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   I was having a good as sleep, the type of one your mouth open and your drooling a bit. No dream or nothing- then the door bell rang, and rang, and rang. I rubbed my face looking out my window near my bed seeing a familiar car in the driveway— I've seen it before but couldn't put a name to it. I slowly got out of my bed checking the time— 1:45 Layanna had just started summer school and Daz was probably at work so that left me here to open the fucking door. I went to the bathroom to use some mouth wash just Incase I had to be talking in someone's face.

    I rubbed my bare chest as I walked down the steps. I swung open the door with ease and was face to chest with a familiar red bone teenager. "What you want lovebug?" I said in a bored tone. I didn't need to see him when I first wake up especially not out of that good ass sleep.  His face got bright red and his fiddled with his fingers looking for words before seemingly finding them.

   "I- uh is Layann-

"Na" I responded before he could even respond but he seemed unhappy with the answer. "Summer schoo ain't she tell you?" I responded already bored with the conversation. His eyes went from behind me to well- me. Then his face got even redder. Best day to only sleep in boxers I guess.

  "W-wait huh? No she said she was grounded" his face got bright red and his eyes got wide like a deer in headlights. Damn Layanna you acting real dumb right now. "I'll see-

"I mean we can hang out till she get back" I offered and he looked a bit hesitant to answer. But he gave me a small nod I moved out the way so he could walk inside and then shut the door behind him.

"Are you uh gonna put- some clothes on?" He asked his face bright red as he tried to avoid looking at me. "If Layanna walks in here it's gonna loo-

"Relax nothing gonna happen unless you want it to love bug" I plopped down on the couch handing him the remote for Netflix and glancing at my notifications.

I woke up and I couldn't get a ounce of misrouted in my mouth?

I let out a small laugh causing the other male who was sitting there uncomfortably to look up. "You still into that football?" I asked looking at the television to see what movie he was picking out.

"Into it? I love football more than life itself" he spoke a smile coming onto his face as he did. "My brother taught me how to play- and I guess naturally I can just run but that shit is wow" the way he was trying to speak about it you could tell he really loved it. The ways his eyes would linger and widened as he thought about it.must be nice to love something that much.

"My next question is, how did you and Lay meet?"

"I've known Layanna sense highschool started but truthfully I didn't think we would end up together- she's so good with her words and smart as fuck but she dated Raymond last year and he was my teammate and a asshole, so I guess I would comfort her a lot when they argued or shit— I don't like when people feel bad around me, cause crazy shit can happen at home I try to make everyone have a good day— you know?" He asked tilting his head a bit as he looked at me.

"Na can't relate" I responded smacking my lips together. He was like a poster boy for one of God's angels because what the hell WAs Layanna doing with this boy? "You got a big dick or something? Cause y'all ain't even a little bit the same" his face went red and for once he didn't have something to say just stubbles in words.

"I uh don't do those things" he said more to himself making me raise a eyebrow.

"What the of person don't want they nut in? Is ya parents brain washing you?"

"Um no! Im scared of getting trapped and these females are burning— what if my dick starts? Also what if I mess up?" He started rambling and I saw real confusion running through his eyes. When I placed my hand on his thigh he shut up and his face got bright red.

"It's okay love bug, you know you get cuter every conversation but I get more and more confused on how you're gonna top me" I informed and he raised a eyebrow confused.

"See, once you realize" I ran my finger up his thigh a bit. "Layanna ain't no good, and infact you rather have I don't know; me" his hand grabbed mine and moved it away from his thigh- but he just held it for a moment so me being me- I interlocked our fingers. "Then Imma ride ya dick all day papi" I hummed before kissing our hands he looked down at them then back at me a red face.

"Y-you? Like me?" He said a bit confused I gave him a small shrug.

"Interested, do I interest you?" He was hesitant but gave me a small nod.

"But I really do like Layanna and.."

"She warned you huh? Said I'm selfish? Bla bla bla?" I questioned letting go of his hand and he looked at were our hands once were then coughed a bit and went back to finding a movie. "But you're always obviously just a inexperienced football player". I spoke out loud and I could see him wanting to participate in the conversation but not knowing how.

"I-I'm not inexperience, I watch porn and sometimes jack off" he said proudly at first then got embarrassed I let out a loud laugh nodding my head.

"Noted" I hummed an amused smirk on my face and he sent me a small shove as his bottom lip stuck out.

"I'm not inexperienced- I just don't, if I tell you something can you not tell anyone?" He said softly. I didn't understand why he wanted to tell me but of course I responded either way. I gave him a small nod and he let out a breath. "You know how like females always wanna wait until they like someone enough to have sex? I don't get why males can't the same. I mean I never really been in more than 3 relationships- 3! I'm about to be a senior! Everyone things I'm stuck up but really these females are hoes and they only like me because I play football- that's it that's all. So why would I give my virginity up to them?" He didn't look down from the fingers he was playing with- I wanted them up my ass but another time and place.

"You're a sap- like romance and shit. Wants real connection; so what's wrong with that?" I said with a small shrug. A lot was, those people usually get their feelings hurt and are worse at one night stands. But if you're looking for a relationship? Good job. They might take you on a candlelight dinner on the beach for your first date.

"I just don't fit in, anywhere in highschool- and it's crazy because I'm always surrounded by people but they usually laugh at me when I put my input in, I don't drink, do drugs or fuck" he was now ranting and I felt bad for the boy. Being a jock— and not being jocky must've sucked. Like when Layanna had those friends over and they were making comments he clearly didn't like.

"So make new friends"

"That's the thing, I try— everyone expects me to be an asshole or thinks I'm gonna make fun of them? Or a prank? Like this ain't no corny love story I'm not pranking you" he said rolling his eyes and I let out a little laugh.

"Alright fine kid, we can be friends. I tend to drink, smoke and fuck a lot but— more at night then during the day so you'll be fine" he gave me a confused look then sent me a small shake of the head. "Damn! You seem to not have any real friends now you wanna be picky?"

"Do you think Layanna would mind?" Like clock work the door opened and slammed shut. Then Layanna voice came though.

"KAIMONN" she yelled "KAI" "oh my fuck he better not be laying in his own vomit somewhere, him and rose need to cu- OH hey kaimon"

"Keep talking shit next time I throw up imma clean it up with your wigs" I muttered.

"Egypt what are you doing here?" She asked awkwardly and that was my cue.

"I'm off this- I'm serious though Egypt. Might wanna stop hanging out with the assholes you call friends- mine are much better" I sent him a wink and a kiss and he looked away to hide the blush in his face as I walked up the stairs.

•so I wrote out the outline of this story (I usually wing all my stories as I'm writing them. And this book is really to help me get better at smut so be ready for mad trash ass smut scenes 😬)

•anyway thoughts? Comments? Idk input?

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