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After the game Kaimon dropped off Layanna but that didn't last long, she was soon begging to go to a party because they won the cane and the football players were having a party. She wanted to stay over at one of her little friends house and after it felt like forever of begging he said yes. Daz worked a double and then had class in the morning so by default Kaimon was in charge. After Layanna left he was thinking about other things. Did Egypt really just cut him off like that. He was home after Daz got out of class and he even sat there confused for a moment before getting up and excusing  himself . Egypt wanted a crazy nigga do a crazy nigga is what he got.

Kaimon stood outside Egypts house at around 9 pm. He knew the boy to well, he knew he wasn't going to go anywhere- partied and such wasn't his thing. Kaimon also knew he hated half of his football team and the other half he probably didn't even know. Right before he could knock the door opened and koybind nanny smiled. "Oh are you here to cheer up Egypt? He's in a bad mood" she started and Kaimon smiled widely.

"I am now, is he in his room?" He asked and she nodded moving out the way and saying goodnight to him.

  "Mr. Brooks the owner of the house will be back by tomorrow, so whatever you guys do remember that- he's strict and super hard on Egypt" she spoke kindly. "His room is the last room on the left. You have a goodnight" she said and with that she got into her Altima and Kaimon shut the door behind him as he walked deeper into Egypt's house. Everytime he came over here he wondered why Egypt always wanted to be at his house when Egypt was living better then mostly everyone Kaimon knew. The boy walked up the stairs trying to make them not creak so he could sneak up on the younger boy. He didn't get why he would be in a bad mood- they won the game. Before he could even make it to the door to sneak up in Egypt because Egypt snuck up on him.

   "Kaimon?" Egypt asked marking the shorter man turn around, Egypt had just gotten out the shower but instead of using the door to his room he used the one in the hallway so he could check on Koybin once more, he wore just some boxers and a towel over his shoulder. "What? Who let you in?" He decided to go with that question first.

  "Your nanny, and wow you was ready for me or something huh?" Kaimon started as he looked the man up and down slowly. He let his eyes fall over every inch on Egypt's body once he got to his face he saw the blush upon egypts cheeks. Egypt didn't know why Kaimon still had this effect on him, he only stood there feeling like a 7th grade girl when their crush says hi to them for the first time.

  "Why are you here?" Egypt whispered as he didn't want to wake koybin up, the boy often times didn't want to stay sleep and if he saw Kaimon there then he would stay up until his little body hits the floor.

  "Decided to be selfish- then I heard that you were in a bad mood so it's like god told me exactly what to do" he started Egypt walked past him and opened his bedroom door and it looked exactly like Kaimon expected. Jerseys hanging up, trophies some from sports some from academics, neat and clean everything looking straight out of a magazine.  Kaimon didn't wait  For Egypt to invite him in he walked in and sat on the chair at the boys desk watching how awkwardly Egypt moved since he knew Kaimon was watching him.

  "I'm not in a bad mood, I just should've did better at the game.. but it's alright there are more games" Egypt spoke to Kaimon it sounded like he was trying to convince himself rather then convince Kaimon. "I have to get dressed don't watch me"

  "You ain't even gotta do all that, you can get undressed technically"

"KAIMON" Egypt face got bright red as he opened a drawer. "Why would I do that?"

"You really believe that bullshit lecture you told me earlier bout how we gonna be better off as friends? I don't fuck my friends— now I don't know what you and yours got going on" he said with a small shrug.

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