Part 114

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I looked at Nkonzo who was walking around with his thumb in his mouth
" so what do we do now?" I asked him annoyed, looking at my brother sleeping, apparently, he teleported to another person dream to pull them out of his subconscious mind
Him: we wait "
Nkonzo said looking at Alex

" I made dinner "
Nkosi said walking in the room my first thought was to say blood hell with dinner but I have done a lot of name shaming to him this past few days and God he does not deserve it.
Me: can I have a word with you "
He nodded and we walked out and made our way to the dining room, the table was set but I was just not hungry

" I'm sorry about this morning I took it all out in you...babe, I shouldn't have "
Him: it's ok I know you were worried about Alex "
Me: but I was not supposed to make you my punching bag "
Him: ya you shouldn't have..."
Me: I know saying I'm sorry will not be enough..."
Him: that all I hear Ozy you saying sorry and as I have said a thousand time it's ' ok'"
I swallowed

Him: tell me why was your ex-wife on my doorstep last night?"
I pop my eyes open, I was dreading this question
Me: it was nothing..."
He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head
Him: you told me that nothing is going on with you and Noline but the woman has been blowing up your phone...and the worst part she walked inside my house!!"
Me: babe she is was only helping me with my dad's company "
Him: ooh God Austin and you failed to tell me this!!"
"I'm sorry "
Him: she is your ex-wife and you decided to spend weeks if not a month with her in another town ..."
" it's not what you think,"
Him: she was helping you with your father's company that is located in another City and you kept this a secret from me, tell me what does that look like?"

Me: I'm not straight you know that "
Him: do I? ...We’d talk every night. I’d tell you my problems and you’d listen. You weren’t there to give me answers or solutions, but just the fact that you were there as someone I could talk to was enough

But when it comes to you. It’s the confiding secretive  part that’s so hard for me to understand...why so many secrete Ozy???"
Me: I'm trying Nkosi"
Him: are you?.... Few months down the line I didn't even know you were bloody promised that you were going to tell me everything no hiding stuff for me but look at where we are?"
I look down " I don’t like to talk about myself, as I find it’s hard to put my trust in others, but to you, that’s what mattered and I'm trying"
Him: the silence caused by your absence has become deafening, simply too much for me to be okay with you anymore. I’ve had to draw a line, that you’re either a part of my life or you’re not, because I find no comfort in this shrug emoji of a middle ground, the gap is too wide. For the longest time, I kind of assumed that our relationship wasn’t really over. I don’t know why I believed we might reconnect, whether it was something naive in me or perhaps even just an impossible sense of optimism, but to tell you the truth it’s getting so much harder to hold out hope, to have that kind of faith.
Maybe it time for me to give up this ghost of a man that I'm in love with "
Me: Nkosi don't say that babe I need
you "
Him: then listen to me treat me like your equal, not your puppet, I am your partner Austin I have brains and feelings "
Me: I'm sorry ok ...'
Him: urg !!!"
I held his hand as he was about to walk away from me

Me: I should have told you about Noline I'm sorry "
Him: are you fucking with her ?"
Me: NO ..."
Him: she told you that she loves you  .."
Me: and I love you "
Him: oooh God Austin not this again!!"
He roughly pulled his hand from me and ran upstairs,
Me: Nkosi!!... Nko...osi!"

I held my face and set down
" don't mind me I just came to fetch water "
Nkonzo said walking past me to the kitchen
Me: are you sure that Alex is a dream walker? "
Nkonzo stopped and looked at me nodded  " yes"
Me: he's just a boy"
Him: who has supernatural powers that can change the world accept him for what he is not what you want him to be, he has a calling and he needs to navigate his life ...and find the true him"
Me: all I am  trying to do is protect him "
Him: then stop holding him back "
I breathe out loud looking up,
His phone started ringing
Him: it's my wife I need to answer this"He stepped out and answers
" wami!... "

I looked at my phone I picked it up and dialed Mvelo number
Him: Austin?"
Me: Alex told me that Sbahle needs she ok ?"
Mvelo: how soon can you get here "
Me: will take a flight first thing   tomorrow morning "
He heavy sigh as if he was holding on his breath
Him: thank you ..."
To be continued

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