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I let out a loud sigh looking at my phone as Daz texted me for the 5th time it seemed like. I checked it and sucked my teeth at the message. I did forget- once a month we have a family dinner and I was apparently running late. "Tamor I'm finna bounce" I called pulling my shirt back on. We had just kissed a bit he sucked my dick- basic shit. But Tamor got clingy and even thought that dinner would've been boring— she saved me from having to be laid up with him.

"You always using me like this" he said coming out from the bathroom showing his six pack. I let my eyes linger then gave myself a little head shake. Family before dick for once kaimon don't be thirsty.

"It's a family dinner don't even do me like this" I said sending him a little wink. I dusted off my ripped jeans shorts and fixed my chains around my neck.

  "So you gonna text me?" He asked his eyes filling with home and I gave him a small nod then went about my way. I was even more late because I had stopped to get McDonald's fries because black people take to long to cook, I finally pulled into the driveway and got a call from rose.

   "Hey besttttiee" she sang through the phone. The FaceTime call was unexpected but she seemed to be bored as I could see her painting her toes in the camera. "What you doinnng?"

  "I got some family dinner shit" I responded "you finna pull? We can find sum to do afta" I offered and she let her siren eyes squinted even more before she smiled.

   "Hurd I'm finna be there afta my toes dry-ima put a hair dryer on em DIYstyle" I gave her a bye then the sound of her hanging up filled my car and I headed in the house. When I walked in the smell of food hit my nose- a nigga hungry.

  "Aftanoon Kai" Layanna hummed as she jogged down the stairs Egypt behind her as she held his hand loosely. His eyes landed on me then diverted quickly away his face getting red. He didn't say anything when he walked passed me and-I got offended. Layanna got his ass whipped in a fucking day? I got that nigga closer to cumming then she did now this-wow.

"Wassup Lay-fuck Daz at?"I asked as Layanna and her little boyfriend were heading towards the backyard.

  "Kitchen" She hummed and I dusted her off and went towards the kitchen. Me and Layanna didn't always argue;half the time we did argue I caused it or I instigated it so when I don't pay her no business USUALLY she leave me be. I walked into the kitchen rubbing my face sitting on the stool behind Daz as she continued to cook.

    "What's wrong with you? You was pose to help me start this shit— but you was busy?"

   "I was busting a nut,Tamor lil fine ass" I announced and she only snorted in response.

    "You betta leave that boy alone before he spit in your chicken" she joked but I didn't find that funny. I never even thought bout that, I need to drop his ass ASAP.

   "Why Layanna boyfriend here?" I asked as I peaked at them through the window.

   "She like him, and his parents are apparently never home or yada yada.. why you care?" She asked whipping her body around and narrowed her eyes at me. I gave her a small shrug but that wasn't it. She ain't buyit.

    "Daz,I'm gonna tell you something serious" I spoke quietly and her eyes widened as she moved in closer. "I want his dick in my hole, numerous rounds, numerous positions" I addd letting out a sigh and she smacked my forehead as if I was joking.

    "KAIMOM ARIES" she yelled and I gave her a small shrug. "Damn, can you atleast wait till Lay and him break up? You know that girl a bigger bratt than you" I scoffed.

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