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   When Egypt rolled over he was met with nothing but a mattress. He opened his eyes and thought for a moment, was it a dream? It couldn't have been. He looked around his room and scratched his head. He must've left? Egypt went to the bathroom and looked himself in the mirror exhaling. While he was brushing his teeth he saw a few scratch marks on his chest and shook his head. Would Layanna notice ? Shit he hoped not. Egypt didn't know if he could look Layanna in the eyes and tell her. He knew he had too but a part of him was hoping Kaimon would. Then again if Kaimon kept the secret that long he could probably take it to his grave.  When he finished doing what he needed in the bathroom he went out and  checked his phone. Nothing. This is exactly why he knew he shouldn't have got with Kaimon. Especially letting him be so vulnerable  which didn't help that he felt even more attached after what he thought was a sleep over- he felt stupid, he didn't even feel used because he knew better. The boy admitted to fucking someone else. The worse thing about Kaimon is that he told you exactly how it is, he didn't sugar coat it or anything- so you knew exactly what you were dealing with yet Egypt thought for some reason it would be different. Egypt put on a white T shirt and some random shorts then headed downstairs slowly. He heard his brother laughing and then his father talking, just who he wants to hear. Even though he knew his father said was coming back home he was surprised that koybin was laughing with him. He made it to the bottom of the stairs and almost stopped directly in his tracts.

"I'm just saying, that pitch sucks, don't ask for my advice then be mad— who is your target audience? Who is this suppose to make want to buy this— the colors are wack, the idea is sloppy.. but hey if you make this pitch to the company and they go for it then I'll give you your pops— but I'm rarely ever wrong" Kaimon spike Egypt walked into the dinning room and saw Kaimon sitting with his father and brother drinking a cup of juice. He looked up and gave Egypt a wink who was turning bright red by the moment.

"Egypt- this your company?"

"Yes sir"

"Since when did you start hanging around people who have something smart to say?" His father spoke and egypt couldn't help but look confused. Of course his father liked Kaimon right? Everyone does. "Apperently koybin was looking for you this morning and instead he found Kaimon is it?" His father asked and Kaimon nodded. "Yes and started screaming I had to see what the commotion was about then I found this random man in my house- but turns out he's not at all what he looks like" his dad added and Egypt just rolled his eyes slightly.

"Good to know" Egypt spoke Kaimon looked up at him noticing the attitude and studied the man up and down.

"Gippi daddy said he's gonna take me out today just me and him" koybin said a big smile. Egypt just smiled at him mumbling a that's cool.

"Egypt im hime this week, that means after school you and me are going to the agency"

"I have practice-

"Well stop wasting your time on the whole football thing, you're not going to practice you're going to learn how to make real money not chase some dream" he started and Egypt only looked down huffing slightly. His dad turned back to Kaimon and started talking about the business again. Egypt dat there zoning out not listening to his father nor Kaimon, just in his own head.

  "I'm tired Kaimon, I can't keep up with you" Egypt spoke trying to catch his breath. He watched kaimons movements his eyes sparkling as the light from the lamp hit them. "I don't have the stamina you do, all you basically do is fuck" he added laying back on the bed. Kaimon laughed slightly then his laugh went silent.

  "So let me fuck you" his voice didn't wavier and his eyes looked dead serious, Egypt just opened his eyes and looked back at him. "What? It's not fair you have all the fun, lemme fuck you to sleep love bug.. you don't trust me or something?"

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