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He found it, Kaimon simply just got into Layannas phone which was the easiest thing to do as her password was her mother's birthday. Idiot. Of course he had to tease Egypt first. Something about picturing the lightskin male face flush a deep red could always bring a doofy smile on kaimon s face. Especially when he know he was the one getting the younger boy all bothered. He tossed Layannas phone onto her bed then went into his own room. When a certain notification popped up on the top of his phone a smile danced across his face.
E.gyptt has added you back on Snapchat

"What you smiling at?" Daz called appearing in front of my doorway, "and have you seen Lay ?I've been trying to contact her all day"

"Yeah she might be on the bus home by now- she left her phone in my car"

"Kaimon!" Was all she said rushing down the stairs. Before I could say what. I checked the time and I dropped her off at the jail maybe 3 hours ago. So when the front door opened and shut I wasn't surprised at loud girls voice screaming curse words indirectly at me.

"He fucking left me!I couldn't even take a cab because one no phone and two I put all my cash on-

"WHY YOU LET HER GET YOU?" I yelled from upstairs. Clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp.

"Shut up!" A emotional looking Layanna complained she wasn't showing me her face so I knew my mother did something to hurt her feelings. "I'm gonna be in my room don't bother me" she then responded and walked away the last thing I heard from her was the slam of her door. Going back to what I was doing I scrolled through Egypt's story which was just, him at practice- koybin, koybin some more, him watching attack on Titans- then a mirror flic which showed off his fit of the day. I mean who would I be if I didn't show my lovebug some love

To E.gyptt
You look good lemme suck you off

"Kaimon you in charge! Order takeout I didn't get groceries yet" Daz yelled from downstairs. Probably on her way to night school. She was always so excited that she was bettering herself so I usually had to listen to her boring stories and act like I cared when we all know I didn't give a fuck. His icon showed up as if he was typing then disappeared completely before

From E.gyptt

Why would you say that?
I should've never added you back smh.
A simple nice outfit would've been enough.

To E.gyptt
Aw my bad poppa, nice outfit lemme see you take it off slowly for me👀

From E.gyptt
Nice talking to you like always kaimon🙂
Have a good night
Wait you left Layanna at the police station!? That's why you where trying to come to my house?

To E.gyptt
Aw you right Ian even get to see you ..
That's why you being like this?

His bitmoji did the same as before as if he was scared to respond to me. I only rolled my eyes not expecting much from the boy. He wasn't bold and didn't have a bold bone in his body - but it's okay that's what made our interactions so fun. I was now starting to get a bit hungry, half for food and half was for whoever replied first in my messages.I was about to text Rose if she wanted to get something to eat but then I remembered I gotta feed Layanna aswell. I got dressed for the night as summer in the day and summer in the night was completely different feelings. I just put on a simple fit some demin washed ripped jeans and a graphic tee then busted in layannas door. "Kaimonnnn" she whined instantly as there she sat on the phone and watching Netflix looking like shit. "Why you ain't fucking knock I could've been changing"

"What you trynna eat yo?" I ignored her smart remarks because I was getting hungrier the longer she sat there bullshitting.

"Uhhh I don't know why where you about to go?" She asked in my business like usual.

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