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   Ignoring someone was hard, especially when they were always at your house. I had not gone out last night so when I woke up it was only 11 am. Strange enough nobody thought that was too early to have people in the house because when I walked downstairs Daz, Egypt and Layanna were playing uno at the table. "Wanna play Kai?" Layanna asked as soon as I was in her view.

   "Na" I responded half awake as I walked to the kitchen for some juice. I worked today at 1 but damn, why this man always gotta be in my house. I never realized what morning people do, now I realized they did everything they could've did a few hours later if they just went to bed but that wasn't my business. A few seconds later an awkward Egypt walked in looking for a drink himself. The tension rose but nobody said anything I sure as fuck wasn't. I looked around any where but to him as he poured his drink quietly. I could tell the boy was nervous because his heating face and not only he kept looking at me from the corner of his eye every once and awhile then let his eyes bounce back elsewhere.


"Nope" I responded walking out before he started ranting, Everytime he did I felt as if I had to listen because who else really was? Exactly. But I wasn't being nice kaimon today, being nice made my dick hard. I went back up to my room to take my shower and get ready for the day by the time I was out it wasn't time for me to go to work but shit ill be early.

The ride to footlocker wasn't long, the mall was maybe 15 miles away from my house and I drove over the speed limit I was there in 8 minutes. I was hype as fuck when I walked in and saw my favorite coworker behind the cash register just shaking his head. "Look who decided to fucking work" Julius said as he rolled his eyes. I did a little dance and straightened out my shirt.

  "The best inna building" I said giving him a small point, I clocked in then looked around the half empty store before going to talk my shit. "How you been ugly?" I asked and he shrugged for a moment.

  "Me and Shanelle broke up two weeks ago I told you I was getting tired of her shit" he spoke and I knew he was too, the bitch spits every time she talks- you can love someone like that'? I was terrified of her cause Ian know it she had aids or nothing. Always five feet away from that bitch.

   "Damn nigga final mother fucking ly. Let's go to a party" Julius rolled his eyes at the words leaving my mouth and how fast they did.

"Mane I hate partying with you,you get shitfaced and when you get inna lyft or drive home it makes me feel like you ain't finna wake up" he said a small smirk on both our faces before we started laughing.

"But if you bring that fine best friend of yours, I'm in" he said as he looked past me licking his lips slowly.

"Yeah but don't stick ya dirty dick in her, she's emotional and I fight" I warned patting his chest before going to help a customer. That consisted of me smiling, listening for a bit then giving my opinion I loved it mostly because I got to talk to people and look at shoes all day. I started this job back when I was a junior in highschool so the pay was good due to seniority. It's also where I find many people I can,scam. The mall is the best place people loose shit everywhere.

"Young man, young man" some old white dude said as he walked in. I looked around before giving him a fake smile.

"How can I help ya my man"

"I need some new shoes, these sneakers are bad. My grandkids told me they come here can you help me?" He asked "I left them a while back they kept looking at dumb shit" the old man started making me snicker. "Oh and I got a date tonight, she got a great ass" he said leaning in to tell me.

"Man don't even sweat it, I got you playa" I said and he smiled widely, we sat down and looked at the shoes first before I noticed him kept looking at 11s with the blue bottoms. "Oh don't tell me you feeling these?" I asked and he gave me a small nod.

"Dats my favorite color there, blue reminds me of the navy— I was in da navy" he explained I nodded listening as I checked his old sneakers for his size.

"Julius go get my man his size, don't take to long playa got a date" I said and the old man and I pointed a bit at each other before laughing.

"I like you, you're a party animal huh?" He said "reminds me when I did coke off some strippers ass cheek" he said before turning around he let out a few laughs "don't tell my daughter she's crazy ever sense her annoying ass mom died; acting like Ian divorce the bitch"

I never thought I'd see myself in 60 years but here I was, right in front of me. This man was suppose to be my father. A rich white man who did coke off strippers ass cheeks. "You are living wild my man, wild, Coke? Off a stripper?" I said mind blown I took the shoes from Julius and helped him put then on. "Lemme see you strut" I said as the man walked around in them.

When the man who should've been my father left there was not the same type of entertainment in the store. Me and Julius played music and threw around a plush basketball trying to make baskets with stuff we set up around the store. It was the middle of the week in the summer so it was kind of dry, just rich white kids, basketball players who need their new shoes or people with jobs. By the time it was closing I was happy as fuck to be leaving, my paycheck finna look nice but still. A nigga was tired of looking at the same shoes all day.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone and there I heard meek mills playing in the back, without having to look at the caller ID I knew it was rose. She love that ugly nigga. Getting in my car I hooked her up to it so I could drive without dying.

"Guess who having a party like project X" she said excitedly. I responded with a Who but before I could even make my mouth form an O she was yelling out a name. "Khalil and we fucking going,so put ya pride aside— it's finna be okay" she said and I smacked my lips together. Khalil was just some college basketball player who I might've been fuck buddies with last summer, but he wanted something and I couldn't commit; well I could but he was going places and life and I wasn't so we went our separate ways— that was after he told me about myself. I punched him in the face and we had angry sex then I stopped returning his calls and well it went both ways. I pulled into my driveway not listening to a thing rose was saying after that.

"Mane the part start at 10:30 it's 9, the lyft gonna be there at 10:40 cause imma have it pick me up at 10:30, you hearing me?" The girl yelled when she got frustrated or mad she sounded more and more like her mother each time.

"Yeah ho see you den damn" I muttered hanging up, locking my car then going into the house.

"How was work?" Daz asked as she was sweeping the stairs. I gave her a shrug and attempted to rush past her but she held out her hand. "Where you finna go? Don't go downtown they shooting" she said picking something out my hair.

"Party, you trynna slide?" I asked but Daz just laughed as if I was joking. I know Daz ain't have much or any of a teenage life. She was taking care of me and Layanna before she had a choice. Doing all this without child services on ya ass was impressive.

"I'm working a double tomorrow, then the next day I picked up someone else's double because their babies getting surgery; can you imagine" she said shaking her head a bit.

"Is that legal? You working yaself way to hard what if you have a stroke and die"

"Than you're in charge" she said but I wasn't joking so I straight faced her. My older sister only kissed my head and gave me a closed smile going back to sweeping the stairs. Uneasy with the conversation I still left it alone and continued my journey to my room.

"Babe I know nothing about football but you're the most committed person I know" I heard Layanna say. I smacked her bedroom door earring a scream as I walked by, how Khalil parties I was gonna be fucked up for two days probably wishing I was dead. Let's get fucked up.

• a filler cause the next finna be a lil sum sum.

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