Part 47

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[Austin ]

Austin walked in the kitchen and found Gail walking around with her daughter in her arm, she was about two years if not younger,

Austin looked at the baby crying he frowned and looked at Gail who looked a bit disoriented
Austin:  " let me get her" 

Austin took the baby from her arm, Gail looked down avoiding eye contact with her brother, Austin placed the baby in his chest and hush her up, Gail held the kitchen counter and breath out loud  

Gail: " thank you, let me make you something to eat"
Austin: sit down and talk to me about what going on ?"
Gail: I'm fine Austin I'm just tired with all funeral preparation..."
Austin: you such a bad lie...Gail, what's wrong with you ?"
Gail:... ooh God where is Alex he most probably overslept again let me go call him " 

Gail ran her hand on her face, avoiding Austin she dashes off running upstairs,
He just looked at her and thought for a while " why is she acting strange?"

Nadia walked in fixing her hair, 
Nadia: " morning " 
Austin: " what's going on with your Sister? " 
Nadia: " her husband is in town they most probably had another fight " 
Austin: fight  ? " 
Nadia breath out loud " Austin lets just burry mom and get on with our lives, you have been gone for years and shit happened in our lives, it's not my place to tell you, if you have a problem ask her yourself " 
Austin: wow it's like that now..."
Nadia: I'm sorry bro I'm just going through a lot...and today its mom funeral I'm just all over the place  "

Austin: I get it, can you get her?" She handed Nadia the baby but Nadia
Looked at her phone that started ringing she smiled and walked away,

Austin frowned thinking of what's going on with her Sisters, he looked at  the baby in his arm she is cute he smiled at the baby that was busy sucking her thumb 

" well since no one wants to hold you and they forgot to give me your name I guess I will call you... " he looked at her Pink and yellow dress and smiled "I guess you Pink right " 
the baby started crying, 
Austin: "shoo ok...ok you yellow "
The baby giggled, he stood up with the baby in his arms " let's go watch cartoons miss Yellow" 

He walked into the living room but suddenly stopped, he  frowned looking at a  white skinny guy sitting at his father couch with his feet up the coffee table, he was busy flipping through the channels and eating with food crumbs on the floor

The guy looked up and was met by Austin grey eyes looking at him
" who the fuck are you," Austin said with an attitude
The guy stood up feeling intimidated by this tall well-built man in front of him
" I'm Tom...Tomas Ummm Gail's  husband"
Austin looked at him from head to toe, he looked at his hand that Tom offered him for a handshake, he then looked his face Tom looked like those broke ass nurd most probably is.

Tom Realizing that Austin is not going to acknowledge him he set down and frowned
" Get off my father seat," Austin said

Tom popped his eyes open did he just say my father's seat? Could this really be Austin? But it can't be ain't all gay guys skinny and put on makeup and act all girly like? 

He never pictured him to be this big, well when Gail said his brother left home because of sexuality Tom pictured  Austin to be totally different than the man standing before him.

Austin: must I repeat myself to you didn't I say get your stinking ass off my father's couch!! " 
He abruptly stood up and looked at him, 

Tom: I'm sorry " 
Gail walked in and looked at Austin and her husband this can easily go from zero to hundred with Austin temper you can just never know, she thought to her self as she rushed to them 

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