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    It's been a long three weeks, Egypt didn't realize he might've been becoming a bit codependent on Kaimon until they spent two weeks apart. Egypt didn't want to make it a big deal, he was glad that Kaimon got a job he liked even if it was with his father. The way Kaimon was passionate about a simple competition it was cute to Egypt. The first week he spent with Egypt almost not leaving his side unless Egypt went to school, but he was falling behind with his pitch so Egypt told him to focus on him, he was old enough to take care of himself. Kaimon reluctantly started distancing himself so he could focus. At first Egypt didn't think he would really do it, then he got mad he did but now he's maintaining. They text but it wasn't the same as falling asleep next to each other.  He loved the boy and it became even more clear as the days go by.  Egypt didn't want to keep saying it to Kaimon and  the only reason for that was he didn't want him to feel pressured to say it back. That was never his intent so he hasn't said it in awhile but oh does he think it a lot. Kaimon would do little things, on his lunch break drop Egypt food for lunch- ask him how he's feeling throughout the day- he even picked koybin up and took him to the agency with him when he had a early Dismissal until his nanny could pick him up.  It was the little  things that  made  his life easier. Little things that he never thought the Kaimon he met all those months ago was even capable of doing. Egypt was in a study hall waiting to go home. He had two classes left and honestly they were taking forever to end. He tried to not keep checking his phone for Kaimon but it was hard, that was the only person who really texted him.

It would be a lie to say Egypt didn't have any friends completely, when he got jumped a few football players did come to defend him. Niko, D'Nali & Darriano checked up on him here and there. A few girls did too as they saw what happened and said it was crazy to watch. It was weird, Egypt still did like to stay to himself but he realized that it was also making his life boring. So he tried to be social here and there. "Egypt! Pssst Egypt!" A girl called from a couple rows over. He knew the girl as a cheerleader, Marci could've been her name, or maybe It was Maci he didn't know but he acted as if he knew by looking her way and giving her a small smile. She took that as a sign to move closer, which it wasn't. "I'm having a party tonight, you should come— I know that's not really your scene and stuff but maybe it will help take your mind off the cast and such" he started rambling. Egypt never been invited to a party personally, maybe he had and forgot but this one he was actually thinking about going too. It sounded decent and she did say it would be to crazy, he sent a text to Layanna and the guys to see if anyone else heard about it-

Kaimon on the other hand sat at the office Cameron gave him, for once in the last two weeks he wasn't obsessing over the project for the client but on another project that was all for Egypt. Their date. He knew he had asked the boy on a date almost a month ago but then they got busy so it was never brought up again. Although Egypt thought that Kaimon forgot he even asked , Kaimon did not. Rose sat in the chair on the other side of the desk spinning in her chair and messing with the pen she stole from Kaimon. "Definitely do something romantic"

"Do I look romantic nigga?"

"Exactly, let's be real you don't have the best old track record and if you go above and beyond to show this man you love him- because you really do love him right! It's not just like yeah he's cool and he fucks good it's love?" Rose asked and Kaimon nodded almost instantly.

"Yeah it's love" he mumbled a bit shy to say it out loud. She smiled widely at her best friend and nodded.

"Exactly and you haven't told him that, I can tell by you being afraid to admit it to me- so maybe you should make tonight extra special and tell him then" she added and she thought it was the best idea, Kaimon went quiet though. For the first time in awhile he went quiet. He often times found Egypt making him speechless- him, Kaimon who always had something to say was stumbling over excuses why he should wait. It all came down to own and he exhaled slumping into his seat and looked at rose right in her face.

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