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  An high pitch scream woke me out my sleep, it was a blood curtailing scream like someone was killing another person. Like a second instinct he grabbed his piece that was in  his night stand and headed to his bedroom door. Rubbing his face with his free hand he was tired as hell. Half of him didn't even remember getting in the house last night,the other half was currently piecing  together the blurry memories in his head until they made sense. He walked out his room and instantly he saw Layanna running back and forth from the bathroom to her room almost knocking Kaimon over.  "Aye! What the fuck" he starts his voice laced with sleep and his eyes barely open.

  "You what the fuck doing point that at me Kai!" She yelled back as soon as she  turned to look at him. Oh she looked a mess- he was about to scream too,

  "Next time to you scream like that I'm gonna rip your eyelashes out one  by one then blow them all in your face" she looked at Kaimon like she was crazy before walking towards him with a sad face. Oh here we go.

  "Kaiiii I need helppp" she whined as her pout got deeper. "Please, Daz is at work and I don't know what to do" she was a second away from sobbing and Kaimon knew that. He blinked trying to get the sleep out his eye and sighed. He was about to regret this.

  "What? What do you need" he asked as he tucked his gun away.

  "I have a competition 2 hours away that starts at 11" she started. Yep regretting it. " I can't get my hair to slick back right, my makeup isn't making up- I need to fix parts of my costume now and and it's to much" she started. Yep tears. "And Daz is at work" she added and I checked the time. I let out a yawn and nodded.

"It's 6 am" I announced. "You have time to do all of that- and a car"

"Daz took the keys cause I was arguing back at her" I couldn't help but laugh at that part and she looked at me as if I shot her big toe.

"Relax mane, imma help-fuck. Okay meet me in the bathroom" I went to my room to put my gun away and took a sip of some water. When I went to the bathroom her bonnet was of and I just wanted to scream once again. "The fuck you was trynna do with your hair?" I questioned as I started with a smaller ponytail and slicked it back in sections so it would be smoother, after each section I repositioned the ponytail. It was a headache mostly because she never stopped moving and is still tender headed. I only knew how to do hair do Layanna wouldn't look a mess while going to school. Daz always worked crazy hours and I helped a lot more when Layanna was younger and didn't piss me off as much. But the tender headed? Oh I be ready to smack the fuck out of her head.

  "Okay go look for your costume if you don't find it by the time I get out the shower and put some clothes on, I'll help" with that she ran out the bathroom full speed and I just sat down on the closed toilet lid.  Days like this I just curse my mom out mentally- if she moved smarter or thought about at least Layanna when she was making decisions I would've had a childhood instead of raising her god damn child. 

  Kaimon took a long shower, he didn't want to deal with the emotion child who would come outside the bathroom door every now and then crying a bit because she still couldn't find it. Eventually he got out- he took long to put on a hair of boxers and some sweat pants. Took long brushing his teeth cleaning his face and behind his ears and such. Until Layanna came back to the bathroom door- "Girl did you check hanging up in the closet downstairs? Did Daz try to iron it? Did you leave it near the laundry stuff? Where did you look for real? Cause if I find it" she was already rushing to check the places. Yea okay. I went to the room to roll up because the way this day was going I was going to need too.

"I FOUND IT" she yelled from the bottom of the stairs within second I heard her but feet clomping up them. "It has a tear here see" I glanced at where she was talking about and hit the blunt. "Can you fix-

"Yea put it down bring me the box with the needle and thread" she didn't waste time probably cause she knows I'll change my mind. Layanna has been decent the past few days but now that I think about it I haven't spoke nor seen Egypt in longer then normal. I shook that out my head because truthfully who even cares. Enough people where texting me back to be focused on who wasn't.  After a new more hits and Layanna bringing me the stuff I started on her costume and told her to finish getting ready. Who let this girl do dance anyway- ain't this shit expensive? When I finished I put it back in the protective cover it was in on the hanger and laid it on the bed and got dressed myself.

  "Are you gonna drive me?" She asked and I nodded trying to shoo her out. "Can you take Egypt too?" I thought for a second then nodded shooing her out- "and his little brother?"

  "Yes now get the fuck out- we can leave in 30 minutes now go.. lemme finish my blunt and then sit in silence for a moment- it's to early for this" she nodded quickly leaving not wanting to piss me off today. She needed me. I did exactly what I said I was going to do and almost fell asleep before she busted through the door again saying a breakfast sandwhich.

"You trynna falls asleep?" She side eyed me and I shook my head getting up taking her sandwhich and starting to eat it.

"Na I'm up, let's go pick up your boyfriend then we out"

I wasn't much of a driver, that's a lie I drove lots of places but I'd don't enjoy driving as much as I drove. I got rode rage and sometimes it gets boring just driving having to focus on the rode.I pulled up to egypts house with directions from Layanna but she took me the dumb way, Everytime I tried to turn another way she kept saying you don't even know where you going. Like okay girl. I watched Layanna go up to the door and the same lady who always answers the door during the day opened it. After Layanna walked in she looked at me and then back at Layanna. "Good morning, why they got you working so early?" I asked from the driveway and she laughed.

"You aren't coming in?"

"Na not today, maybe another time- you have a nice day" I said and she smiled and wished me a good one too.  I was just sitting listening to my music before I heard a long bang into my car door. Then a little head peaked into the window.

"You bad best friend" Koybin started as his mouth turned into a pout. "You never come play"

  "Okay okay I've been slacking, but I'll make it up to you I promise" I started as I unlocked the car he hoped into the front seat. "I'm driving today; so I'll drive us to get ice cream and do something fun after we go watch lay dance"  a smile appeared across his face and he nodded as he clapped loudly then stopped and sighed.

"I don't wanna see Lay dance" he announced and I nodded in agreement.

  "Don't worry if you sit through it with me then it will be worth the wait- you ate kid?" I asked and he nodded slowly-

  "KOY! Don't just run out of the house like that" Egypt started yelling from the door as he walked out and Layanna trailed behind him.  "You could've got hurt"

  "Best friend" he only replied and pointed towards me.

  "Yea best friend" I told Egypt but his eyes where avoiding mine. Intresting.

  "Yea okay come on get in the back so we can go"

"Best friend I am hungry, gipi wanted me to eat a bagel and I didn't want that" he started.

  "Alright yea, you get inna back we can get some food- you want french toast sticks?" He nodded smiling and got out then got in the back. Egypt tried to hide the small smile on his face he had but I caught it before he went back into a frown.

  "You don't have to get him-

"Shut up Egypt get inna car" he nodded and got in the back seat looking around. Yea the last time he was in this car he was moaning.  I looked at him through the review mirror and he looked away quickly.

  Oh word? If that's how he wanted to be that's how he could be.

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