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  It was finally Friday. Layanna finally stopped fighting with daz so the house was calm. lately Egypt's been here a lot after practice or instead of being at practice, usually I'd hear a bit of rant when passing layannas door but for the most part I haven't see him on my own for the past two weeks. I've been doing what I normally do, Julius and his girlfriend still aren't back together so he's been having more time to hang out. It felt good to have another close friend, one like Rose. Sure I partied with a few people, and knew and fucked even more but I don't go having real conversation with everyone I meet. I don't even remember half the people I meet. But that also being said, we can't just do what I like to do, Julius was a chill person, he was a calm artsy type. Enjoy the little things, he did like sports and tried to make plans to go to a few college games or something but also there's been many times he'd talk about a random music festival or a new clothing line. Needless to say the first art festival I ever go too will be with him.  He was what Daz been saying the past two weeks, good for me.

  "I love Rose, but you two tend to stay where it's comfortable, what you know. Instead of trying new things you go to new parties.. it's more to life then fucking and drinking K."  When she said it I rolled my eyes but still took it in, yeah there is more to life. But I'm only this young and dumb once,With no real ambitions but to be content enough to be able to live how I wanted, maybe I should find more ways to live before settling with one.

    But today was Friday, the day everyone wants to fuck and drink. I was off of work, just arriving back at his house  from the flea market with Julius and Amber, she was one of Julius roommates, pretty cool. But she was more like Julius and a bit more introverted, so I think I might've been a lot to handle.  She was fine as hell though, so I won't be as ignorant around her as I can be.  "Alright imma catch you" I told Julius as I went to get out the car, amber wasted no time getting out herself too wanting to move to the back seat so she could lay down. She said all that shopping and spending her own money got her tired.

  "Hit me with some plans, it is Friday night! You haven't been out in almost two weeks.. what's that a record?" Julius joked, his joke got a laugh from a nosey Layanna who happened to be arriving with Egypt around the same time. I was already annoyed with her, all it took was that stupid laugh.

  "Yea yea, I'll find something for us to get into- but you sure? Last time we went out you was all like, Ian ever doing this shit again with you! Bla bla it's 3 am it's time to go home wha wha wha" I started making a crying motion with my hands.

  "Ju can't handle liquor at all!" Amber chuckled from the back, I nodded in agreement before hearing Layanna call my name from the door.

  "I forgot my keeeey!"

"So wait till I get to the door dumbass" I snapped, Julius like always finding our sibling banter amusing started to laugh. "Imma hit your line later, be ready. Not on that bitch shit"

  "Hurry yo bitch as-" Layanna shut up as soon as I tossed my keys at her head as I turned to walk up the walkway. She hurried to pick them up and unlock the door so she wouldn't get me swinging my fist at her next. Pushing past Egypt she ran in the house and raced up the stairs  screaming.

  "Ole raggedy ass, like damn. Momma should sold yo ass for some money a long time ago" I muttered walking into the house picking up my keys.

  "Layanna please don't take long, you know I have to get ready for the game tonight" Egypt calls after Layanna before going to sit down. Game?

  "Damn no invite?" I started he looked back then twisted up his face for a second.

  "It's a highschool football game? You don't need a invite"

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