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    Egypt used his injuries to keep Kaimon around all weekend. He got discharged Sunday , which he spent the rest of the day watching highlights and clips of the game from Friday, Did Kaimon care about football? No. But Egypt kept asking all day Saturday when he woke up.  He watched some from his phone but he said he needed it on the big screen. He didn't understand how they could loose when he set it up perfectly before he got injured. The weekend was also filled with mini panic attacks and break downs of Egypt doubting if he'd play again. Kaimom had to become what felt like a motivational speaker of some sorts. To keep his mood up, he didn't think it worked.

  "They are wide open! Oh my god! Do you see this? Just pass the damn ball! You're not gonna make it pass the ball! They can't  be serious- Babe!" It slipped out so quick and natural Kaimon who was on his phone looked up and responded not even realizing or if he did he didn't make a big deal about Egypt calling him that. He just looked away from kiamon blushing slightly. Kaimon sat on the couch as Egypt draped his legs against him,  so he could relax - but Egypt would still jump up in disbelief after each bad play of the clip. He would hold his ribs and let out a small hiss as well but not loud enough so Kaimon could here. He already threatened to turn it off more then once.

  "So you gonna act like you didn't call me?"

"Ohh- they are erasing all of my hard work! Isiah doesn't know shit!" He mumbled pointing to the tv. Kaimon glanced at it then nodded slightly before looking back at Egypt. 

  "Yeah fuck them niggas they ass" Kaimon responded trying to act as if he knew what was going on. Egypt only laughed a bit then went back to watching the plays.

      It was now Wednesday, Kaimon was going back to the agency and Egypt had nobody to hang out with all day so he was going to school. He almost forgot about what happened before the game Friday- that was until he was walking towards kaimons car that morning.  Kaimon was already in the car listening to music texting rose, he glanced up quickly to see if Egypt was coming then back down. In a few more seconds he glanced up again and Egypt was still in the same spot with a serious look on his face. He studied the boy confused to why he looked like he was thinking so hard. He gave him a few more minutes before rolling down the window- "are you good?" He asked it took Egypt a few more minutes to respond but when he did it was just a short nod and he walked to the car. Egypt was walking slightly weird due to his ribs hurting but for the most part he just sucked it up. He only really wanted to go to class so he could go to the last practice which fell on today.  "What's wrong with you? If you ain't feeling like it don't push yourself to go to schol. Only nigga I know that wants to go like be normal for once" Kaimon joked.

   "It's not that, I feel fine" he added as he scratched his head. "Yeah I feel good" he reassured and looked at Kaimon who wasn't buying it.

  "Does lying to me make your day better? Cause you the one who finna be stuck at school with nobody to pick you up, you know your dad finna catch a flight at 12- your ass can't drive and I'm not coming"

  "I got Uber on my  phone" he joked but Kaimon didn't laugh.  He leaned back in his seat ready to stay there. "What are you doing?"

  "You think I give fuck bout being late to anything? I use to go out every weekend and have a opening  shift at footlocker every morning- that store ain't ever open on time" Egypt just blinked looking at him then shrugged. Kaimon turned the music up ready to just sit there for as long as he could.

"Okay okay- before the game Isiah might've told everyone I was cheating on her, with her brother- which is you" he started and Kaimon looked at Egypt trying not to spaz on him. "Like he just got on a megaphone and started telling everyone my business- and like making jokes and stuff and I don't want to deal with that today really" his voice for quieter with each set made but Kaimon still got the gist of it. "It's not that serious though"

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