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July 14th

"Nah Rose ion know- I left at 4am" I responded rubbing my forehead to help with the aching pain. "You're lying— now you know you had no business fucking him he got a girlfriend— Alright suck me, this ain't about me" I added as she told me the tea. I flipped my blanket off my body and gave a long stretch until my back cracked a bit. I rubbed my face before going to brush my teeth and pee half listening to rose rant. I rubbed my forehead hearing laughter downstairs and became intrigued.

"I got dinner with my parents tonight at 8- You down?" She asked I rubbed my face, her parents did always pick nice ass places to eat.

"Hell yea slide through and get me round 7" I decided patting the back of my head so I didn't mess up my waves.

"Okayyy bye stink" She hummed before the sounds of the phone call ending came through. I left the bathroom making my way downstairs- it was maybe noon time I assume by looking out the window, I had left my phone upstairs somehow because by the time I reached the bottom step I realized my hands were empty.

"Now this som-AYE IM WALKING HEA" I yelled at Layanna who almost knocked me over trying to go up the stairs. She turned to me looking like she was about to cry and I sucked my teeth becoming irritated. Who the hell got her stupid ass crying this early. "Aye bring dat ass down here" I grunted when she tried to continue her journey up the steps. "What's wrong with you?" She shook her head a few times trying to convince me then I smacked her upside her head.

"Kai What the fuck?" She exclaimed pushing me backwards.

"Your trifflin ass lied to me like five times in my fucking face- that's why Daz whooped ya ass last week huh?"

"No, she always trying be my momma! She ain't my momma" she huffed the emotion from before peaking back through.

"Yeah, she nicer than yo momma member dat part" I snickered. Although me and Daz has each other Layanna was the baby and my mom always had her back when we argued. Layanna was over sensitive and overall over dramatic but she was fucking smart with it — she learned half of it from me- sneaky bastard.

"No- y'all always gaining up on me! Always! Like when Daz told you bout my grades so you could embarrass me in front of the dance team! Not to mention I tell Daz one thing it trickles down to you! Not to mention you live to make my life hell!" She was frustrated I could tell by her red face and the tears spilling from her eyes. "I miss mommy! Everything was better when she was here" She knew better not to swing her hands around me so she clenched them and unclenched them as she talked. But soon enough I got tired of her valid reasons and decided to shut her ass up.

"Why would I live to make you miserable? Maybe unstable at times but miserable to much work for me— do that on ya own" I corrected her. "And your mother picked them streets over her kids remember that one. She had a real job! She could've kept that shit but she wanna be chasing quick cash and got her ass locked up. KNOWING she was all we had" I said mushing her face. "She ain't do shit for us then and we the ones putting money on her books not her lil gang either" me and Layanna stood eye to eye but her eyes said a lot. She was probably confused. Layanna always looked up to mommy the most, I think ma liked Layanna the most because her dad ain't leave her- he died messing with the same type of people that got her locked. My momma had Daz with some man she was suppose to marry, he dragged the engagement on for 3 years after cheating for two and then left my mom for some white girl— so she slept with his brother and skipped towns. It wasn't until after she burned Daz daddy car that she found out she was pregnant  with me. I guess messiness runs in my blood.

     "Don't talk about her like that" Layanna spoke in a bare whisper.

   "You know ion got time to be lying to you Layanna— that women moves only for herself, but she gave us life so we still gotta help her out"

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