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Me and Layanna sat downstairs on the couch watching on my block, she loved the show and it caught my attention so I didn't argue when she brought up the idea of watching it. My hands ran through her hair without thinking much as she laid in my lap interested on the show. I get guilty as fuck, the other day kaimon had my kids in his mouth! I wasn't a complete Virgin I had gotten head a few times but not from my girlfriends brother before.

The worst part about kaimon he thought it was all a game. I exhaled a bit to loud because Layanna looked up raising a eyebrow then sent a small kiss to my cheek. Not to mention Layanna is a good person, she's been helping me through the latest argument with my dad— he wants me to intern at his ad agency. Sure I could sell stuff and pitch things but I didn't give a shit about those things. I wanted to play football and that's it.

"Why are you looking so— preoccupied?" Layanna said finally figuring out the word she was trying to use.

"I'm just thinking- bout my dad and stuff" I spoke chewing harshly on my bottom lip. "What if he's right? Football isn't for everyone" Layanna leaned up and rolled her eyes slightly as she wagged her finger in my face.

"Not everyone— but it is for you!" She encouraged. "The way you look at the ball is passionate as hell!" She said her smile growing. "You love football, which gives you a lot over a lot of people— true passion. Don't let your dad having a stick up his ass discourage you" she said before testing her head back on my chest. I'm not gonna lie, it helped with my insecurities in the moment. Sound of the front door opening and closing scared me more then Layanna. Probably because I was hoping it wasn't the person who it obviously was.

"D-Don't Botha me" his voice called and then giggles heard from another person. I turned my head to catch kaimon and some other dude making their way up the stairs and I felt my mouth go dry. Note to self : kaimon is a hoe and you will catch something messing around with him.

"We finna stay down here for two movies now— Kai Be making mad noise when he has company" Layanna added with a small joke as if I was going to find her brothers sex noises amusing. She must've noticed I was uncomfortable because she sat up on my lap facing me. "Orrrr we could do something ourselves" she said in a whisper her hands trailing down my stomach. Her eyes sparkled a bit as lust filled them like water filling a pool. I would be an idiot to not notice how attractive Layanna was. She did excite me in certain ways but not really... enough? That sounded really shitty. I broke out of my inner thoughts to her soft lips kissing my neck. See like it felt good, small things felt good but sex? I tried not to over think it as my hands slipped under his round ass propping her up on my member a bit. She bucked her hips slightly before she attached our lips quickly so I would get distracted by how soft they were, how sweet they tasted.

I mean Layanna was my girlfriend I could have sex with her, just take charge- like that porn. Dominance. I flipped her onto her back and she now laid beside me on the couch- she must've thought the same thing from earlier was going to happen because a pout became visible but soon went away when I tugged on the shorts she was wearing bringing them down her Carmel covered legs. Her pink and white panties that I had seen her buy earlier this week at the mall made me nervous— was that bad? I was about to try to please my girlfriend and had no idea how. I let my index finger slip through her lips and trailed down slowly. Her legs shivered at my touch. Looking up at her to give me the okay before I slid down her underwear reviling her vagina her legs spread open for me— she was ready, but was I? I gulped being nervous especially because I felt her eyes on me— waiting for me to do something. I brought my head down so I was face to— pussy. I was becoming a man.. that's how the talks on tv usually go so that's what imma go with. I used my fingers to spread her lips and let my tongue drag over her inner labia— help class taught me nothing.

It didn't help the whole time I kept thinking if I was actually doing this right- especially because females could be trying to help your ego and fake it. I was so screwed.

The short answer to the question was no- I wasn't ready for this. I didn't know in that moment, her moans and well me focusing on getting my nut was the only thing that crossed my mind. Then when she wanted round two— I didn't wanna seem like a punk so we did it again. Not all the hype but deserved some. But most of all when we woke up on the couch half dressed and a blanket over us— I was regretting my life choices. Pressing my body up showing my exposed chest I checked under the blankets, basketball shorts. She on the other hand only wore my t- shirt. I let out a exhale examining my areas before my face became red hot. Without Layanna knowing she had took my virginity. I wasn't gonna try to be a looser about it so I just turned to wake the female up.

"Lay,we should go to your room before Daz comes back" I whispered in her ear. Nothing. I looked at her body and then the time- I didn't know what time Daz had got off of work so I needed a new plan. I then sent her butt a small smack as it was exposed and the female shifted into me letting out a whine.

"Lemme sleep E" She hummed saving her hand slightly.

"Baby- we should move to your room— you're kind of naked" I explained my voice giving up on me halfway through the conversation. Her eyes opened slowly and she gave me a small smile. Her neck had a few scattered hickeys on her chest and neck. But she didn't seem t care instead her hands touched my chest and she let a small smirk play on her face.

"I marked you up good— your fine light skin ass" She hummed before pushing herself off of me and stretching. "Come to my room— we can sleep then maybe go again" she said kissing my cheek before she wrapped the blanket around herself and headed up the stairs slowly. I sat there for a moment after her before actually getting up. Wow Egypt. You basically are experienced now— you can only get better. Even though I never really looked for girlfriends I was terrified of embarrassing myself when it came to sex— luckily Layanna didn't complain so it boosted my ego a smidge.

I headed up the stairs checking through my phone only to see a message from my mom about how there was no milk at the house. I didn't know if she wanted me to get some so I just left that message alone completely. Thud. "Oh- I'm sorry" I spoke as whatever I bumped into- whoever. Scared me half to death. Kaimons eyes stayed on mine for a long time. The silence at the top of the stairs was starting to become unsettling as he wouldn't move out of my way; the male just stood there before he smacked his lips together.

"Uh, uh, uh" he finally let out. "You let Layanna ride that shit before me?" He finally said.He perused out his lips in disappointment. "You teenagers are real dumb" he then spoke I scrunched my eyebrows up. He really thought that he was going to do that? "Was it atleast good?"

"Yeah" I responded confidently and he let out a loud laugh. Like he actually laughed in my face. I must've shown the embarrassment because at one point he actually tried to hide it in. TRY.

"Aw love bug you are so precious it's making me soft— and I'm a real pimp" he said a beautiful smirk spread across his face. "You know that shit was wack— probably was thinking of me the whole time" he hummed but when I saw him I could not picture that he was probably having sex aswell last night. I didn't need nor want the picture of kaimon naked in my head.

"Don't call me that— and atleast your sister didn't have sex with half the town!" I defended myself. I didn't know why kaimon poking jokes upset me so much but it did. "Don't catch nothing, Eazy E died to young.. doing the same thing" I spoke in his ear before pushing past the male. Kaimon was no good for me, he would ruin whatever I had good going on with Layanna and he almost caught me slipping into his trap.


I was gonna write out his and Layanna sex scene but I was like nah who really cares though .

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