the state of how I'm supposed to feel, so much that I struggle to make my own decisions and function as a normal person would.  I feel as though everything is my fault and I'm going insane. At this point, I feel incredibly psychotic that I constantly ask myself what the hell is wrong with me? I just can't stand this anymore. What should I do? ... Because God knows I have run out of option

"Be an opener of doors" a voice whispers in my ear and I felt like screaming why is God doing this to me, what door? Why me? Where is this bloody door !!!"

To be continued

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